Grammatical Conversion in English:Some new trends in lexical evolution
Author: Ana I. Hern�ndez Bartolom� and Gustavo Mendiluce Cabrera
Ana Isabel Hern�ndez Bartolom� was born in Bilbao, Spain. She holds a B.A. (Hons) in English Studies and has completed a Master's Degree in Specialised Translation from the University of Valladolid. After teaching English Grammar and English/Spanish translation at this University, she received a Government research assistantship to work on her Ph.D. thesis on English/Spanish screen translation. However, medical language is another of her research interests. She has delivered a number of presentations on both topics; also, she has published some papers in journals such as Meta and Translation Journal.

Gustavo Mendiluce Cabrera was born in Valladolid, Spain. He holds a BA (Hons) in English Studies and a Master's Degree in Specialised Translation from the University of Valladolid. He was awarded a Government research assistantship for his Ph.D. studies, and he also worked as a junior lecturer in English Grammar at the University of Valladolid. Recently, he has completed his doctoral thesis on metadiscourse in English and Spanish biomedical papers. He has a number of conference presentations dealing with English-Spanish specialised languages. Particularly, his lines of research are biomedical writing and audiovisual translation. Some of his publications can be found in Translation Journal and Panace@.  
By Ana I. Hern�ndez Bartolom� and Gustavo Mendiluce Cabrera
Published on 06/7/2005