Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 5 '02 eng>ara Checklist قائمة التحقق easy closed no
- Oct 4 '12 eng>ces in-merit examination podrobné šetření pro just_closed no
4 May 25 '13 eng>ara long delivery lead time equipment معدات أو تجهيزات ذات مدة الإنجاز أو التسليم الطويلة pro closed no
- May 25 '13 eng>ces facilitation/grease payment úplatek pro closed no
4 May 25 '13 eng>ces wheel and rail roughness drsnost povrchu kola a kolejnice pro closed no
4 May 25 '13 eng>ces tunnel wall stěna tunelu pro closed no
4 May 23 '13 eng>ara UCCJEA القانون الموحد للتنفيذ والولاية القضائية بشأن حضانة الاطفال pro closed no
4 May 24 '13 eng>ara cattle drive رحلة الماشية أو المواشي pro closed no
- May 23 '13 eng>ara et seq وما يليها pro closed no
NP May 23 '13 eng>ara An intricate watering hole attack هجوم سقي حفرة معقد pro closed no
- May 23 '13 eng>ces transcription discs záznamové/přepisové desky pro just_closed no
- May 23 '13 eng>ara INSTR تعليمات أو أداة pro just_closed no
4 May 23 '13 eng>ara 4907 PG 4907 PG pro closed no
- May 23 '13 eng>ara classified remedial names أسماء سرية خلال التعالج easy just_closed no
- May 23 '13 eng>ara beechnut green جوز الزان pro open no
- Feb 26 '13 eng>ara super structural ذات مقام/مكانة ثانوية pro open no
- Feb 26 '13 eng>ces compensation cost of sales (CCOS) náklady (výdaje) spojené se zaměstnanci (prodavači) pro closed no
- Feb 26 '13 eng>ara super structural فوق البنيوية pro open no
- Feb 26 '13 eng>ara Servant Leaders القادة بالخدمة pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered