Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 26 '15 eng>fra to hate with a vengeance avoir une très forte aversion contre easy closed ok
4 Aug 8 '14 eng>fra wild card winners finalist wild-card pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '13 eng>fra sound bite clip sonore pro closed ok
- Dec 15 '12 eng>fra xxx has proved that it's worth its salt se montrer digne du nom pro closed no
- Dec 11 '12 eng>fra chicken and egg situation logique de l'œuf et de la poule pro closed ok
- Sep 3 '12 eng>fra behind the glass amélioration du contact avec le client pro closed no
4 Oct 21 '11 eng>fra hit your stride montrent votre talent pro closed ok
- Oct 21 '11 eng>fra to pull something out of nothing transformer une citrouille en carosse pro closed no
- Sep 2 '11 eng>fra to shoot the arrow into the sky le commencement d'un voyage pro just_closed no
- Sep 1 '11 eng>fra chill with the boys se détendre avec quelques copains pro closed ok
- Jul 28 '11 eng>fra hit you like a freight train prendre un autobus en pleine tête pro closed no
- Oct 2 '10 eng>fra Grist for the mill fil à tordre pro closed ok
- Jun 16 '10 eng>fra car culture junk food side le drive in, fast-food pro just_closed no
4 May 17 '10 eng>fra One man's trash is another man's treasure Les ordures des uns font l'or des autres pro closed ok
- Apr 13 '10 eng>fra Heed not what you sow, and fools will grow On récolte ce que l'on sème pro closed ok
- Mar 26 '10 eng>fra the living tale of conte vivant pro closed no
- Aug 16 '09 eng>fra to go back and forth vaciller/papilloter pro closed ok
- Jul 31 '09 eng>fra run the table on somebody torcher qqn. pro closed ok
- Apr 16 '09 eng>fra to cover one's back s'ériger une carapace pro closed ok
- Apr 6 '09 eng>fra soft ride parcours facile pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '09 eng>fra Full swing swinger son plein pro closed no
- Feb 19 '09 eng>fra to get something is someone's bonnet être obsédé avec pro closed no
3 Nov 20 '08 eng>fra Cheque's in the mail C'est dans la poche pro closed ok
- Nov 7 '08 eng>fra when the dust settles quand le calme sera revenu pro closed ok
- Nov 5 '08 eng>fra It is Doctor Jimmy and mister Jim ou il rugit ou il ronronne pro closed no
- Oct 20 '08 eng>fra Jessamine John Dandy Jean pro closed no
- Oct 16 '08 eng>fra we just recover the ideal ticket for us véhicule pro closed ok
- Sep 25 '08 eng>fra Live strong Vivre 'strong pro closed ok
- Aug 29 '08 eng>fra (S)he is a cold fish individu inhumain pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '08 eng>fra Proverbial trainwreck syndrome carcrash/trainwreck pro closed no
- Aug 24 '08 eng>fra Coffee Perculator...Perky Copulator Percolateur à café... un copulateur per se pro closed ok
- Aug 5 '08 eng>fra Big buckin' chicken putain de gros poulet pro closed no
- Jul 22 '08 eng>fra Italian job raid italien pro just_closed no
- Jul 10 '08 eng>fra To call it choisir pro closed no
- Jul 7 '08 eng>fra banjo picking inbreds consanguins campagnards pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered