Translation glossary: Swiss legal terminology

Showing entries 101-150 of 364
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Erbanteilshare of the inheritance 
German to English
Erbauskaufcompensation in lieu of future inheritance 
German to English
Erbausschlagungdisclaimer of inheritance 
German to English
Erbeinsetzung, Erben einsetzen, eingesetzte Erbento appoint as an heir, appointed/named heirs, nominated heirs 
German to English
Erbengemeinschaftcommunity of heirs, the heirs 
German to English
Erbfallcase of succession 
German to English
German to English
Erblasserdecedent testator/testatrix 
German to English
Erbmasseestate, legal estate 
German to English
Erbrechtlaw of succession 
German to English
Erbschaftsannahmeacceptance of inheritance 
German to English
Erbschaftsausschlagungserklärungdeclaration of renouncement 
German to English
Erbschaftsvertreterrepresentative of heirs appointed by the court 
German to English
Erbschaftsverwalterexecutor elected or appointed by judge 
German to English
Erbschein, Erbbescheinigungcertificate of inheritance 
German to English
Erbscheinerteilunggrant of probate 
German to English
German to English
Erbteil (gesetzlicher Erbteil)portion of an inheritance (legal portion of an inheritance) 
German to English
Erbteilungsvertragcontract between the heirs; estate division/partition agreement over the inheritance of (= agreement between the heirs 
German to English
Erbvertraginheritance contract, testamentary contract, 
German to English
Erbverzicht, Erbausschlagungrenunciation of one\'s claim to an inheritance, renouncing the compulsory share; renouncement of succession 
German to English
Erbverzichtsvertragrenunciation of succession agreement 
German to English
Erbvorbezugadvance on inheritance 
German to English
Erfüllungsklageaction of assumpsit , action of indebitatus assumpsit 
German to English
Ergänzungsklagesupplementary petition 
German to English
German to English
Ermessensspielraum (das Gericht hat einen weiten Ermessensspielraum)discretion (the court is given very wide discretion) 
German to English
German to English
Errungenschaftsbeteiligung, Güterstand dermatrimonial property regime of participation in acquisitions (contribution to jointly acquired property) 
German to English
Ersatzanschaffungenreplacement/substitute acquisitions 
German to English
Ersatzerbealternate heir, contingent beneficiary 
German to English
Ersatzforderungenreimbursement claims 
German to English
Erwägungen (des Richters)considerations 
German to English
Erwerbseinkünfteincome earned from gainful employment 
German to English
Erwerbstätigkeitgainful employment 
German to English
Eventualantragmotion in the alternative 
German to English
Eventualiter (als Eventualbegehren)in the alternative, alternatively 
German to English
Existenzminimumsubsistence level, subsistence minimum 
German to English
Existenzminimumsubsistence minimum 
German to English
Familienrechtmatrimonial law 
German to English
FähigkeitszeugnisFederal Certificate of Vocational Training and Education (VET) 
English to German
fürsorgerischer Freiheitsentzug, Zwangseinweisung (psych.)involuntary commitment, acute care admission 
German to English
festhaltenput on record, state for the record 
German to English
Feststellungen, Begründungconclusions 
German to English
Franchise (Krankenkasse)ordinary flat rate 
German to English
Frauengutwife’s property 
German to English
Frauenhaus(battered) women’s shelter 
German to English
German to English
Freizügigkeitleaving/vested benefits 
German to English
Freizügigkeitskontosavings account for leaving/vested benefits 
German to English
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