Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 24 '09 eng>por mentoring Epistles epístolas pedagógicas pro closed ok
- Jan 1 '09 eng>por Grits beats oatmeal anytime. A realidade vem sempre a superfície. pro closed ok
- Jan 1 '09 eng>por beating up the big kid Vitórias passadas não garantem vitórias futuras. pro closed ok
4 Jan 1 '09 eng>por passed over at work once too often Está cheio de não receber uma promoção no trabalho. pro closed ok
- Jan 1 '09 eng>por You’ve gotten used to being bored with the Bible. Está acostumado a considerar/achar a biblia uma seca. pro closed ok
4 Jan 1 '09 eng>por to wash off the tomatoes before you take them over. dar uma lavadela aos tomates/preparar os tomates antes de os entregar. pro closed ok
- Dec 31 '08 eng>por He knows how to get in on the ground floor with a winner Sabe se ligar/associar com um vencedor pro closed ok
4 Dec 31 '08 eng>por just so long as he’s going places. desde que ele tenha ambições/um plano de vida pro closed ok
4 Dec 31 '08 eng>por Take over some tomatoes. Borrow his chainsaw. leva-lhes uns tomates. Pede o emprestimo da motoserra pro closed ok
- Aug 12 '08 eng>por wimpiness timidez/fraqueza/moleza pro closed ok
4 Aug 12 '08 eng>por brand-new novo em folha pro closed ok
- Jul 9 '08 eng>por non-denominational church igreja não-sectária pro closed ok
- Jun 10 '08 eng>por Church will strive to have 100% of its regular attenders fará o possivel pro closed ok
4 Apr 26 '08 eng>por chancel capela-mor pro closed ok
- Jan 18 '08 eng>por My ear came around my head in front of my mouth and said... My words gave expression to what I had heard. pro closed ok
- Dec 6 '07 eng>por purple city cidade majestosa de púrpura pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered