Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jun 21 '11 deu>eng Triggerhölzchen trigger point stick pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '11 deu>eng Regelwerk system pro closed ok
- Jun 10 '11 eng>deu to be enrolled in the Study across the different jurisdictions ... sollen in den verschiedenen Verwaltungsbezirken, in denen die Studie durchgeführt wird, an der S pro open no
- Jun 7 '11 eng>deu flavour Gastronomie auf Rädern pro closed ok
4 Jun 6 '11 deu>eng Vorlegeraum viewing room pro closed ok
- Mar 4 '10 deu>eng Wiesensteig a steep track ascends through the meadow pro closed no
- Mar 12 '07 eng>eng healthy interior translation or explanation? pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '07 eng>eng he’s on target usually. he is generally moving in the right direction pro closed ok
- Jan 14 '07 deu>eng Kniespalte knee cavity pro closed ok
4 Dec 19 '06 deu>eng Einkehrhütte mountain inn pro closed ok
- Dec 19 '06 deu>eng den Schalter umlegen forget about everything pro closed no
4 Dec 15 '06 eng>eng grammaticality judgment Professor Smith’s focus for this class was syntax. He started class by eliciting a .... pro closed no
- Dec 14 '06 eng>deu inter- and intraspecies heterogeneity inner- und zwischenartliche Heterogenitaet - oder artliche und zwischenartliche H. pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '06 deu>eng schräg Spitze tap in the tent pegs at an angle of 45 degrees, with the ends pointing away from the centre of the T pro closed no
4 Dec 7 '06 deu>eng oder net Swabian dialect for a tag question: "oder nicht?": can't you? easy closed ok
- Dec 6 '06 deu>eng Fachrechnen Technical mathematics pro closed no
- Dec 5 '06 eng>deu marionette lines Marionettelinien pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '06 eng>deu faculty grant Fachbereichszuschuesse pro closed no
- Dec 1 '06 deu>eng keine manifeste oder latente Parese, später KG 1-2/5 Krankengymnastik? pro closed no
- Nov 30 '06 deu>eng im Kleinen das Große ausdrücken model habitats / miniature worlds pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '06 deu>eng (etwas) am Schwanz die Treppe runterploppen dragged down the stairs by the tail pro closed no
- Nov 24 '06 deu>eng gut gezweigt well-branched / well branched pro closed no
- Nov 23 '06 deu>eng lordosierungsempfindlich prone to lordosization pro closed no
3 Nov 23 '06 deu>eng betriebswichtig operational advice / operations advice pro closed ok
4 Nov 23 '06 deu>eng studienbegleitende Tätigkeit work experience while studying pro closed ok
- Oct 22 '02 deu>eng waldsteppe forest steppe pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered