Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 7 '05 heb>eng ....לא נכללו בעבירות ההסגרה Not extraditable pro closed no
- May 24 '03 heb>eng התערבו Divine intervention easy closed ok
4 Apr 26 '03 heb>eng sentence Social inequality is not a matter of social justice, unless a person or a society have the power to easy closed no
- Apr 12 '03 heb>eng ח"ן literally - wisdom of hidden things; meaning - Kabbala easy closed ok
4 Feb 28 '03 heb>eng hok kelim shluvim principle of communicating vessels easy closed ok
4 Nov 9 '02 heb>eng פסקת ההתגברות Override clause sounds right. pro closed no
- Aug 21 '02 heb>eng מוצבים outposts easy closed no
- Jun 30 '02 heb>eng lekhaven ledaat gdolim To come up with the same answer as that of great scholars easy closed ok
- Jun 27 '02 heb>eng miktze shipurim a second shot, making improvements easy closed ok
- Apr 19 '02 heb>eng everything Nashim hikanana lebe'aleikhen bakol easy closed ok
- Apr 1 '02 heb>eng ta ayoush Sounds like a military acronym, probably military easy closed no
- Mar 11 '02 heb>eng ביום Stage, orchestrate easy open no
3 Feb 1 '02 heb>eng aliat madrega cf. kfitzat madrega aliyat / kfitsat madrega easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered