Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 11 '18 fas>eng کوچ عشایر Nomads' seasonal migration pro closed no
- May 8 '18 fas>eng عام المنفعه Communal Services pro closed ok
- Apr 17 '18 fas>eng شاخص عینی قابل مشاهده Tangible objective criterion pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '18 fas>eng مشکلات ناشی از بازارگرایی Market Orientation-driven problems pro closed ok
4 Mar 11 '18 fas>eng نبود آینده نگری در این خصوص Lack of foresight in this sense/respect pro closed no
4 Mar 11 '18 fas>eng افزایش بی رویه آلاینده های کربنی Irregular increase of carbon emissions pro closed ok
- Feb 3 '18 fas>eng تفکر دوراندیشانه Broad insight pro closed no
4 Feb 3 '18 fas>eng به رسمیت شناختن مشروعیت Recognizing the legitimacy/legality pro closed no
- Jan 6 '18 fas>eng به عنوان زیرمجموعه هایی از مفهوم گسترده تر کارآفرینی پایدار عمل می کنند act as the interlacing subsets of the wider sense of sustainable entrepreneurship. pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '18 fas>eng در مسیر حرکت آتی سازمان قابل پیاده سازی باشد That would be implementable/achievable on the future course of the organization. pro closed ok
- Jan 6 '18 fas>eng چه پیامدهایی در پی دارد what consequences will ensue/follow pro closed ok
- Jan 6 '18 fas>eng نبود شفافیت نسبت به جلوه های مختلف کارآفرینی Unclarities over various aspects of entrepreneurship pro closed ok
- Jan 6 '18 fas>eng در ورای مفهوم سنتی beyond its classic concept pro closed no
4 Jan 6 '18 fas>eng تا جایی که در طول زمان so widespread and multifaceted that in (over) the course of time... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered