Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 29 '22 pol>eng na siłę excessive pro just_closed no
- Jun 18 '17 rus>eng аптечный торговый зал pharmacy pro closed no
- Feb 16 '17 rus>eng Я тебя люблю любого I love you, I really love you pro closed no
- Feb 16 '17 pol>eng nielekarski personel medyczny medical personnel other than doctors pro closed ok
- Aug 1 '16 pol>eng rozmiar kartki nie może zobowiązywać The size of the work is of no importance, does not matter, no work is too small pro closed ok
- Jul 20 '16 sve>eng Rörmästare licensed plumber pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '16 rus>eng похищения меня Властями being detained by the authorities, police... pro closed ok
- Jul 4 '16 rus>eng но не могли увидеть в сердце чудо but they could not see the beauty of her heart pro closed ok
4 Jun 18 '16 pol>eng świętokradca (w kontekście) is a sinner, commits the sin of blasphemy pro closed no
- Jun 10 '16 pol>eng pod sankcją świętokradztwa their act deemed sacrilegious pro closed no
- Jun 7 '16 pol>eng żeby cię pokręciło! Lest you perish, go to Hell pro closed ok
- Nov 20 '15 rus>eng как говорится how to say pro just_closed no
- Oct 7 '15 rus>eng Знакомиться на улице make friends in the street, talk to people in the street pro closed ok
- Sep 27 '15 pol>eng przestępstwa seksualne i przestępstwa na tle seksualnym sex crimes v. sex-related crimes pro closed ok
- Sep 25 '15 pol>eng zatarcie kary sealed pro closed ok
4 Sep 21 '15 rus>eng рыболовная резинка stretchable fishing line, monofilament fishing line, braided fishing line pro closed ok
- Jul 20 '15 rus>eng вызвать к доске ask to come to the front(of the classroom) and answer the quesition pro closed no
4 Jul 13 '15 pol>eng Przedostać się do to prevent pollutants from entering X, to protect it form pollutants pro closed no
- Jul 13 '15 pol>eng Wchodzić w rachubę what is meant buy that is pro closed no
- May 29 '15 pol>eng Budujmy drogi! Nie będzie złych! We build roads. No bad roads ever. pro closed ok
- May 25 '15 pol>eng z wolności by voluntary surrender pro closed ok
- May 25 '15 rus>eng замаскирован другими which can be made indiscernible, unnoticeable by other aromas, smells pro closed ok
- May 18 '15 rus>eng Хуй с тобой, Золотая Рыбка go yourself, you f..cking gold fish, who cares about you, you gold fish pro just_closed no
- May 17 '15 pol>eng obkupić się w coś stock on something pro closed no
4 May 10 '15 rus>eng Аварии и вокруг них Accidents and all about them pro closed no
- Mar 28 '15 rus>eng Нудный - это тот, кому проще дать, чем объяснить, почему не хочешь a bore would be someone with whom it would be easier to go to bed with than explain why you do not pro closed no
4 Mar 18 '15 rus>eng светиться лишний раз to be seen (here) once again pro closed no
- Mar 4 '15 rus>eng на разовое получение one time receipt or payment pro closed no
- Mar 4 '15 rus>eng девушек сомнительного поведения WOMEN OF QUESTIONABLE REPUTATION pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '15 pol>eng odwrotnie coś zinterpretować might have been interpreted the other way around pro closed ok
- Jan 18 '15 pol>eng tylko tyle i aż tyle only as much, and yet so much pro closed no
- Nov 12 '14 pol>eng wolny elektron Someone wearing multiple hats, handling multiple tasks pro closed ok
- Oct 30 '14 rus>eng .... культура жителей everyday customs (habits) of the inhabitants, or residents of x pro closed no
- Oct 25 '14 rus>eng пойти (характером) в кого-то he resembles his father more in terms of his personality pro closed ok
4 Oct 25 '14 rus>eng походить (глазами и т.д.) на кого-то I look a lot like my (father)--I have his eyes pro closed no
- Oct 13 '14 rus>eng ПисАть, как и пИсать... write only when you cannot hold it (any longer) pro closed no
- Oct 11 '14 rus>eng разрывать на куски lose yourself in what people call participation pro closed no
- Oct 4 '14 pol>eng który po niej nastąpił which followed pro just_closed no
- Aug 13 '14 rus>eng зачекиниться he was seen as, he made himself known for pro closed no
- Aug 1 '14 rus>eng от момента, когда .... до from the time when X till the time when Y pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '14 rus>eng попадать под раздачу to be able to take advantage of X, not to be ignored pro closed ok
- Jul 16 '14 pol>eng uUkończył naukę w Zasadniczej Szkole Zawodowej dla Pracujących He completed a vocational high school for adults pro closed ok
1 Jul 13 '14 rus>eng (бабло и) козёл trash and idiots pro closed ok
- Jul 5 '14 lit>eng darželio aukletoja (child) care pro closed ok
4 Jun 15 '14 pol>eng wysypiska stanowią żródło pożywienia dla gryzoni i karaluchów landfills serve as the/may become the feeding ground for X, Y Z pro closed ok
4 Jun 16 '14 pol>eng zamek bagażnika trunk lock pro closed no
- Jun 13 '14 pol>eng wartość, od której naliczone zostało odszkodowanie the amount based on which the compensation was calculated pro closed ok
- Jun 12 '14 pol>eng bez celu ich praktycznego zastosowania without the aim/intention of utalizing X for any practical purpose pro closed ok
4 Jun 12 '14 pol>eng hipoteza pomocnicza supporting hypotheses pro closed ok
- May 8 '14 pol>eng Protokol konfrontacji Police Witness Examination Report pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered