SDL Trados Studio: Intermediate Functions
From Wiki
This page includes clarification on issues arising that can be resolved by being familiar with SDL Trados Studio's intermediate user functions
Problem: Studio says file has tracked changes, but it does not
It may quite often happen that Studio will not process a file (particularly when setting up a project), claiming that it has tracked changes, when you have in fact already double-checked, accepted all tracked changes and deactivated track changes on the document.
If this happens, there is a very simple way to handle the problem:
Go to Tools - Options - File Types - Microsoft Word 2000 - 2003 - Other Settings
Place a tick beside the option "Process documents with non accepted or rejected changes".
The settings are all permanent until you next alter them or until you install the next version of Studio. Therefore, if you do this once you will not have trouble of this kind again with any future document for as long as you are using the current version of Studio. Nevertheless, you should always check, before processing a document in Studio, that you have first cleaned up any document that does actually contain tracked changes (which may include notes in the margin).
How to cause a document to segment after a soft return (manual line break)
Go to Tools - Options - File Types - Microsoft Word 2000 - 2003 - Other Settings
Place a tick beside the option "Treat soft returns as structure tags".
It is generally useful to have this checked, because clients often send documents with soft returns at the end of the line, and, if the above option is not checked, everything containing only soft returns will be segmented into a single TU.
Adjusting autopropagation settings:
What are project files? Why create projects?
How to get the translated content into the translation memory:
Why is the option to create an AutoSuggest Dictionary greyed out?