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Search results: (634 matches)
Hungarian Helyesírás- és nyelvhelyesség ellenőrzõ Ezek szerint 2000 = XP ill. 2002 [quote]Katalin Horvath McClure
wrote: Bányászati eredmények: MLHYPH32.DLL -
Helyesel (elválasztó) ver. (c) 1991-1999
MorphoLogic MSPHU32.DLL - Helyes-e? (spellcheck)
Endre Both Feb 17, 2006
Hungarian Helyesírás- és nyelvhelyesség ellenőrzõ Magyar Office 2003 vagy Proofing Tools? [quote]Daniel Ehret wrote: Megnéztem, hasonló
konfigurációval élek én is és ugyanezeket
dobja vissza nálam is. [/quote] Dániel,
Magyar Office 2003-at használsz, vagy Proofin
Endre Both Feb 17, 2006
Hungarian Helyesírás- és nyelvhelyesség ellenőrzõ Keresd meg a fájlt a gépen [quote]Zsanett Pandur wrote: nekem ilyen könyvem
nincs a CD-hez.[/quote] Megtennék azok az
információk is, amelyet a gépre telepített
fájlok tartalmaznak. Rákereshetnél pl. eg
Endre Both Feb 16, 2006
Hungarian Helyesírás- és nyelvhelyesség ellenőrzõ Magyar Ispell vs. MS Proofing Tools vs. Morphologic [quote]Zsanett Pandur wrote: A
oldalon találod a cég termékeit, van nekik
több fajta is, és úgy hiszem a 2003 alatt is
futnak. ... Ezen kívül van a Microsoft
Endre Both Feb 16, 2006
Office applications Help on Find-Replace needed Search sequence Hi Uldis, if you only have one (uppercase!)
letter and one digit in each name, try
this: Search: ([A-Z][0-9])(
)(fig.) Replace: 321 For one letter and one
or more digits
Endre Both Feb 16, 2006
German Steuernummer und Kleinunternehmer Steuerpflicht des Leistungsempfängers [quote]Jerzy Czopik wrote: Selbst wenn Du hier im
Lande keine USt. ausweist, weißt dass der Kunde
im Ausland nicht. Und er ist so oder so
verpflichtet, die in seinem Land fällige USt.<
Endre Both Feb 16, 2006
Hungarian Mi van a ProZ-zal? Az ékezetes nevek hibás megjelenítéséről Az Unicode-ra átállított oldalakon (pl. a
magyar fórumon) az ékezetes nevek sajnos
hibásan jelennek meg. A ProZ műszaki
személyzete tud a hibáról, és remélem,
sikerül nems
Endre Both Feb 15, 2006
Hungarian Mi van a ProZ-zal? Unicode-ot támogató levelezőprogram szükséges [quote]T. Czibulyás wrote: @Endre! Hogy mit és
hogyan küldjek át? [/quote] Butaságot
írtam, hiszen ugyanazokat az értesítéseket
kapom én is, mint te. Úgyhogy semmit sem ke
Endre Both Feb 15, 2006
Hungarian Mi van a ProZ-zal? Unicode bevezetése Szia Tamás: További pontosítás hiányában
csak az ékezetes nevek ill. e-mailek hibás
megjelenítéséhez tudok hozzászólni. Mivel
elég nagy támogatottságot élvez már a<
Endre Both Feb 15, 2006
Site forums staff is in the process of migrating the forums to unicode Member names incorrectly displayed I can confirm the editing problem in the Hungarian
forum. See this post: In
addition, non-ASCII characters in member names are
displayed incor
Endre Both Feb 11, 2006
German Leerzeichen anzeigen in Excel?? Spezielle Schrift verwenden Hallo Lise, eine Lösung, die eventuell eine
