Translation glossary: Swiss legal terminology

Showing entries 1-50 of 364
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1.Säule: staatliche Sozialversicherung (AHV/IV)1st pillar state-run social security, (AVS/AI) 
German to English
2. Säule: berufliche Vorsorge2nd pillar: occupational pension provisions 
German to English
3. Säule: individuelle Vorsorge3rd pillar: individual pension provisions (savings) 
German to English
German to English
Abänderungsklagepetition to amend 
German to English
abschreiben (die Banken schrieben Schulden ab)roll off, write off (the banks rolled off debts) 
German to English
Abweisung der Klagedismissal of the action/petition 
German to English
Abwicklung (eines Nachlasses)settlement (of an inheritance, an estate) 
German to English
Alleineigentumsole ownership/sole property 
German to English
Allgemeinpraktiker (Arzt)general practitioner, GP 
German to English
Altersvorsorgeprovision for old age/retirement 
German to English
Amortisation, Tilgungredemption 
German to English
German to English
anfechten eines Testamentscontest a will 
German to English
Angeklagteraccused, defendant 
German to English
Angestellteemployees (salaried) 
German to English
anhängig; anhängig machenpending; to file, bring before a court, start legal proceedings 
German to English
anrechnen an/auftake into account, credit against, set off against, count against 
German to English
German to English
German to English
Anwaltskosten (jede Partei trägt ihre eigenen Anwaltskosten)legal costs (each party shall meet theirown legal costs) 
German to English
anwendbares Rechtapplicable law 
German to English
Artikel (gemäss Artikel...)article, (in accordance with article...) 
German to English
German to English
German to English
Auflagen und Bedingungencharges and conditions 
German to English
aufschiebende Wirkungsuspensive effect 
German to English
Aufsetzen eines Testamentsdraft a will 
German to English
Ausbildungskostencosts for schooling/education and vocational training 
German to English
auseinandergesetzt.settlement clause, waiver; Example:Upon the fulfilment of this Agreement, the parties declare that they have obtained 
German to English
Ausgleichung, ausgleichenhotchpotch, to place into hotchpotch 
German to English
Aussage unter Eid, eidesstattliche Aussagedeposition 
German to English
German to English
aussetzen, eine Verfügungstay an order 
German to English
Austrittsleistung = FreizügigkeitsleistungVested benefits (accrued); termination benefits, vested rights in case of termination, leaving benefits 
German to English
German to English
übereinstimmenagree, concur 
German to English
überlebender Ehegattesurviving partner/spouse 
German to English
überobligatorische Leistungen (=Vorsorgeeinrichtungen können Leistungen vorsehen, die über das gesetzlich festgelegte Mindestmass hinausgehen)over-compulsory benefits (= pension institutions can provide for benefits going above and beyond the minimum required by law) 
German to English
German to English
übertragenconfer rights to 
German to English
Übertragung einer Liegenschaft ins Alleineigentumtransfer of real estate into sole ownership 
German to English
Übertretungenminor regulatory offences 
German to English
Äufnung (= einen Geldbestand mehren und vermehren)accumulation 
German to English
Bürgerort, Heimatortplace of origin 
German to English
German to English
Bedürfnisse (die Bedürfnisse der Familie)needs (the needs of the family) 
German to English
begünstigt werdento be endowed 
German to English
German to English
Begehren, Rechtsbegehrenpetition, request 
German to English
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