Translation glossary: Swiss legal terminology

Showing entries 251-300 of 364
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Rückzug der Scheidungsklagewithdrawal of a petition for divorce 
German to English
Realteilungphysical division 
German to English
Rechenschaft, Verantwortungaccountability 
German to English
Rechnungsruf (= öffentliche Aufforderung zur Anmeldung von Schulden und Forderungen)public call/appeal to register all debts and claims 
German to English
rechtliche Schritte einleitentake legal steps 
German to English
rechtshängigpending (legal proceedings) 
German to English
Rechtskraftsbescheinigungcertificate that a judgement has become non-appealable, certificate of indefeasibility 
German to English
rechtskräftiglegally binding, final and absolute 
German to English
Rechtskräftige Scheidungdecree absolute 
German to English
German to English
Rechtsschutzinteresselegitimate interest to take legal action 
German to English
Replik/Duplikreply/rejoinder (statements of) 
German to English
German to English
sachdienlich, einschlägigpertinent 
German to English
Salärbelegmonthly wage statement 
German to English
Sühneverfahren beim Friedensrichterconciliation proceedings by the justice of the peace 
German to English
Schadenersatz einklagensue for damages 
German to English
Scheidungsbegehren (gemeinsames)petition for divorce (joint) 
German to English
Scheidungsgründegrounds for divorce 
German to English
Scheidungsklagepetition for divorce/dissolution of the marriage 
German to English
Scheidungsrechtdivorce law 
German to English
Scheidungsvereinbarungdivorce agreement, settlement 
German to English
Schenkungendowment, donation 
German to English
German to English
Schluss, Entscheid (zum Schluss kommen)conclusion (come to a conclusion) 
German to English
Schuldigeguilty party 
German to English
German to English
Schwurgericht, grosses Geschworenengerichtgrand jury (F=jury d’accusation) (special type of jury assembled to investigate whether criminal charges should be brought) 
German to English
selbständig Erwerbendeself-employed persons 
German to English
Selbstvorsorge, freie (keine Steuervergünstigungen)individual pension/old age provision (no tax breaks) 
German to English
selig (verstorben)late (dead) 
German to English
sistieren, suspendierenput on hold, stay, suspend 
German to English
Sorgerecht (alleiniges, gemeinsames)care and custody, exercise of parental care (sole, joint); parental care & responsibility 
German to English
Stammdescendants, hereditary line, stirpes 
German to English
Steuerhinterziehung begehendefraud (the tax/revenue authorities) 
German to English
Steuervergünstigungentax relief 
German to English
Strafanzeige (Strafanzeige erstatten)charge, complaint (bring a charge against, report an offence) 
German to English
Straftatoffence, felony (more serious) 
German to English
Testament (gerichtliche Bestätigung der Gültigkeit eines Testaments)last will and testament/last will (probate of a 
German to English
Testament, öffentliches (ohne/mit Testament sterben)will authenticated by a notary public (die intestate/testate) 
German to English
Testamentseröffnung (gerichtliche) beglaubigte Testamentabschriftopening of a will, probate of a last will 
German to English
Testamentvollstrecker, Willensvollstreckerexecutor of a will 
German to English
Testamentvollstreckerzeugnisgrant of probate 
German to English
German to English
Trennungsurteilseparation order 
German to English
Umfang, Tragweitescope, range 
German to English
Umtriebs- und Prozessentschädigungcompensation for damages and legal fees (for damages and expenses) 
German to English
unbeschwertes Eigentumunencumbered property 
German to English
unentgeldliche Prozessführung (profitieren von)legal aid (take advantage of) 
German to English
Ungültigkeitsklageaction for annulment 
German to English
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