Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 8 '23 eng>eng Don't be so naive But my dear sir, are you really of such a simple disposition? pro closed no
- Mar 28 '23 deu>eng du schaust wie drei Tage Regenwetter Your face is like a wet weekend. You look just like a wet weekend pro closed no
- Nov 5 '14 eng>deu live to tell the tale unverwüstlich pro closed ok
4 Nov 1 '14 eng>deu smutch (zer)quetschen pro closed ok
4 May 29 '12 eng>eng ungainly wild, uncontrollable pro closed no
- Jun 24 '11 deu>eng Rosinenfrau gingerbread woman pro just_closed no
3 Jan 5 '11 eng>deu defining challenge überzeugendes Handlungsgerüst pro closed ok
4 Dec 6 '10 deu>eng Um zwei Uhr ist Lärmen und Lachen unten schon deutlich Trunkenheit und Späte At 2 a.m. .............are now clearly drunkenness and untime pro closed ok
- Oct 27 '10 deu>eng Pril-Blümchencharme it must be explained pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '10 eng>deu deepsmen Tiefler (und Ländler) pro closed no
- Aug 5 '10 eng>eng whose art was controversial politic he was perhaps a journalist or TV reporter, specialising in .... pro closed ok
4 Jun 25 '10 deu>eng frühvollendet precocious genius (paraphrasing) it pro closed no
- Jun 23 '10 deu>eng Du bist einzigartig, indem du lebst wer du bist. Live (out) your life, that's what makes you special pro closed ok
4 Jun 4 '10 eng>eng break your soul betray your inner being pro closed ok
4 Apr 21 '10 deu>eng Wimmerl one of those, you know, pimples pro closed ok
- Apr 12 '10 eng>deu "to explain grace requires a curious hand" Es bedarf einer sorgfältigen (genauen) Hand, um die Gnade zu erklären pro closed no
- Mar 25 '10 eng>eng an idiom for 'much discussion was stimulated by ...' (this book) sparked off a lively discussion pro just_closed no
- Mar 14 '10 eng>deu make sense Kannst du nicht einmal 'was Vernünftiges anstellen? pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '10 eng>deu headline-grabbing move medienwirksamer Schritt pro closed no
- Jan 13 '10 deu>eng Alle Tage sind gleich lang, aber nicht alle sind gleich breit. You can't make your life (any) longer, but you can make it more worthwhile pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '09 eng>deu some roads aren't meant to be travelled alone Auf manchen Pfaden sollte man nicht alleine unterwegs sein. pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '09 deu>eng ""Auch aus Steinen, die in den Weg gelegt werden, kann man Schoenes bauen" Stumbling stones can in fact be used to build a beautiful edifice pro closed no
- Nov 20 '09 eng>deu pains and labour Mühe und Arbeit pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered