Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 11 '20 rus>eng Я согласен на медаль A medal is OK. pro closed ok
- Oct 6 '18 rus>eng мент лысый не отыщет a reference to "черт лысый" pro closed no
- Jun 12 '18 rus>eng отозвать претензии stop finding faukt with her pro closed no
- May 23 '18 rus>eng Говноед портовый You waterside dumbshit! pro just_closed no
4 May 11 '18 eng>rus by the high-hung, hammered, heated, hissing hot hinges of hell One attempt pro closed no
- Mar 24 '18 rus>eng оскаленные солдаты с матюками втаскивали на броню cussing and growling, the soldiers pulled those up onto the tank pro open no
- Mar 24 '18 rus>eng поставить город на рога get the city all riled up pro open no
- Oct 6 '17 rus>eng Волшебная шкатулка magic coffret pro just_closed no
4 Oct 7 '17 rus>eng и, не насытившись трепетом тел, two trembling bodies lusting for more pro closed no
4 Oct 7 '17 rus>eng стуком в груди нарушая тмшь heartbeats breaking the silence pro closed no
3 Jun 24 '16 rus>rus Женщина, которая дразнит, но не даёт сучка-дразнючка pro closed no
- Jun 23 '14 deu>rus Körperlichkeit плотность pro closed no
- Jun 23 '14 deu>rus Fülle насыщенность pro closed no
- Dec 6 '14 rus>eng мало каши ел feeble as a baby pro closed no
- Oct 28 '14 eng>rus in a land just a plane ride away в стране на расстоянии одного перелета pro closed no
- Oct 28 '14 eng>rus violently to explain away откреститься pro closed no
- Sep 11 '14 rus>eng люди в мыслях people deep in thought pro closed no
- Sep 2 '14 eng>rus macrocosmic reality макрокосмическое естество Шивы pro closed ok
- May 31 '14 eng>rus shutting up блокируя pro closed no
- Feb 25 '14 rus>eng утвердившиеся во благе petrified in their blessed existence pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '14 eng>rus anywhere на какой-то миг реальность словно бы исчезла pro closed no
- Jan 20 '14 rus>eng Далёко мысли вьются her thoughts are so far pro closed ok
4 Jan 16 '14 eng>rus an unnerving weight гнетущая напряженность pro closed no
- Jan 16 '14 eng>rus keep pressing forward гнуть свое pro closed no
- Jan 11 '14 eng>rus unlock the imagination раскрепостить воображение pro closed ok
- Dec 19 '13 rus>eng авторская сказка modern fairy tale pro closed no
- Nov 28 '13 rus>eng увещевать по зубам hammer in the jaw pro closed no
4 Nov 21 '13 eng>rus tall pair не обиженные ростом супруги pro closed no
- Nov 19 '13 eng>rus bloomed with dead cars in drifts of blossom красовались ржавые корпуса автомашин pro closed no
- Nov 19 '13 eng>rus the allure of broken combs похожие на выщербленные гребни pro closed no
- Nov 14 '13 eng>rus предложение См. pro closed no
- Nov 12 '13 rus>eng устоят погром make a mess pro closed no
- Nov 7 '13 eng>rus took a pride in being equal to it она не обращала на холод внимания pro closed no
- Nov 4 '13 eng>rus Your measure and your gauge. меряй на свой аршин pro closed no
- Oct 31 '13 eng>rus Belsenesque кожа да кости pro closed no
- Oct 31 '13 eng>rus I hate to say вынужден сказать pro closed no
- Oct 15 '13 eng>rus embarrassing marigolds не к месту подаренных ноготков pro closed no
- Oct 1 '13 rus>eng Накося выкуси Eat that! pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '13 eng>rus beads from the suburbs ребята с четками из пригородов pro closed ok
- Sep 19 '13 rus>eng Лучше уже было! Is it going to get better? - It can only get worse. pro closed no
4 Sep 19 '13 eng>rus Join on an adventure примите участие в приключении pro closed no
- Sep 15 '13 rus>eng умничать по полной play smart alecks pro closed no
- Sep 15 '13 rus>eng не долюбить I didn't give him enough love pro closed no
- Sep 14 '13 rus>eng пошленький rubbishy pro closed no
- Sep 13 '13 rus>eng выныривает appears pro closed no
1 Sep 13 '13 rus>eng «…а за окном шел дождь и красноармейцы» it rained cats, dogs and Red Army soldiers pro closed no
- Sep 13 '13 rus>eng солдатик [in this context] firebugs pro closed no
- Sep 12 '13 eng>rus what money can’t buy не все покупается за деньги pro closed no
- Apr 29 '12 hun>rus Hug Block Хаг Блок pro just_closed no
- Sep 10 '13 rus>eng старший, средний, младший (see context) eldest, middle, youngest pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered