Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 27 '07 eng>eng a rough-knuckled, hard-swinging ape aggressive, strong, ill-tempered? pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '07 eng>eng he felt indifferent to people who wanted to be tainted by Lawrence so long as th he didn't care about people SEEKING to experience Lawrence's writing, to be corrupted by it... pro closed no
4 Nov 19 '07 rus>eng некто some person, some man/woman pro closed no
- Nov 18 '07 rus>eng отгонять мысль to banish the thought pro closed no
4 Nov 18 '07 eng>eng to deal with it/him 1. with it. 2. Are you sure about 'deal'? pro closed no
- Nov 17 '07 rus>eng жертва дьявольской махинации a victim of a devilish/wicked scheme pro closed no
4 Nov 5 '07 rus>eng жить-поживать и добра наживать to live happily everafter pro closed no
- Oct 30 '07 rus>eng тыкать будете пальцы в розетку, A workaround pro closed no
- Oct 27 '07 eng>eng distance of the lower orders close to people of a lower social status/position pro closed ok
- Oct 11 '07 eng>eng genitive - brother’s The fact that her brother is a righter resolves any ambiguity easy closed no
- Oct 10 '07 eng>eng The house must make no insistent demands for itself the house shouldn't require extensive maintenance, should be part of the means, not the purpose pro closed ok
- Oct 6 '07 rus>eng дали бы ей от ворот поворот would have turned here away pro closed ok
4 Sep 29 '07 rus>eng выходцами, как говорят, от Ужгорода до Владивостока Pls see below pro closed no
4 Sep 28 '07 eng>eng Dick-a-dum-dum a song pro closed no
2 Sep 19 '07 eng>eng of its own distance - in terms of worlds and times pls see below pro closed no
4 Sep 12 '07 rus>eng Правда, первое подозрение сумасшествия {However|That said|Nevertheless} the first {signs|indications} of insanity... pro closed no
- Sep 12 '07 rus>eng «Шевроле», за рулем которого сидела красивая блондинка A Chevrolet with a beautiful blond behind the wheel pro closed no
- Sep 12 '07 rus>eng отпевали в соборе The Requiem [{mass|service}] for Jacob was held in the ... Cathedral pro closed no
- Sep 12 '07 eng>eng banished psychologically considered/'mentally assigned' as 'having nothing to do with my/our life' pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '07 rus>eng такой вкус у крови. И перед потерей сознания тоже. , blood tastes this way, ... pro closed no
4 Sep 6 '07 rus>eng не дышал, а стучал колесами поезда In fact, now he was not so much breathing as panting ... pro closed no
- Sep 4 '07 rus>eng урка mobster, gangster pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '07 rus>eng что-то от уголовника, правда, несколько декоративного his new gait made him look a bit like ... pro closed no
- Aug 30 '07 rus>eng заиграла улыбка Jacob's eyes sparkled, an odd smile playing on his {face|lips}. pro closed no
- Aug 30 '07 rus>eng по вымершей авеню, сам – мертвец ...along the dead[-]empty, silent avenue, {nothing|not much} [live] left in his own existence pro closed no
- Aug 29 '07 rus>eng огибая и перепрыгивая лужи, часто ходил keeping the order pro closed no
- Aug 28 '07 rus>eng поплыв в сентябрьском воздухе floating in the September air pro closed no
- Aug 22 '07 rus>eng Вам помочь или не мешать? [Should {we|it}] help you or get out of your way? pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '07 eng>eng in the open / high hairdo left her ... ears open / didn't cover her .. ears easy closed no
- Aug 12 '07 rus>eng скрипя кожей one way to say it pro closed ok
- Aug 12 '07 rus>eng понатыканы The area where (tents and such...) used to stand/be, was now spotted with... pro closed no
- Aug 11 '07 rus>eng инеем покрылась got covered with frost pro closed ok
- Jul 20 '07 rus>eng замыкающая сила слова sealing? pro closed ok
- Jun 18 '07 eng>eng Hook up to engage in casual sexual activities with people with whom one doesn't have relationships pro closed ok
- Jun 5 '07 eng>eng He stood his chance for the rest He grabbed this chance to use a brake pro closed ok
- May 25 '07 eng>eng Ah, linger on, moment! I'd go with an existing published translation, pro closed no
- May 24 '07 eng>eng close call Not even close to the truth/true situation pro closed ok
- May 21 '07 rus>eng Бригадир и Отличница Foreman and Honor Student (no articles) pro closed no
4 May 19 '07 rus>eng Нас утро встречает прохладой The morning greets us with its cool/freshness / We wake up to the mornign cool / freshness pro closed ok
4 May 18 '07 rus>eng теплится lingers on pro closed ok
- May 16 '07 rus>eng связан период моего становления как человека {For me|In my mind}, Jack London is associated with my formative period/years pro closed ok
- May 13 '07 eng>eng and will look a hundred years after It is us, humans, who (w/commas) pro closed no
4 May 12 '07 rus>eng миг, который называется жизнью that fleeting moment we call life pro closed ok
- May 12 '07 rus>eng начертание ассоциируется с определенными понятиями the English typeface [itself] associated for me with certain concepts pro closed ok
- May 11 '07 rus>eng божий одуванчик [looking] frail as a[n]... pro closed ok
- May 3 '07 rus>eng Каюсь, чуяло моё сердце Looks like 'before' pro closed no
- May 2 '07 rus>eng шпарить was [going] at it in fluent French pro closed ok
- Apr 26 '07 rus>eng please help with the highlighted phrase Is there a need for any guarantees/assurance between two [decent] men like us?... pro closed no
4 Apr 24 '07 rus>eng с литературной точки зрения мне тоже pro closed ok
- Apr 24 '07 eng>eng No donut for you without any context... pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered