Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Nov 11 '15 deu>eng funktionsfähig work pro closed no
- Feb 18 '10 deu>eng nach außen gerichtetes Handeln representing Germany in external relations pro closed ok
4 Jan 27 '09 deu>eng vergemeinschaftet communitised pro closed no
- Oct 23 '08 deu>eng Drittelfinanzierung third party funding pro closed ok
- Sep 17 '08 deu>eng Bundesgeschäftsführer general manager pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '08 deu>eng Wissenschaft, die verstehen und erklären, nicht aber politisch bewerten will A science seeking to understand and explain while refraining from political judgement ... pro open no
- Apr 19 '07 deu>eng Konsensgymnastik going through the motions of reaching consensus pro closed ok
- Apr 18 '07 deu>eng Gehäuse confinement pro closed no
4 Apr 18 '07 deu>eng Nichtidentität difference; discrepancy; not being identical pro closed no
4 Apr 10 '07 deu>eng Fernab der politischen Unstimmigkeiten schafften es der kleine und der große Tiger, sich zu arrangieren see suggestion pro closed ok
4 Mar 27 '07 deu>eng Ordnungsprogramm agenda for a political order pro closed ok
- Dec 29 '06 deu>eng an sich festlegen explanation of the sentence below pro closed no
4 Sep 11 '06 deu>eng wohlfahrtsstaatliche Einbettung considering its embedment/positioning in the respective welfare state environment pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '06 deu>eng Scharnierfunktion coordinating function pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered