Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 23 '08 eng>eng over the likelihood the anxiety may be about the probabilty pro closed ok
4 Oct 22 '07 eng>eng not even driving down it without even driving along the lane pro closed no
4 Oct 17 '07 eng>eng like her eat Please see below (not enough space here) easy closed no
- May 15 '07 eng>eng when the coster's finished jumping on his mother coster - costermonger, a person who sold (fresh) goods in the streets (see below for more details pro closed no
4 Mar 18 '07 eng>eng vigil vigil, wake, watch easy closed ok
4 Mar 7 '07 eng>eng the boy with his finger in the dyke From the legend of hans Brinker - please see below pro closed ok
4 Mar 6 '07 eng>eng across on the other side of the hall - more or less opposite the mistress's bedroom pro closed ok
4 Feb 12 '07 eng>eng Why dost thos tear more blest ones hence ... Explanation below pro closed no
- Jan 8 '07 eng>eng your copy of "Sports Hijinks" on Beta possibly a beta version of a computer programme or a betamax video tape pro closed no
4 Dec 21 '06 eng>eng made conical sandtraps down The anteaters made cone-shaped sandtraps. I used to push the red ants down the sides of the trap. pro closed no
4 Dec 19 '06 eng>eng fiddle-de-dee What nonsense/what a waste of time/this isn't important/I'm wasting my time on thi pro closed ok
4 Nov 22 '06 eng>eng to cost of not worth the cost of a few destroyers, or less than the cost of a battleship pro closed no
4 Oct 17 '06 eng>eng what its origin was where it was coming from/where it came from/I knew the source right away pro closed no
4 Oct 16 '06 eng>eng how many are there to happen yet how many (more) have yet to happen? pro closed no
4 Oct 10 '06 eng>eng held less or no sway had much less or no influence/were of much less or of no importance pro closed ok
- Sep 25 '06 eng>eng bad road production of Fiddler a low quality touring production of "Fiddler on the Roof" . . . easy closed no
- Sep 15 '06 eng>eng Jaeger jacket It's a brand name pro closed no
4 Sep 11 '06 eng>eng controversy conflict - the speaker is using ironic understatment pro closed no
4 Sep 11 '06 eng>eng dark chapter the dark period in their lives and the lives of the Jewish community pro closed no
- Sep 11 '06 eng>eng bent-backed stooped/bowed with age pro closed no
- Sep 1 '06 eng>eng the sound of a button being torn off Pop! pro closed ok
4 Aug 28 '06 eng>eng glossy obsidian of the pool the shiny, glass-like blackness of the pool's water in the night pro closed no
- Aug 27 '06 eng>eng mute in It was night and the water was still and silent, making no sound pro closed no
4 Aug 24 '06 eng>eng the scientific proposition has always been an artistic belief for many writers please see below pro closed no
- Aug 19 '06 eng>eng placed a pitfall trap set in the passage pro closed no
- Aug 17 '06 eng>eng The sound of a torch flaring up? 'whoomph' or 'whoosh' pro closed ok
4 Aug 14 '06 eng>eng would disappear and return and go back again disappeared and returned, coming and going, which went on for quite a long time pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '06 eng>eng turn up a notch the sensation he was experiencing intesified/became several degrees stronger pro closed ok
4 Aug 1 '06 eng>eng should our promise fail to hold I think it's fine - but I've also added a suggestion below pro closed no
4 Jul 31 '06 eng>eng It will do for now At the moment, the word 'friends' is a good enough description of our previous relationship pro closed no
4 Jul 23 '06 eng>eng worked Yes, it works (and so does 'bobbed') pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered