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Wordfast support Adding terms in WFP In WFC: 1. Select the source term. Click
CTRL-ALT-T. 2. Select the target term. Click
CTRL-ALT-T. 3. Term window appears. Press Enter,
window disappears, term added. In WFP: 1.
Spiros Doikas Oct 23, 2013
Wordfast support WORDFAST PRO: Respect Trados external/internal styles? Interesting To be honest, I see no reason (or technical
difficulty) why WFP should not be able to deal
with these styles. After all, DVX, MetaTexis, WFC,
etc, can do it.
Spiros Doikas Oct 23, 2013
Wordfast support WORDFAST PRO: Respect Trados external/internal styles? Thanks Well, since things are moving towards a non-Word
environment, I think it would be a good thing if
WFP could also handle these :)
Spiros Doikas Oct 23, 2013
Wordfast support WORDFAST PRO: Respect Trados external/internal styles? Thanks, Dominique I know that, I still try to figure out how to
handle Trados internal style (red) for tags. Is
there any way for that?
Spiros Doikas Oct 23, 2013
Wordfast support WORDFAST PRO: Respect Trados external/internal styles? I try to add a word doc with Trados external
style. However, no matter whether I check "Ignore
bilingual files" in the Formats for doc files or
not, the result is that text with Trados ext
Spiros Doikas Oct 22, 2013
Trados support Converting SDLXLIFF file to TTX file There is an app that does that
lxlifftolegacyconverter-194.html http://www.youtu
Spiros Doikas Oct 16, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help Foreign Desk - any experience? Terminology If you want to enhance its terminology workflow,
check out
Spiros Doikas Mar 2, 2013
Trados support SDL log in issues OK Sorry I missed that. Spiros Doikas Feb 15, 2013
Trados support SDL log in issues When trying to log in to download an app say from
ge/Default.aspx It first goes
Spiros Doikas Feb 15, 2013
Trados support Autotext It was tested in the past if that makes any sense ;) "Hacky" means in a
non-standard way, in the sense of exploring what
one can do with a software beyond its officially
described functionality.
Spiros Doikas Jan 22, 2013
Trados support Autotext I have experimented with this feature in the past,
in a "hacky" way, so that I could add custom-made
lists from a txt file. However, there were a few
glitches like duplicates appearing at
Spiros Doikas Jan 22, 2013
Déjà Vu support Delete from cursor position to end of segment Is there such a shortcut? I.e. in Trados it is
"Delete to End of Row" Ctrl+D. I only found
age/111668 http://tech.groups.y
Spiros Doikas Oct 11, 2012
Déjà Vu support Overwriting content in target I see So indeed it is inconsistency of the program and
documentation. I would expect full target text
overwrite (without selection) as it is done with
Spiros Doikas Oct 11, 2012
Déjà Vu support Overwriting content in target The point of other shortcuts is to quickly insert
(overwrite) based on the portion number. It is
faster than selecting first with
Ctrl+Shift+Right/Left Arrows and then
inserting. But here the
Spiros Doikas Oct 10, 2012
Déjà Vu support Overwriting content in target I have tried Ctrl+Alt+Num1 Yes, I have tried Ctrl+Alt+Num1 too. Does not work
either, it copies text too without
overwriting. Adding a new shortcut key on that
shortcut had the same result.

[Edited at
Spiros Doikas Oct 10, 2012
Déjà Vu support Overwriting content in target I am trying to find a shortcut that copies content
from AutoSearch and overwrites existing target
content, but to no avail. I tried Ctrl+Shift+1 (or
any other number) as explained in manua
Spiros Doikas Oct 10, 2012
Wordfast support Wordfast Anywhere and Term replacement Thanks for your suggestions [quote]You can copy terms directly with first
letter + tab [/quote] This can be very
unpractical if your target language requires a
change of keyboard language.
Spiros Doikas Feb 10, 2012
Wordfast support Wordfast Anywhere and Term replacement I may have a glossary entry added, but when it
opens the TU, it ignores it (i.e. the source term
is not replaced with target term and it has to be
done manually), do you know how this can
Spiros Doikas Feb 10, 2012
Trados support Studio: Pretranslating terms? feature ? Well, if it was an option, people could
enable/disable as fit, as the feature idea does
not fit all purposes. In both DVX/MetaTexis for
example there are further options on how to handle
Spiros Doikas Dec 10, 2010
Trados support Studio: Pretranslating terms? Terms My ideal approach would be to have a setting
whether a user wants to have the terms inserted
automatically when opening the TU and replacing
source terms (standard procedure in DVX,
Spiros Doikas Dec 10, 2010
Trados support Studio: Importing/exporting abbreviation list Thanks :) Thank you very much for your quick reply, Paul. Spiros Doikas Dec 10, 2010
Trados support Studio: Pretranslating terms? Is there a Studio option to pretranslate terms? Spiros Doikas Dec 10, 2010
Trados support Studio: Importing/exporting abbreviation list There only seems to be a way to add them one by
one. Also, they appear to be TM specific, so if
one creates a new TM they have to be added one by
one again. Perhaps these settings ar
Spiros Doikas Dec 10, 2010
Trados support How to identify and batch cleanup segments where source and target segments are identical Olifant Olifant does it, but it tends to crash terribly
with large TMs. Xbench offers these QA
checks: Find untranslated segments Find
segments with the same source text and different
Spiros Doikas Dec 9, 2010
Trados support "Translating" Word graphics with Trados Studio For example a header image with a company logo
when the same image is available in the target
language. Is there any easier way than simply
opening the translated document and pasting the
Spiros Doikas Dec 9, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009 alignment penalty option? Thanks :) I wonder how much counterintuitive an application
can get...
Spiros Doikas Dec 9, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009 alignment penalty option? Thanks :) Where exactly do I apply this penalty? In
Penalties option I can "Missing formatting..." etc
type penalties, but not a global TM

[Edited at 2010-12-09 17:15 GMT]
Spiros Doikas Dec 9, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009 alignment penalty option? Is there such a setting in Studio? Spiros Doikas Dec 9, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio 2009 SP1 - F12 to save a new term? SP3 I can see that this has not improved at SP3. Can
you confirm this?
Spiros Doikas Dec 3, 2010
Software applications Converting TBX 2 CSV Maybe this Spiros Doikas Jun 17, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of these PDF-to-Word converters provides the most useful output? Abbyy is not plain pdf converted it is OCR And hence can "convert" pdf files which contain
images. The rest, can cope only with pdf files
containing text. So really, the poll is
Spiros Doikas May 7, 2010
Trados support Cannot import TMX from SDL Trados 2009 into Workbench TMW TM Use a macro from Excel
Spiros Doikas May 5, 2010 technical support Reproducing profile content on own website hyperlinking [quote]John Fossey wrote: The technical way is
to create an HTML Frame using the tag, where the
target web page will appear as a component of your
page. But the legalities and ethics
Spiros Doikas Apr 2, 2010
Trados support Does anyone use AT from Google Translate with Studio 2009 SP2? MetaTexis Also offers (since 2006) Google MT (and it is much
faster too).
Spiros Doikas Mar 8, 2010
Trados support Does anyone use AT from Google Translate with Studio 2009 SP2? It depends on type of text. On general texts it can save you
a lot of time. You will have to test it for
Spiros Doikas Mar 8, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What kind of training have you had with your CAT tool? comments Self-taught many years ago when there were no
courses around.
Spiros Doikas Feb 13, 2010
Alchemy support Matches from Trados TM Thanks What would be the best way to get ttk matches?
Create a Catalyst TM and import the Trados TM to
Spiros Doikas Jan 28, 2010
Alchemy support Matches from Trados TM ttk Yes, matches from current ttk project. Trados
matches appear just fine. (I have one active
Trados TM).
Spiros Doikas Jan 28, 2010
Alchemy support Matches from Trados TM I use Catalyst 8 linked with a Trados TM. I
translate a sentence, press Enter to move to next
TU. However, if the next TU is a fuzzy match (i.e.
70% or over) no match appears. It seems
Spiros Doikas Jan 28, 2010
Alchemy support Shortcut to get translation Brilliant Many thanks, Jette -:) Spiros Doikas Jan 28, 2010
Alchemy support Shortcut to get translation When there is a fuzzy match is there a shortcut
like "get translation" in Trados? I use Catalyst
8 linked with a Trados TM.
Spiros Doikas Jan 27, 2010
Trados support Translating Using Content Management System CMS What CMS does your company use? Some CMSs support
exporting of content to CAT compatible formats,
or, you can translate content online (without CAT
capabilities though) and maintain mulitl
Spiros Doikas Dec 14, 2009
Trados support How to recreate source document from bilingual word file Metatexis can do it too. Use "Restore source text"
Spiros Doikas Nov 15, 2009
Trados support My very own nightmare with SDL Trados 2009!!! Personally I tend not to use new software (especially OSs)
until they are well tested and most bugs fixed.
Also, I tend (in most cases) to accept default
installation settings.

[Edited at
Spiros Doikas Nov 3, 2009
Trados support A TRADOS 2009 Getting Started Guide? Click to Home Getting started tutorials in Studio 2009. Spiros Doikas Nov 1, 2009
Trados support Trados Studio 2009 SP1 - F12 to save a new term? Thank you for confirming this. I am really so surprised at
the lack of testing there must have been in order
to have workflow issues of this type, now on SP1.
Seems that some people are accustomed t
Spiros Doikas Nov 1, 2009
Trados support Trados Studio 2009 SP1 - F12 to save a new term? Of course I define them in the Studio. I deleted ths F12
association in the Editor shortcuts but there is
no actual shortcut option for Save this entry,
which is the command to save the entry. So
Spiros Doikas Nov 1, 2009
Trados support Trados Studio 2009 SP1 - F12 to save a new term? I Have assigned a shortcut to add new term. So it
would be: my shortcut + F12. It is absurd if this
does not work. Can you test it like this?
Spiros Doikas Nov 1, 2009
Trados support Trados Studio 2009 SP1 - Filter by type of match in review mode? Thanks so much, I do agree with you. Trados never ceases to amaze
me at how counter-intuitive a software can be. I
think this is because of programmers who are not
translators or do not grasp the implicat
Spiros Doikas Nov 1, 2009
Trados support Trados Studio 2009 SP1 - Filter by type of match in review mode? How can one filter by type of match in review
mode? I.e. see only context matches, etc.
Spiros Doikas Nov 1, 2009

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