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Search results: (634 matches)
German Abschrift (Videofilm) + Mustervertrag f. Übersetzer Bei Erstauftrag stundenweise [quote]Juri Istjagin. Ph.D. wrote: ...wie soll
ich deenn diesen Auftrag
abrechnen?[/quote] Hätte diese Frage nicht
[i]vor[/i] Auftragserteilung mit dem Kunden
geklärt werden müs
Endre Both Apr 20, 2004
Hungarian Free download of Trados 5.5 Itt
letöltheted a legújabb (6.5) vagy akár az
általad említett 5.5 (demo-)verziót is.
Produktív használathoz természetesen
Endre Both Mar 30, 2004
Localization What CAT Tools would you use in this case (Excel multilingual files) DéjàVu Here's the DéjàVu method, if I remember it
correctly: If you set the font color of a part
of your Excel file to red, DéjàVu will omit this
part when so instructed before importing t
Endre Both Mar 24, 2004
KudoZ Staff: By default, KudoZ list now shows only questions in your specific categories You can set "fields of interest" instead of "specialty/working fields" [quote]ildiko wrote: I'm basically forced to
claim I am an expert in every field imaginable
(something I would hate to do because it's
impossible and wouldn't be true) just to be able
Endre Both Mar 23, 2004 bugs what had happened to all those thousands of kudos questions Review your email preferences There have been changes to the KudoZ notification
system. Read more about it
here: You have
to set the specialty fields in which you want to
Endre Both Mar 19, 2004
KudoZ Editing glossary entry. How? Ask the moderator of the pair Currently, glossaries can only be edited by
moderators. If you approach the moderator of the
pair in question, they will correct the entry for
you. Endre
Endre Both Mar 16, 2004
Translation Theory and Practice "Updating" a previous translation with new content - experiences? Techniques? Do you have a translation tool (CAT)? If yes: 1. Align Version 1 FR and EN to create
a translation memory (TM). 2. Translate Version 2
FR using the TM you have created. Thereby you will
avoid re-translating existing materi
Endre Both Mar 9, 2004 bugs Searching Glossaries It is in the glossaries The IT-EN question in which "tronconico" appears
is: No
glossary entry has been made for this question
(otherwise you would see something like
Endre Both Mar 4, 2004
German Große Word-Dateien lassen sich schwer oder nicht öffnen Neuinstallation Hallo Claire, ich bin ungerne der Überbringer
der schlechten Nachricht (und vielleicht stellt
sich noch heraus, dass ich Unrecht habe),
aber: Wenn das Problem reproduzierbar bei jed
Endre Both Feb 27, 2004
Localization Does anyone know "Fortis"? Proceed with due caution [quote]uwe wrote: Passe nur auf, dass du nichts
zahlen musst, ehe du Geld von ihnen
bekommst...[/quote] Exactly what I was going to
say: take care not to be paid for your work in
Endre Both Feb 25, 2004
Localization Does anyone know "Fortis"? Beware 1) Transit still exists:
nsitXV.html . There is also no mention on the site
about a name change. 2) I have never heard of
Fortis n
Endre Both Feb 25, 2004
Hardware RAM updates - I have not noticed any improvement No huge change from 256 to 512 Thierry, The change you've made is not one you
would immediately notice in terms of hugely
improved performance. You need to open a _lot_ of
programs to consume over 256M, and if you do
Endre Both Feb 25, 2004
German NTI CD-Maker & Datei retten? Image-Datei mit NTI öffnen Ich habe vom Brennprogramm zwar noch nie gehört,
aber es müsste eigentlich die von ihm selbst
erstellte Image-Datei auch wieder öffnen können
(sonst wäre es sinnlos, den Image-Writer<
Endre Both Feb 24, 2004
Translation Theory and Practice Digital photo from a regular photo? All you need is a scanner Kim, for scanning negatives (or slides) you
need a high-end scanner. Some photo service
providers offer negative/slide scanning for a
fee. However, if you have a photo print made
Endre Both Feb 14, 2004
KudoZ Grading and entering in glossary now harder to separate Grading page may be redesigned in the future ProZ staff are aware that the current design of
the grading page is not as self-explaining as one
would like. A review of the current design is
on the todo list as far as I know; I'm su
Endre Both Feb 14, 2004
General technical issues Logout from -> no internet anymore IE should always ask you before switching to offline mode If it doesn't, I suspect something has gone
wrong. Maybe you could check you computer for
viruses and "malware"? You certainly have a
virus scanner already (make sure it's updated);
Endre Both Feb 14, 2004
General technical issues Logout from -> no internet anymore Deactivate "Offline mode" in IE As I wrote to you privately, your IE is probably
in Offline Mode. This mode can be toggled on and
off in IE's file menu. Switch it off (no
checkmark next to the menu option "Offline mod
Endre Both Feb 14, 2004
General technical issues Logout from -> no internet anymore More info? Martin, as a rule, your logging on and off to
internet sites cannot possibly affect your ability
to be online. Where exactly do you see the
indication "not online mode"? What browse
Endre Both Feb 14, 2004
KudoZ Grading answers Click on "Grade/Decline" button the button bar between your question and the
answers you have received. In the page that
opens, you have to select one answer and decide
whether you want to make a glossary entry
Endre Both Feb 13, 2004
German Bin ich überreizt?? Mit den Kommentaren qualifiziert man auch sich selbst ...nicht nur die Antwort, der man eben mal sein
Agree/Disagree erteilt hat. Die KudoZ-Regeln
besagen dazu Folgendes: 4.5 - Avoid entering peer
comments in language pairs in which you a
Endre Both Feb 8, 2004
KudoZ Wowwwwwwwwww !! ---) Like a box of chocolates.... (new KudoZ asking form) Answers to "edited" questions are available [quote]Sonia Gomes wrote: If the question is
unedited, then it is possible to get all the
replies which were not chosen and sometimes the
answer which has not been "chosen" fits better in
Endre Both Feb 8, 2004
German DejaVu: Problem mit Umlauten und Codes "Rogue codes" ...d.h. unsichtbare Formatierungsschalter in Word
sind oft ein Problem in DéjàVu. Fontwechsel
innerhalb des Wortes wäre in der Tat ein Grund
dafür. Ein weiterer Grund könnte sein, das
Endre Both Feb 7, 2004 technical support I can't grade the answers I get Make sure you use the new KudoZ interface If you see a link "Switch to New KudoZ Design
(Beta Version)" centered at the top of the page,
click on it. If you see a link "Return to KudoZ
Standard Design" (or if you don't see anyt
Endre Both Feb 4, 2004 technical support I can't grade the answers I get Look for "Grade/Decline" button It should be the first in a row of buttons right
below the question frame. Endre
Endre Both Feb 4, 2004
Hungarian Még mindig szószámlálás... Az adatlap nem tartalmazza a szövegdobozokat ...és szerintem legtöbb esetben az ábrák
szövegét sem; ez bizonyára függ az ábrák
fajtájától is. Én mindig ragaszkodom
hozzá, hogy ajánlattétel elott megkapjam a
Endre Both Feb 3, 2004
Hungarian Karakterek száma .pdf fájlban A fordítandó mennyiség ellenorzése természetes Mindkét fél érdekében áll, hogy a fordító
ellenorizze a megrendelo által megadott
mennyiséget -- elvégre a saját kárára is
tévedhet a megrendelo, és (lényeges eltérés
Endre Both Feb 2, 2004
German APOSTROPHENKATASTROPHEN Deutschland, deine Apostroph's der Titel eines Zwiebelfisch-Artikels in
Spiegel Online
Endre Both Jan 28, 2004
KudoZ Clarifications of new rules: (1) multiple answers, (2) guessing See updated KudoZ Etiquette The updated KudoZ Etiquette has been announced in
thread: Point
3.2 of the updated Etiquette refers to the
recommendation you have mentioned.
Endre Both Jan 27, 2004
German Suchen + Ersetzen Inforapid Endre Both Jan 26, 2004 suggestions KudoZ questions: proposal for a "mini-survey" type of question Great idea ...although I would consider awarding one point to
every contributor (unless his or her answer is
declined by the asker). I would also allow
askers to modify the type of a question
Endre Both Jan 26, 2004
KudoZ Proposal: experimental KudoZ environment without points Opting out of the points system on a case-by-case basis [quote]Gianfranco Manca wrote: Additionally, we
could have for each question the possibility to
contribute, for example not providing a definite
answer but extensive information, personal
Endre Both Jan 26, 2004 suggestions Would like a way to re-order language pairs in profile (D) Thanks ...I hope it can be implemented soon. Endre Endre Both Jan 15, 2004
Translator resources Complete / True Word count for MS Word Thanks Karen I too was rather surprised when I discovered this
nasty little secret of Word. Since then I have
moved on to translation software that offers
correct counts, so this is not an real issu
Endre Both Jan 15, 2004
Office applications How to do a line count on Excel charts embedded in Powerpoint Create PDF and convert PDF to RTF Don't know about Practicount; if it can deal with
embedded files, it would be quite clever indeed.
Let's see if anyone else can provide information
about it. My current method (works on
Endre Both Jan 12, 2004
German Off-Topic: Einnahme/Überschussrechnung Ust-Zahlungen an das Finanzamt von Einnahmen abziehen ...dann entsteht keine Doppelbesteuerung der
Ust-Einnahmen. Ohne im Entferntesten ein
Fachmann zu sein, habe ich die Unterlagen meines
Steuerberaters so interpretiert: Eingenommene
Endre Both Dec 18, 2003
German Suche gutes Fr-De online Wörterbuch Dicdata funktioniert ...noch, aber es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn
sie demnächst mal den Schritt wagen würden,
etwas dafür zu verlangen. Populär genug sind
sie, das Angebot ist auch nicht von Pappe, war
Endre Both Dec 11, 2003
Romanian Are cineva Windows-ul romanesc? (ajutor cu un screenshot) Help wizard Given the intent of the article, I would say that
in this specific case, it would make perfect sense
to translate the dialog into Romanian even if the
corresponding Windows version has not
Endre Both Dec 11, 2003
Romanian Are cineva Windows-ul romanesc? (ajutor cu un screenshot) Thanks for the article Alexandru, Sorry I can't be of help with your
request, but thanks a lot anyway for a great
article! Be sure to post a short reply when
you've got that screenshot or if you find out f
Endre Both Dec 10, 2003
German Benachrichtigung bei Kommentaren zu (dis)agree Kommt noch... [quote]Ist das evtl. für Platin vorbehalten oder
einfach noch zu neu, um zu
funktionieren?[/quote] Letzteres. Die
Benachrichtigung funktioniert, so scheint es mir,
mit Unterbrechun
Endre Both Dec 9, 2003
Hungarian német/magyar szavak száma párhuzamos szövegben Minimális eltérés (+/- 5%, max. 10%) Utána kellett néznem, mert ezt a nyelvpárat
általában DIN-sor (azaz karakter) szerint
számolom el; ott tudtam, hogy nem nagy a
különbség. Néhány (foleg muszaki)
Endre Both Dec 8, 2003
Internet for translators Urgent: trouble attaching large zipped files in Yahoo mail FTP Yes, FTP is an excellent idea for larger files,
and not only because of the (ingoing and outgoing)
size limits imposed by email providers: Base64
encoding, which is generally used for atta
Endre Both Dec 8, 2003
Internet for translators Urgent: trouble attaching large zipped files in Yahoo mail Split files Ron, I'm sure you're aware that in Yahoo, outgoing
mail attachments are limited (I believe to 1 MB
both in the free and the premium versions). So
you'll either have to pack the files se
Endre Both Dec 8, 2003 suggestions Waiting time before KudoZ comments can be entered (T) Edition/deletion of "empty" comments under review ProZ staff is aware that there may be a case for
editing and/or deleting empty comments, and a
change is under review. Regarding your
suggestion to impose a waiting period, it seems to<
Endre Both Dec 7, 2003
German "Monolinguale" Glossare - Sinn oder Unsinn Problem ist bekannt, Lösung wird gesucht Leute, es muss nicht alles ein persönlicher
Angriff sein, was mit Mühe so interpretiert
werden kann. Uwe hat vollkommen Recht, auf das
Problem hinzuweisen. Das etwas missverständlich
Endre Both Dec 4, 2003
Office applications Problem numbering pages in a Word document Section break + Insert/Page numbers/Format I think you'll have to combine Marina's and
Andrzej's suggestions. After creating the
section break, set the first section (pages 1 and
2) not to show page numbers, and in the second
Endre Both Dec 4, 2003
Linguistics 'That's, like, an umlaut. Or something' (on the American use of words like 'like') Thanks! Great link, Ellemiek, thanks. I'll be looking for
that book. Endre
Endre Both Dec 1, 2003
General technical issues Searching a PDF Works here as well What exactly is the symptom, Kim? Is it like
this: You find one occurrence, click on Find
again (or press CTRL-G - do you know this nice
shortcut for searching for the same term again?
Endre Both Nov 30, 2003
German Deutsche DSL ISPs Vor- und Nachteile von GMX Ich fürchte, die Datensammelwut von GMX ist
nichts Außergewöhnliches mehr. Datensammlung zu
Marketingzwecken bringt nun mal Geld, und die
kostenlosen Angebote (die gerade bei GMX nicht
Endre Both Nov 28, 2003
German Deutsche DSL ISPs GMX ...vertreibt das Angebot von 1und1 (und 1und1
nutzt seinerseits die Infrastruktur der Telekom!),
und ist dabei etwas preiswerter als 1und1 und um
einiges billiger als die Telekom. Ich b
Endre Both Nov 28, 2003
Hungarian Power Point: karakterek száma PPT -> PDF -> Word A legegyszerubb, ha egy TM-szoftverbe importálod
(Trados, DéjŕVu), és ott megnézed a
statisztikát. De gondolom, erre magad is
rájöttél volna, ha rendelkezésedre állna ez a
Endre Both Nov 27, 2003

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