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Search results: (1128 matches)
Translation Theory and Practice Is 'Government' no longer translatable? Thanks for your input I feel a little better now, knowing others would
also find this weird. Katalin, your guess makes
sense, but the source text does provide actual
URLs separately from those organization
Mikhail Kropotov May 29, 2015
Translation Theory and Practice Is 'Government' no longer translatable? I was asked to revise a translation of some social
factsheets for a country we'll call Englishstan
for the sake of confidentiality. The translation
was from English to Russian. In the s
Mikhail Kropotov May 29, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help Do you fill in all segments? Numbers may need to be localized For example, in Russian we would
write 1,234,567.89 as 1 234 567,89
Mikhail Kropotov May 27, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help Do you fill in all segments? No target file with empty segments In many CATs you just can't leave empty segments
in the target, else no deliverable can be
produced. I hope you get paid for processing
all segments though.
Mikhail Kropotov May 27, 2015
Russian Варианты сегментации в САТ Align Если я правильно Вас понял,
сегментация по абзацам -- в
ТМ. Следовательно, нужно
настроить сегментацию и
Mikhail Kropotov May 19, 2015
Russian Варианты сегментации в САТ Ячейки из Excel? Если сегментация делается
по целым ячейкам, это может
быть вполне оправданно.
Смотря что за текст. А ч
Mikhail Kropotov May 19, 2015
MemoQ support Who's copywriting your user interface, MemoQ? Does anything think this is clear, understandable
English? Not to mention the glaring

[Edited at 2015-05-15 15:36 GMT]
Mikhail Kropotov May 15, 2015
Business issues Would you make this mistake? (lines verses segments) The confusion is not entirely your fault, but nothing can really be done about that They could/should have specified at least the
first words of the line they referred to. You
could/should have confirmed the same before
starting. I disagree that "any professional
Mikhail Kropotov May 14, 2015
Translation news America's lacking language skills US population speaking each language OK, here is an overview from another report: In
the United States, 1 of every 2,037 people age
five and older speaks Bengali at home. That's
about 156 thousand
people. http://www.u
Mikhail Kropotov May 13, 2015
Translation news America's lacking language skills US population speaking each language According to Wikipedia: There were around 144
thousand Bangladeshis living in the US in
2007. Roughly 2.07 million Americans over the age
of five reported speaking French at home in a
Mikhail Kropotov May 13, 2015
Translation news America's lacking language skills Some idiotic claims How can you even compare the importance of French,
one of 7 official world languages, with that of
Bengali? What is more, the article is factually
wrong. Around 190 million people speak
Mikhail Kropotov May 12, 2015
Translation Theory and Practice Client wants notes re translator's translation choices Why not agree? No ambiguity, no translator's notes. Agree! Mikhail Kropotov Apr 30, 2015
Business issues Questionable agency behavior Could the agency have been fooled? If no one inside the agency speaks the target
language and they always rely on freelancers for
that language, they may not have known it was an
MT job. Perhaps you should politely inform t
Mikhail Kropotov Apr 7, 2015
MemoQ support Can't export file Adjust QA settings See
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 30, 2015
MemoQ support Can't export file Export the TM If you have another CAT tool available that you're
productive with, consider exporting the TM from
MemoQ and processing the next few documents in the
other tool. ADDED: Come to think of
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 30, 2015
MemoQ support Can't export file If you're working on your client's MemoQ server, contact them ... and ask them to change their QA rules. Errors
like number format mismatch should be ignore-able.
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 30, 2015
MemoQ support Can't export file A possible workaround I wish I knew more about how QA works in MemoQ to
help you resolve this issue. As a workaround,
have you tried the 'Export bilingual' menu option?
The output can be a TTX file that can
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 30, 2015
MemoQ support New user Are you working locally or on your client's MemoQ server? If you're working locally, right-click each
translated document in the Project view and select
'Export (dialog)'. Then choose the folder, specify
the name for the target file, and click OK
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 28, 2015
MemoQ support Very different analysis results of same source for different languages I'm using MemoQ 2013 R2 to coordinate translations
of the same source file into four languages:
Russian, French, German and Spanish. The source
file includes software strings in .po format
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 9, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: With time, have you had fewer new clients compared to regular ones? Meaningless question Given enough time, new clients will always
outnumber regular ones.
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 1, 2015
MemoQ support Help me make MemoQ 2014 more like Studio 2014! Consider using filters Every tool takes some getting used to. I agree
with you that it is cumbersome to press Ctrl+Enter
possibly followed by Ctrl+G. Instead, you can use
filters to hide all confirmed segment
Mikhail Kropotov Feb 11, 2015
MemoQ support Help me make MemoQ 2014 more like Studio 2014! Checking progress To quickly see your progress on any or all files
in the currently opened project, switch briefly to
the Documents view and look at the 'Progress'
column. You can select to show progress ba
Mikhail Kropotov Feb 10, 2015
MemoQ support Wordcount - New Segments Similar To Each Other Homogeneity Simply select the Homogeneity check-box when you
run statistics.
Mikhail Kropotov Jan 31, 2015
Business issues Client Asking for a Proposal Same as quote? Without seeing your client's wording, I would
venture a guess that they do want a simple
quote... nothing more, nothing less.
Mikhail Kropotov Jan 22, 2015
Business issues Out of Office Reply Turn your timezine to your advantage We all have our own timezones to live with. But
just as you may be late responding to some emails,
you may well be first to reply to others.
Capitalize instead on your advantages.
Mikhail Kropotov Jan 10, 2015
Translation Theory and Practice Maximum translation length=20 ASCII characters The length of the basic French version is not 19 but 21 [quote]Michael Grant wrote: Counting that way,
your example: LIKES_0 J’aime, DISLIKES Je
n’aime pas, would have 19 characters including
spaces (within the prescribed 20
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 15, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice Maximum translation length=20 ASCII characters Some calculations Assuming reasonably that LIKES and DISLIKES
variables are numerals up to 999,999 (and include
the thousands separator, be it comma, space, dot
or any other single character), the longest
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 14, 2014 job systems Blue Board ratings and NOT automatically giving 5 Why not CAT tools? [quote]Josephine Cassar wrote: I don't think
the fact that they require a CAT tool should be
considered when stating a rate; logging in and
invoicing certainly do, as well as the fact t
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 9, 2014 job systems Blue Board ratings and NOT automatically giving 5 I might give them a 4 Working with most outsourcers entails one hassle
or another. In my book, your experience may be
closer to a 4 than a 3. At any rate, all
translators should thank you for being brutally
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 9, 2014
Lighter side of trans/interp I need help for my cousin's homework! B "Any other" is definitely the correct answer here.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide a rationale. P.
S. I don't know why I wrote "C" in the title of my
post. "Any other" corresponds to B,
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 1, 2014
Business issues Client doesn't enable you to verify their analysis; what to do? TM had to be available during translation [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Mikhail
Kropotov wrote: Why not run Statistics on your
end in MemoQ? [/quote] MemoQ would be a
fantastic tool if it can run an analysis against a<
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 23, 2014
Business issues Client doesn't enable you to verify their analysis; what to do? Why not run Statistics on your end in MemoQ? I'm not aware of any ways that your client could
disable this option. It should always be available
for you.
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 23, 2014
Russian Традос не открывает файл Принять все исправления, затем выключить режим исправ Иногда исправления очень
трудно увидеть глазами.
Просто нажмите кнопку
"Принять все исправления", а
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 22, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice Feminist translation blog Were you being ironic? [quote]Tom in London wrote: I don't know
Russian but I very much enjoy reading Chekhov in
the translations by Constance Garnett, who was
recommended to me, by a (male) writer of short
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 5, 2014
Money matters Are they asking for too much? Should have stopped at "your rate is too high" Don't do any free tests or anything else at all
before/until you can be reasonably sure the client
can pay your rates. You'll save a lot of time and
headache that way. Good luck!
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 5, 2014
Being independent Professional vs. Unprofessional ways to get work A possible discrepancy? Dear geogroup, [quote]You wrote: I thought
this might help new translators out there that are
looking for work and sending out emails to
corporations or agencies looking for translatio
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 4, 2014
Being independent Professional vs. Unprofessional ways to get work The only thing wrong with that email... that it tries to be two things: a sales
pitch AND a way to tell you how to do your job as
an agency PM. Other than that, the translator's
individual points and assertions are
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 4, 2014
Business issues Saying No feels empowering Check your facts [quote]finnword1 wrote: 880 euro for 22 000
words of video game localization is a lot of
money. It does not require much translation
talent, and with a good Translation Environment
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 3, 2014
Business issues Saying No feels empowering Being nice [quote]Elizabeth Tamblin wrote: … but 'no,
thank you' is even better. [/quote] There's a
saying, "It's nice to be important but it's more
important to be nice." There's another, t
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2014
Business issues Saying No feels empowering I hope your situation improves [quote]Elizabeth Tamblin wrote: Some people are
fortunate to have a steady stream of well-paid
translation work. Some of us are not. Some of us
would be glad to be offered a job, even if
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2014
Business issues Saying No feels empowering Immaterial [quote]finnword1 wrote: What is ridiculous to
you, might not be that to others.[/quote] Sure,
no one would argue with that. But that's not what
my post is about. I'm not even ranting
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2014
Business issues Saying No feels empowering 'Only' Tomás, the person behind this mass mailing knew
exactly what was wrong with their
offer: [quote]they wrote: We can only offer
0,04€ per word... [/quote]

[Edited at
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2014
Business issues Saying No feels empowering Being sensible vs. carefree [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: You must have your
reasons why it's so important for you to prove
points using logic while the OP is quite
emotional...[/quote] Thanks, Lingua 5B! That
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2014
Business issues Saying No feels empowering I felt great this morning. I came up with an
innovative way to respond to ridiculously
misguided emails. A new potential client (yeah,
right) came through with the following apologetic<
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2014
Money matters Why do clients turn to big translation companies rather than individual translators? A few reasons off the top of my head 1. In the direct client-freelancer model, an
employee has to manage the translation /
localization process. The client may not have an
employee who's qualified for this, or one who is
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 22, 2014
Russian Как я попытался объяснить, что не работаю "за орешки"... 3 цента -- реальный тариф за корректуру Поэтому вопросы снимаю. Но
поясню свои предыдущие
комментарии. Вы написали,
что берете за корректуру
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 21, 2014
Russian Как я попытался объяснить, что не работаю "за орешки"... Что именно странно? Представьте ситуацию. Вы -
мой потенциальный
клиент. Вы: Здравствуйте,
Вы переводите с
английского �
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 21, 2014
Russian Как я попытался объяснить, что не работаю "за орешки"... НЕ орешки За спрос денег не берут. Как
сказали здесь до меня,
агентства потому и
процветают, что считают
центы, �
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 21, 2014
Russian Как я попытался объяснить, что не работаю "за орешки"... И все же [quote]Max Chernov wrote: Работать за
гроши не хочется [/quote] И
все же, что Вы можете
ответить на мое замечание?
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 19, 2014
Russian Как я попытался объяснить, что не работаю "за орешки"... Расценка [quote]Nikita Kobrin wrote: Михаил,
отчего вы так уверены, что
не знают? Я, например, знаю:
"вычитка" -
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 17, 2014

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