Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 12 '18 rus>eng Распоряжение a laboratory disposition pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '17 rus>eng притворная сделка a bogus transaction / a sham deal / fictitious transaction pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '17 rus>eng правоспособность vs дееспособность legal capacity / capacity to acct or capacity for action pro closed no
- Aug 17 '17 rus>eng Списание ошибочно зачисленных средств write off of erroneously credited items pro closed ok
4 Aug 4 '17 rus>eng Государственный реестр аккредитованных филиалов, state register of accredited branches pro closed no
4 Jul 31 '17 rus>eng ...компании с совершенно непрофильным бизнесом corporation with ancillary business pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '17 rus>eng предварительная правовая квалификация preliminary legal qualifications pro closed no
- Jan 28 '17 rus>eng вывести из процедуры искусственного банкротства we tried to prevent the company from being involved in the fictitious insolvency procedure pro closed no
- Oct 5 '15 rus>eng Организационно-правовые вопросы туризма tourism-related legal questions of organisational character pro closed ok
- Nov 30 '13 rus>eng сэкономленные средства saved items pro closed no
- Aug 14 '13 rus>eng Бережливость an economy lesson to managers and shareholders pro closed no
4 Aug 6 '13 rus>eng Начальник отдела оргработы head of the general administration department pro closed no
- Jun 7 '13 rus>eng прямые сотрудники direct collaborators pro closed ok
4 Mar 18 '13 rus>eng как отвечающую требованиям compliant with the requirements pro closed ok
- Mar 18 '13 rus>eng привести конкурсную заявку to submit a competitive bid (tender) pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '13 rus>eng ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЕН ДЛЯ ДАННОЙ ВЕРСИИ ДОКУМЕНТА valid for the document version in question (or for the present doc.) pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '13 rus>eng Оценка клиентами пользы от предоставляемых услуг clients´assessment of the benefit of the services offered (provided ?) pro closed ok
- Feb 7 '13 rus>eng Наработки personal contribution or input (by working out .........) pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '13 rus>eng по сокращенной программе as per abridged programs (mes) pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '12 rus>eng целесообразный expedient pro closed ok
- Dec 16 '12 rus>eng рационализаторское предложение streamlining or rationalizing proposal pro closed ok
- Nov 14 '12 rus>eng исключать участника из ООО the associate of the LLC was excluded from the firm pro just_closed no
- Oct 19 '12 rus>eng отношение параллельного существования adopt an attitude of parallel existence pro closed ok
- Jun 10 '12 rus>eng работа, для которой трудно найти исполнителя hard to find someone willing to do the job pro closed no
- Jun 3 '12 rus>eng Справка о деловой репутации и судебных разбирательствах Information on the Company´s reputation as a commercial enterprise and with regard to its court case pro closed no
- May 21 '12 rus>eng обслуживание and to assist (or: and to be of assistance to) representatives of other organisations pro closed no
- Mar 28 '12 rus>eng уведомление о возможности применения специальных режимов налогообложения Information with regard to the applicability of special taxation regimes. pro closed ok
- Mar 11 '12 rus>eng отчет составленный по результатам месяца monthly settlement (or settlement based on monthly results) pro closed ok
- Feb 29 '12 rus>eng признать (решение) ошибочным to acknowledge that (decisions) are incorrect of wrong pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '12 rus>eng Совместная деятельность/ Договор о совместной деятельности cooperation agreement pro closed no
- Jan 19 '12 rus>eng рассматривать предложения по внесению изменений в договор examines the contract modifications proposed by ..... pro closed no
- Nov 29 '11 rus>eng участие в прибыли компании и дочерних бизнесов participation in the profit of the parent company and of its affiliates pro just_closed no
- Oct 8 '11 rus>eng Акт приемки выполненных услуг и определения издержек acceptance certificate on services rendered and determination of costs pro just_closed no
- Jul 12 '11 rus>eng выводить оборотные средства из обращения to withdraw floating (or working) assets from circulation pro closed ok
- Jun 1 '11 rus>eng должностные и рабочие инструкции service and work instructions pro closed ok
- May 19 '11 rus>eng ПИРы симпозии в целях увеличения спроса pro closed no
- Apr 5 '11 rus>eng бюллетени для голосования по вопросам повестки дня voting ballots or bulletins re. (or concerning) issues of the agenda pro closed ok
- Mar 5 '11 rus>eng в ходе реализации проекта during the project´s execution (during the project´s being carried out) pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '11 rus>eng с приходом новой власти with the new government coming (in)to power pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '11 rus>eng позитивная динамика развития ситуации the positive dynamics of (or in) the situation´s development pro closed no
- Jan 4 '11 rus>eng направленных на повышение жизненного уровня трудящихся aimed at improving the living standard of workers (or working propulation) pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '10 rus>eng выросло на порядок reached a quantitatively new level (or X, reached a new level in quantitative terms) pro closed ok
- Dec 15 '10 rus>eng многопрофильная деятельность multi-profile activity pro closed ok
- Nov 1 '10 rus>eng отметка о выполнении предписания: regulatory compliance note pro closed no
- Oct 28 '10 rus>eng орган обжалования complaints office pro closed no
- Sep 15 '10 rus>eng развернутый план встречи a comprehensive schedule (or plan) of the meeting pro closed ok
- Sep 14 '10 rus>eng лотки (для корреспонденции) single sheet manual feed slot pro closed no
- Sep 4 '10 rus>eng налоговому расчету по авансовому платежу по налогу tax calculation for the tax declaration (or tax return) pro closed no
- Aug 19 '10 rus>eng направлений and their orientations pro closed no
- Jul 31 '10 rus>eng Уведомление о начале осуществления отдельных видов предпринимательской деятельно notice as to the onset (or start) of certain types of entrepreneurial activities pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered