What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished an article on mediation. 1500 words, UA-EN


1 userI Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com mobile shared:

I've just completed a large project about women's football

football, women empowerment, UEFA, Disney


I Do That

  • English to Ukrainian
  • 35000 words
  • Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Contrat de Maîtrise d’Œuvre, French to Russian, 3000 words, Memsource. Tomorrow EOB.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Website translation and localization, 5100 words, English to Ukrainian


I Do That

  • English to Ukrainian
  • 5100 words
  • Website, Internet, e-Commerce
  • Crowdin
Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

French to Ukrainian, 1600 words for tomorrow.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed ca. 10000 words, automotive, English to Ukrainian.


1 userI Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Construction agreement, FR-RU, 5600 words.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

40 pages, ICITAP standards, for the key client


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

27 000 words, Ru-Fr, military, by February 29.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

UA-EN Lease Agreement, urgent, 1470 words.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

French to Russian, equipment and methodologies for epilation, 11000 words by Sept 27, Trados


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed a project, Italian and English to Russian, turret ladle and hydrodynamic equipment, 7000+ words.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

LINEA DI TRASPORTO, Italian to Ukrainian, 7000+ words.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Russian to French, Vibrateurs pour compactage des mélanges de béton, 2700 words


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Manuel Sécurité, French to Ukrainian, 5000+ words, Memsource


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Fall arrest equipment, French to Ukrainian, 990 words.


1 userI Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed a small project on skin treatment and implants, Italian to Ukrainian, 700 words.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

A piece of the Charter of a pro-European Ukrainian party, 3000 words. Ukrainian into English.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Inverters, Italian to Ukrainian, 22000 words this time until August 6.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Editing presentations on IQOS, English-Russian, 4000+ words.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Have just completed a piece of a larger project on scooters, charger agreement, vehicle sharing, a total of 8000 words


I Do That

  • English to Ukrainian
  • 8000 words
  • 98% complete
Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Inverters, Italian to Ukrainian, 14000+ words

inverter di accumulo,inverter ibrido


I Do That

  • Italian to Ukrainian
  • 14242 words
  • Energy / Power Generation
  • MemSource Cloud
Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Statistical Disclosure Control, English to Russian, 6000 + words


1 userI Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Invertors, Brief manual + marketing booklet, Italian to Ukrainian, 3900 words, Memsource


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Avis d’appel d’offres international, Construction des lignes Moyenne Tension (MT) et Basse Tension, unitl May 31


I Do That

  • French to Russian
  • 22000 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)
  • Smartcat
Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Harry Stack Sullivan, The Psychiatric Interview, extract, 10000 words, English to Ukrainian


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Extracts from the book "ECHR and Criminal Procedure Cases", EN-UK, 13 000 words.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Received yet another piece of ECHR translation, 15800 words, English into Ukrainian


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Almost done with the last document out of a large ECHR project, En>Uk, over 30 000 words


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Another large piece of the Ru-Fr project (military, technical) for a government institution.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Finally, I have collected my sample of the book written by a French religious philosopher in which I translated chapters 1-7.


I Do That

  • French to Russian
  • History, Religion, Philosophy
Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Another large piece of the Ru-Fr project (military, technical) for a government institution.


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

Une charte éthique d'une chaîne de magasins bien connue, Fr-Ru


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

A piece of a Russian-French translation on surface-to-air missiles (200+ pages, government institution).


I Do That

Yulia Zubkova posting from ProZ.com shared:

A code of conduct for officials of one of the government institutions.


I Do That