bessere Lesbarkeit ermöglicht, wäre, eine
Schrift zu nutzen, die statt Leerzeichen die von
Word gewohnten Pünktchen anzeigt (wobei für d
Endre Both Feb 10, 2006
Office applications Transcription You need phonetic fonts There are specific fonts containing phonetic
symbols. There are some available for free, and of
course you can buy them too. Some "normal" fonts
include phonetic symbols as well (e.g. Aria
Endre Both Feb 3, 2006
General technical issues Problem with a corrupted file Workarounds [quote]Johanna Timm, PhD wrote: ...and/or have
the entire system checked out by the pros in my
computer shop. [/quote] Before you do that, be
sure to try the simple remedies suggested
Endre Both Feb 2, 2006 bugs Malfunctions with e-mail notifications and "not-for-points" questions converted into normal ones Notifications seem to work fine here Christine, I'm afraid I cannot offer any real
help; congratulatory e-mails seem to arrive OK
here. Since the e-mails triggered depend on the
KudoZ design ("oldest", "version 3" or "new"
Endre Both Jan 30, 2006 bugs Malfunctions with e-mail notifications and "not-for-points" questions converted into normal ones Please keep your posts to the point As a moderator, I have hidden a few posts which
were more personal than factual in
nature. Thanks in advance to everyone for
keeping their contributions focused on the subject
of th
Endre Both Jan 30, 2006
German Frage zur Einnahme-Überschuss-Rechnung in Quickbooks Ust gehört in die EÜ-Rechnung Ich kann nur bestätigen, dass meine Ust-Einnahmen
(inkl. eventueller Rückerstattungen vom FA z.B.
wegen korrigerter USt-Anmeldung) vom Steuerberater
jeweils im Jahr der Buchung als Einna
Endre Both Jan 27, 2006
Transit support How to accept fuzzy match in Transit Satellite PE 3 (shortcut)? Great, thanks Easy enough, thanks a lot, Jerzy. I finally
found it in Transit's help too (6.6.2 Building the
Fuzzy Index and accepting suggestions), but only
after reading your suggestion. I cannot s
Endre Both Jan 25, 2006
Transit support How to accept fuzzy match in Transit Satellite PE 3 (shortcut)? How to accept fuzzy match in Transit Satellite PE 3 (shortcut)? I'm once again requesting the help of experienced
Transit warriors :-). I'm looking for the
easiest way of accepting a fuzzy match from
Transit's Fuzzy Index window (which automatically
Endre Both Jan 25, 2006
Transit support Checking formatting codes in Transit Satellite PE There's a menu command for that Jerzy, try Options / Check formatting codes /
Start checking. It must be done for each
individual file, and you must be aware that not
all warnings actually indicate actual problems: I<
Endre Both Jan 20, 2006
Hungarian Mennyit kerjek? A lokalizálást időalapon kell elszámolni, vagy legalább a rendes ár többszörösén [quote]Csaba írta: Én kb. 50%-kal többet
szoktam kérni az ilyen munkáért, mint az
alapáram - és szerintem még ez sem fejezi ki
teljesen az ezzel járó pluszmunkát. ... 2.
Endre Both Jan 20, 2006
Transit support Transit Satellite PE - how can I merge segments? No merging in Satellite PE Hi Lise, Transit's help file
says: [quote] 6.8.5 Translating two segments
as one sentence You can write the translation
for two segments in a single segment. However, if
Endre Both Jan 18, 2006
German eine kleine Frage zu Sitten und Gebräuchen (Mod: Problem bei Direktansprache des Endkunden) Gutes Druckmittel [quote]Harry Bornemann wrote: Wenn sie es dann
doch grundlos einbehalten sollte, würde ich den
fehlenden Betrag als einmalige Vergütung für die
Vermittlung eines Endkunden betrachten u
Endre Both Jan 15, 2006
Déjà Vu support Deja Vu X Standard: Status Bar & AutoSearch problems Functions missing in DVX Standard Hi Eugenia, I'm afraid the functions you are
missing are not included in DVX Standard -- take a
look at the comparison table below, with
particular attention to the differences between<
Endre Both Jan 15, 2006
German eine kleine Frage zu Sitten und Gebräuchen (Mod: Problem bei Direktansprache des Endkunden) Direktkontakt mit Endkunden ohne Abstimmung mit dem Übersetzungsbüro unüblich Hallo Sabine, Ich kann hier zwar nur von den
Gepflogenheiten in Deutschland berichten (und auch
davon nur aus meinem subjektiven Blickwinkel und
auf Grundlage meines beschränkten
Endre Both Jan 14, 2006
Déjà Vu support Trial version: no file navigator, no project DVX without key = DVX Editor I'm not very knowledgeable about working with
satellite files, but I know that DVX [i]is[/i]
intended to work (in restricted, aka Editor mode)
without a key. If I'm not mistaken, this m
Endre Both Jan 13, 2006
German Arcor-Telefonkunden unter uns? Durch VoIP ist Entfall von Call-by-Call zu verschmerzen [quote]Jerzy Czopik wrote: (USA 1,5 Ct; Polen 2,2
Ct - das wären meine Prioritäten). Bei Arcor
kann man diese AFAIK nicht nutzen. Dafür sind
die Deutschlandgespräche inklusive und ma
Endre Both Jan 13, 2006
Software applications Uploading large files Two sites (max 10
MB) (max 500
MB) ...obviously not suited for sensitive
Endre Both Jan 12, 2006
Transit support How to activate automatic dictionary search in Transit Satellite PE? Thanks again [quote]Ewa Szymanowska wrote: As you said: mark
the segment as 'Not Translated' (Edit-Segment
Status-Not Translated), and when Transit asks
you: "Replace translated text in block with
Endre Both Jan 11, 2006
Transit support How to activate automatic dictionary search in Transit Satellite PE? Inserting still doesn't work [quote]Ewa Szymanowska wrote: Enjoy using
Transit:) [/quote] Thanks Ewa, I cannot really
say I am, but I'm definitely glad automatik lookup
works now. I still cannot insert the terms
Endre Both Jan 11, 2006
Transit support How to activate automatic dictionary search in Transit Satellite PE? Dictionary window -- Thanks, Ewa [quote]Ewa Szymanowska wrote: 2) when you open a
project, 5 windows open automatically (notes,
fuzzy). One of them contains the dictionary you
need (the project dictionary). Can you see a
Endre Both Jan 11, 2006
Transit support How to activate automatic dictionary search in Transit Satellite PE? Alt+T is disabled Thanks once again, Ewa. I have found out about the
Alt+T shortcut, but it's not available (the
corresponding command in the menu (Edit/Insert
term from dictionary) is greyed out, no idea
Endre Both Jan 11, 2006
Transit support How to activate automatic dictionary search in Transit Satellite PE? I have project dictionaries Thanks for asking, Ewa. I do have dictionaries
that came with the project (not only one but two)
and I can browse them, so theoretically I can look
up every word (although I find the di
Endre Both Jan 11, 2006
Transit support How to activate automatic dictionary search in Transit Satellite PE? How to activate automatic dictionary search in Transit Satellite PE? I'm using Transit Satellite PE 3.0. The online
help states the following: "Transit automatically
searches the project dictionaries in the
background for appropriate entries as you are
Endre Both Jan 11, 2006
Déjà Vu support Export problems with ppt files in DVX Location of source file important [quote]Sandrine Delrieu wrote: The thing is, I
don't import the files myself; I receive the files
already imported in DVX (along with the source
files, in the same folder), and I wonder i
Endre Both Jan 5, 2006
KudoZ Mismatched KudoZ notification Flagging [quote]Cilian O'Tuama wrote: far it only
seems to concern "flagged"
colleagues.[/quote] If you flag someone, you
are notified of all questions they ask regardless
of the lang
Endre Both Jan 4, 2006
German Muss der Übersetzer den Code für die Programmierung anpassen? Irgendwo müssen Änderungen erfolgt sein [quote]Kerstin Mouhannaya wrote: Und: Trados hat
zur Bearbeitung nur den zu übersetzenden Text
angezeigt, weshalb die Dateien vermutlich auch mit
Trados bearbeitet werden sollten. Es wur
Endre Both Dec 12, 2005
German Muss der Übersetzer den Code für die Programmierung anpassen? Fragen Hallo Kerstin, Handbücher enthalten
normalerweise keinen Programmcode, um welche Art
von Code soll es hier gehen? Handelt es sich um
eine Markup-Sprache (XML, HTML)? In diesen sollt
Endre Both Dec 12, 2005
Hungarian Hát nem imádni való... Aj�nlat, amit nem kell elfogadni [quote]mzdude wrote: Ha a megb�z� tal�l
�gy az ig�nyeinek megfelel� ford�t�t,
akkor mindketten j�l j�rtak,
�men. [/quote] Ezzel szerintem mindent
Endre Both Dec 7, 2005
General technical issues Looking for the HEX Code for apostrophe (') 39 The ASCII code of "'" (not curled in any
direction) is 39. BTW, here's a list of ANSI
characters, the first 127 correspond to the ASCII
Endre Both Dec 6, 2005
German Dow Jones stoppt Übersetzerdienste aus Ungarn Überschneidungen zw. redaktioneller Arbeit und Übersetzungen Wie Marc sagt, gibt es hier Überschneidungen.
Zudem lagen im beschriebenen Fall aus
Übersetzersicht erschwerte Anforderungen vor: Die
Übersetzungen waren fast "in Echtzeit" zu
Endre Both Dec 6, 2005
German Dow Jones stoppt Übersetzerdienste aus Ungarn Dow Jones stoppt Übersetzerdienste aus Ungarn "Es war das erste Mal, dass deutsche
Journalisten-Arbeit an einen Billigstandort
ausgelagert wurde: Seit 2004 ließ die
Nachrichtenagentur Dow Jones einen Teil ihres
deutschen Dienstes
Endre Both Dec 5, 2005
German Wie ist richtig? Variante 2 . Endre Both Dec 5, 2005
Transit support How to get Star Transit PXF translated using TRADOS TM You can copy translated files into the project [quote]Vito Smolej wrote: I received the PXF and
have to deliver in transit form as well, that's my
problem. [/quote] It's still not clear to me
what format you translated in Trados,
Endre Both Dec 4, 2005
Transit support How to get Star Transit PXF translated using TRADOS TM Problem not clear Vito, if you have "translated the whole darn file
(PXF contents) in TRADOS environment", why do you
want to re-translate it in Transit? Or have you
translated the individual files (PPT,
Endre Both Dec 4, 2005
Translation Theory and Practice Please tell me how to DTP a translationof .pdf file Ask for the original file or deliver unformatted DTP is for DTP professionals. Alternatively,
the client can provide you with the original file
they produced the PDF from, and if you have the
appropriate application (and the expertise
Endre Both Dec 4, 2005
Office applications Does anyone use Access+Word for invoicing? Database basics + VBA programming Stanislaw, if you know the basics of database
design and management, if you know your way around
VBA programming (e.g. from Word), and if you have
already designed a few forms in VB or VBA
Endre Both Dec 2, 2005
Office applications Does anyone use Access+Word for invoicing? Access reports As Steven says, using reports in Access is
considerably simpler as it saves you the
interfacing part between both applications (which
is of course possible). Access reports offer
Endre Both Dec 2, 2005
Office applications Office 2000 CD should be OK If the application installs without errors, it is
extremely unlikely that the CD is at fault. So
I would look for other (software-related)
errors. Endre
Endre Both Dec 1, 2005
Hungarian Tud valaki segíteni a "pontelosztásban"? Ha szépen köszönetet mondasz, minden OK :-) [quote]Eva Ballentine wrote: Ez így
igazságtalan, mert nem mindig egy szó a
válasz... [/quote] Egyrészt az
"igazságtalanságok" hosszabb aktivitás során
általában kiegye
Endre Both Dec 1, 2005
Transit support Transit: choosing the language for fuzzy index window A few ideas I used to have the same problem with DéjàVu (DV3
version): the wrong language setting came back
each time I went on to the next target cell. The
problem came from nowhere, and after a ce
Endre Both Nov 30, 2005


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