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SDL Trados Studio

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  • Welcome to the SDL Trados Studio Wiki pages. It is hoped to create a useful information base here, to which both new and regular users of Studio will be able to refer for help.
  • The help will be provided under various different sections, the first one containing tips on Installation and Licensing.
  • Under the 3 levels of use corresponding to the Getting Started, Intermediate and Advanced exams, the information available in SDL's .pdf manuals intended for preparing for the exams will naturally not be repeated here.
    • Instead, these sections will contain tips (also provided by you) on the application of the functions at these various levels, perhaps answer some commonly asked questions, and be a place where you can report on, for example, your work flows that you use in your business making use of these functions.
  • A further section is provided concerning technical issues, and you can use that section to report on compatibilities between Studio and various operating systems, for example, or any other technical issues arising.
  • It will in particular be appreciated if you wish to provide useful information on frequently occurring technical issues for which you have found a solution which you could describe here. Many thanks in advance for your contribution. Please feel free to add to these pages at any time.

Characteristics of SDL Trados Studio

SDL Trados Studio 2009 provides a user-friendly, side-by-side editing function in an easy-to-view format. It is a great deal faster than its predecessor, SDL Trados 2007 Suite, and there are a number of reasons for this. The function which appears to make the greatest difference to translating speed is the AutoSuggest Dictionary function. AutoSuggest consists of suggested translations appearing on the screen as you type, and would be particularly time-saving for those who are not fast at typing. The suggested translations are drawn from AutoSuggest dictionaries which you first have to create (with at least 25,000 TUs) or otherwise obtain from somewhere and also from your termbases.

As regards the termbases, it is much quicker with Studio (than with previous versions of Trados software) to select your terms. Firstly, because, if you already know the translation of your term, you can type the first two characters of it and Autosuggest will make it pop up for you. If you cannot remember how to translate your term, you can look for it in the terminology box at the top of the screen on the right-hand side and insert it into your translation by highlighting it and clicking the appropriate button. The great improvement here on previous Trados software is that you do not need to move through the terms in sequence, but can select any term from the list at any time.

Components to SDL Trados Studio

Differences with older products

Links to related pages

SDL Trados Studio: Installation and Licensing
SDL Trados Studio: Getting Started
SDL Trados Studio: Intermediate Functions
SDL Trados Studio: Advanced Functions
SDL Trados Studio: Technical issues