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Italian Thread sulla possibilità di "valutare" le offerte di lavoro pubblicate su Per Sarah Jane e Paola Grazie ad entrambe per il supporto. Ho provveduto
a segnalare il thread ad alcuni colleghi via
e-mail e tramite la pagina di un powwow, alcuni
sono stati molto collaborativi :) La manca
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 16, 2009
Italian Thread sulla possibilità di "valutare" le offerte di lavoro pubblicate su Grazie Silvia :-) [quote]Silvia Barra wrote: Ciao
Ale, effettivamente non avevo notato l'altro
thread. L'iniziativa mi sembra davvero
interessante. Certo, come alcuni dicono, può
anche fallire, per
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 16, 2009
Italian Thread sulla possibilità di "valutare" le offerte di lavoro pubblicate su Ciao a tutti, volevo segnalarvi questo
h_job_posting.html Io e Robert (il colleg
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 16, 2009 job systems Allow site members/users to rate each job posting To Eleftherios Dear Eleftherios, I understand your point of
view and - yes - this might fail, BUT if we don't
even try it will fail before it actually
starts. If you surf you can easily se
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 16, 2009 job systems Allow site members/users to rate each job posting Great suggestion :) Count me in ;) Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 15, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Milan - Italy Interessante proposta inerente le offerte di lavoro su Proz Ciao a tutti, scusate se uso questo spazio, ma
vorrei segnalarvi il post del collega Robert
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 15, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp You are working too hard on your computer when... That's exactly what I did last week... [quote]Dallas Cao wrote: You suddenly realize
that Autumn has come when on rare occasions you
get out of your house wearing your sleeveless and
see everyelse has already put on their th
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 14, 2009 job systems Why are *transcription* jobs posted? That's a shame.. Hegel and Croce were great :-) [quote]Robert Forstag wrote: Thank you for
taking the time to respond. Point taken, but
you are referring to instances in which the
transcription is part of a larger project. The
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 13, 2009 job systems Why are *transcription* jobs posted? My two cents Hi Robert :) Transcription as a stand-alone
service surely looks "off topic" to a language
professional, but I have some regular customers
who purchase transcription AND translation of<
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 13, 2009 suggestions Display standardized information.. can we improve this? Thank you Lucia! Dear Lucia, thank you for your kind and prompt
answer, as usual :-) Toggling visibility is
indeed a good step on the road to personalization,
I'll work on it. Thanks again :)
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 13, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Milan - Italy Grazie a tutti .. per l'atmosfera, per le idee, per la compagnia
e per tutto il resto :) Complimenti a Nona e Jo
per l'organizzazione, siete state magnifiche :-)
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 11, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Milan - Italy Scusatemi... ... ma gli operai che devono rifare il tetto al
condominio non hanno trovato momento migliore che
il sabato mattina per venire a chiedere delle
informazioni... arriverò verso le 13-13.15,
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 10, 2009 suggestions Display standardized information.. can we improve this? Dear Proz staff and colleagues, I'm currently
working on my profile presentation and was
thinking about highlighting sample translations
and some other information which can be found in
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 8, 2009
Italian Il De Mauro online se ne va!! Sigh! Ciao Luca, intanto grazie per la segnalazione.
Il De Mauro è una delle mie fonti preferite, sia
in formato cartaceo sia online, credo che questo
sia davvero un danno enorme da un punto
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 8, 2009
Business issues Should I list my client's clients in my resumé? No mentioning if you didn't have direct contact with them Hi Toralf! I understand that listing big names
might capture potential customers' attention, but
I think it would be unfair to list them if you
didn't actually had a direct contact with
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 1, 2009's Virtual Conferences 2009 virtual conference: Congratulations! Splendid conference organization! Great day :) My congratulations to anyone who made this
possible. Thumbs up for staff presence
in the booths, taking care of our doubts and
troubles instead of enjoying the event themselves
Alessandra Martelli (X) Oct 1, 2009's Virtual Conferences 2009 virtual conference: Photos of ProZian's "attending" the event 100 points to Henry :) [quote]Henry D wrote: [quote]Alessandra
Martelli wrote: Just to destroy my last traces
of reputation... [/quote] :D By the way, is
that Janis? [/quote] Yes, she is. She's my
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 30, 2009's Virtual Conferences 2009 virtual conference: Photos of ProZian's "attending" the event Ok, here we go.... Just to destroy my last traces of
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 30, 2009
Italian Iscrizione a vale la pena pagare la quota? My two cents... Ciao e benvenuta :-) La mia esperienza con Proz
è iniziata qualche anno fa, leggevo le KudoZ (da
cui ho imparato moltissimo, anche in campi che non
rientrano nelle mie aree di lavoro)
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 30, 2009
Italian Long hyphenated words...come tradurle? svegliacolazionemail no? :) [quote]Gianni Pastore wrote: Per l'hypen,
personalmente uso spesso "sveglia-doccia-caffè",
credo abbia "visivamente" più impatto di
"svegliadocciacaffè" come suggerisce Alessandra,
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 23, 2009
Italian Long hyphenated words...come tradurle? Scriveretuttoattaccato :) Una soluzione grafica che io a volte utilizzo - ma
che ho visto anche utilizzare da persone più
esperte di me ;-) - è quella di scrivere le
parole senza interruzioni, ad
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 23, 2009
Off topic If I could translate as fast as... Not for guitars only... I've seen Al Di Meola playing live, and I can tell
you the man knows how to play heaven and hell out
of strings. However, we cannot talk about fast
players without mentioning Keith Emer
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 18, 2009
Off topic If I could translate as fast as... I'd be more than happy... ... to achieve this result: Eddi
e Van Halen ->"Eruption"
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 18, 2009
Business issues Where to look for creative writers for a freelance translator? Give some credit to yourself :) Hi Maciek! I'm working on the same idea in
these days, I'm completely rebuilding my website,
resume, marketing tools etc. and I was thinking
about a brochure too, but I decided to devel
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 16, 2009
Italian "requisiti" e le "tariffe" offerte in una richiesta di collaborazione Scherzi a parte... Sinceramente non credo valga nemmeno la pena di
"controbattere" ad un'offerta del genere. Gia' dal
tono dell'annuncio si capisce chiaramente che
desiderano avere a che fare con una macchin
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 14, 2009
Italian "requisiti" e le "tariffe" offerte in una richiesta di collaborazione devono aver speso troppo per il sito... ... e quindi per chi lavora rimangono le briciole
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 14, 2009
Getting established Confused would be Translator seeks professional opinion... I'd rather go with Russian to Italian... Welcome Aly86 :-) I'm afraid I cannot give you
any University advices, but I can tell you that
English to Italian and Spanish to Italian are
really "crowded" language pairs, so I think
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 13, 2009
Italian Il traduttore freelance, questo sconosciuto .. e ti pagano? Quello nel titolo è stato il commento di mia
mamma quando le ho comunicato cosa avrei voluto
fare nella vita :eek: Credo sia stato il più
fantasioso in assoluto..
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 10, 2009
Literature / Poetry Eco's quotation Translation is the art of failure This sentence in Italian would be like: "La
traduzione è l'arte del fallire" I'm sorry but
I don't have Eco's book at disposal right now, so
I cannot find the original sentence.
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 1, 2009
Literature / Poetry Eco's quotation Dire quasi la stessa cosa The sentence is taken from the book "Dire quasi la
stessa cosa. Esperienze di traduzione" (2003). It
has been translated into Spanish (Decir casi lo
mismo) In the following link you wil
Alessandra Martelli (X) Sep 1, 2009
Italian Tariffe traduttori italiani Qualche precisazione Il mio pensiero sullo sconto richiesto (o non
richiesto) all'avvocato-medico-panettiere era,
ovviamente, una mezza battuta. Dico mezza perché
i problemi alla base sono quelli ben spiegati
Alessandra Martelli (X) Aug 7, 2009
Italian Tariffe traduttori italiani Stessa richiesta Mi è arrivata ieri la stessa richiesta di
condivisione TM, proposta che ho ovviamente
cestinato. Inutile dire che gli unici contatti
che ho con l'agenzia suddetta sono delle
Alessandra Martelli (X) Aug 6, 2009
Social networking Poll: Do you have a blog? Yes, personal I do have a blog, and I like it. It isn't
focused on a particular topic, it is just a place
where I put some little bits of myself (music I
like, pictures I take, books I read, cooking<
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jul 16, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever contributed with a text to Wikipedia? Fixed some... I never wrote from scratch, but I do correct bad
pieces of information, typos and syntax
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jul 12, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you take risks in your professional life/work? Yes... ...Who doesn't? Freelancing is risky on an
on-going basis, as you'll never be sure of what
your income will be, it just goes better as you go
on if you manage to get good contacts with
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jul 8, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you send a thank-you message after receiving payment from a client? Maybe you got me wrong... [quote]Wil Hardman wrote: This is a dilema I
always have: I don't want to bother the customer
with an unnecessary e-mail, but nor do I want to
seem rude. I've never had confirmation eit
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jul 7, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you send a thank-you message after receiving payment from a client? Yes I usually send an aknowledgment e-mail with a
"Thank you" in it when I receive payment, it
doesn't take me that long and customers like
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jul 7, 2009 suggestions When I participate in a forum thread (time!) I would like to be notified when it is removed. Didn't receive the e-mail notification either... Thanks Jared for explaining us what happened :-) Alessandra Martelli (X) Jul 1, 2009
Italian Dichiarazione dei redditi: una batosta Regime minimi e fatture all'estero Ciao Linda, non so se questo possa esserti
utile, ma io mi son informata per il regime dei
minimi specificando che devo fatturare verso
l'estero ed all'agenzia delle entrate mi è stato
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 30, 2009
Translator resources Translator charges and fees - compare against other translators ... guess we don't speak the same language [quote]kenax wrote: I mentioned beer prices
because, as I said, I consider them INDICATIVE of
local costs of living, which I have verified
because I travel a lot around the world and it
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 30, 2009
Translator resources Translator charges and fees - compare against other translators I don't really want to be the one to tell you the truth, but... [quote]kenax wrote: I lived there 15 years, up
to 3 years ago. I heard the prices went up, so
perhaps now 30 Kc minimum for half a litre of beer
in most pubs. That works out to just ove
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 30, 2009
Translator resources Translator charges and fees - compare against other translators If those rates are "the future of translation"... ... I'm gonna get me a gun and blow my brain
off! How can you possibly live with EUR
0.03/word? Do the translators in your database
actually pay taxes, house rental or food? The
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 27, 2009
Italian Un libro per l’estate Jane Austen! Quest'estate ho in programma la rilettura (in
ordine cronologico) dei sei romanzi compiuti di
Jane Austen, trovati tutti in lingua originale e
scontatissimi, meglio di così... :-) In a
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 27, 2009
Off topic 5000 words ROTFL Matteo, thanks for sharing :-) Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 27, 2009
Money matters Transcriptions 20 sounds good to me, if... Hi Laura :-) I often work on transcriptions
(3-4 per month) and I can tell you, like other
collegues told you before, price heavily depends
on a number of factors: 1. What kind of sp
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 26, 2009
Italian Penguin Popular Classics in offerta nei negozi Fnac Ciao a tutti, ieri pomeriggio mi son concessa
un giro alla Fnac di Torino e... meraviglia! Una
selezione di classici della letteratura inglese a
soli Eur 2.90... inutile dire che avere
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 25, 2009
Software applications Problems with outgoing mails in Thunderbird No problems here Hi Attila, I use the same Thunderbird version -
automatically updated yesterday - on Windows XP
SP2 as well, but I actually have no
troubles. Hope you'll fix the problem
soon, A
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 25, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp A Classic - Translation on 'I Love Lucy' Great! Good morning Allison and thanks for
sharing! Here is one of my favourite dictionary
related sketches of all times, the Hungarian
Phrasebook by the mighty Monty
Python: http://www
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 18, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: When I find a difficult term to translate, I first... Paper dictionaries I can understand this might look out of fashion
(at least, I can try to undertand) , but I first
look up at my paper dictionaries (both general and
field dictionaries, monolingual or bilin
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 17, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Torino - Italy ottimo :-) Ciao Nicole, grazie dell'aggiornamento, mi sono
organizzata e sarò presente ^_^
Alessandra Martelli (X) Jun 16, 2009

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