Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Nov 30 '16 fra>eng Candidature en entreprise unique Individual company bid / Bidding as an individual company pro closed ok
- May 28 '13 fra>eng Le verbe juste picking the word that's right pro closed ok
4 Dec 5 '12 fra>eng reprise d'annonce re-use of advertisements pro closed ok
- Mar 31 '12 fra>eng Bâche lorry/truck curtain pro closed no
4 May 26 '11 fra>eng produits actuas latest products pro closed ok
- May 17 '11 fra>eng support support pro open no
- May 17 '11 fra>eng travail signé an unmistakable product pro closed ok
- Apr 20 '11 fra>eng d’autres éléments très qualitatifs tels que des meubles de théatralisation other very quality-focussed components such as shop fittings pro closed ok
- Apr 18 '11 fra>eng gens de la famille one's family pro closed no
- Apr 13 '11 fra>eng un fabuleux vivier d'imagination a marvellous fount of ideas pro closed no
- Apr 13 '11 fra>eng un concentré de richesse intérieure a wealth of sumptuous interiors pro closed no
- Sep 21 '10 fra>eng vivons vos projets Together, we'll realise your projects pro closed ok
- Mar 29 '10 fra>eng support fixe / mobile print (, poster) and electronic media pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '09 fra>eng le clonage est pourtant interdit don't even think about copying it! pro closed no
4 May 20 '09 eng>eng What would you like XXX to be known for? what do you think is the best feature of xxx? pro closed no
- Apr 8 '09 fra>eng prise de parole pro-active/up-front communication pro open no
- Mar 3 '09 eng>eng Stroller resource somewhere to park/hire strollers pro closed no
- Apr 16 '08 fra>eng Phrase de relance sentence that recapitulates (or sums up) your argument pro closed no
- Apr 3 '08 fra>eng tension interplay pro closed ok
4 Oct 8 '07 fra>eng bénéfice-image benefit to their image pro closed no
- Sep 30 '07 fra>eng fond vierge (logo) template pro closed ok
- Sep 3 '07 fra>eng pige sur déclaratifs monitoring based on subject-supplied data pro just_closed no
4 Jul 11 '06 fra>eng Roulez l’esprit tranquille Drive with peace of mind pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered