Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 25 '18 fra>eng trouver des échos inquiétants ...and seem even to echo one another in alarming ways pro closed no
4 Apr 2 '14 rus>eng с учетом географических особенностей Thanks to its geographical location pro closed no
- Apr 2 '14 rus>eng пропагандистский турнир a demonstration / demonstration event pro closed no
4 Jan 8 '14 rus>eng жесткий силовой футбол an aggressive brand of football pro closed no
- Aug 1 '13 rus>eng Плюшевый комок позитива и радости A fluffy bundle of joy / A plush bundle of joy pro closed ok
- Jul 31 '13 fra>eng esprit de transmission, desire to pass on her knowledge pro closed ok
- Jul 24 '13 fra>eng des pommes partout You're feeling giddy! pro closed ok
4 Jun 26 '13 fra>eng rattraper le favori to catch up with the parent company's preferred division pro closed no
- Jun 18 '13 fra>eng le plaisir de la natte the two-backed beast on the mat easy closed no
4 Jun 17 '13 rus>eng поскольку этим они не лишаются возможности отстаивать since this does not prevent them from asserting their rights and legal interests pro closed no
4 Jun 2 '13 fra>eng flétrir I loathe it, but am loath to see the back of it pro closed no
- Jun 3 '13 fra>eng fait plus rire que pleurer you're more likely to get the giggles than the heebie-jeebies! pro closed no
- May 27 '13 rus>eng разъехаться по Таиландам headed off on their holidays pro closed ok
4 May 27 '13 rus>eng Оставалось только успеть убедить All they needed to do now was convince...before pro closed ok
4 May 24 '13 rus>eng достаточно изобличается в совершении преступления there are sufficient grounds to find XXX guilty under Art. 58 pro closed no
- May 23 '13 fra>eng fleuron de la littérature a great literary light pro closed ok
- May 22 '13 fra>eng Écrire court e(s)t stimulant Keep it short and snappy pro closed no
- May 21 '13 fra>eng Le travail se conjugue en un Work takes both and marries the two! pro closed ok
- May 19 '13 fra>eng la parole est à Mr X, come on down! pro closed no
- May 14 '13 rus>eng исходят из необходимости, чтобы государство обеспечило stem from the need for the state to ensure... pro closed ok
- May 15 '13 fra>eng dépaysannisation forced removal of peasants pro closed ok
- May 14 '13 fra>eng investissement peu gourmand which is not particularly appetizing pro closed ok
4 May 14 '13 rus>eng начинающий бизнес new, up-and-coming businesses pro closed no
- May 13 '13 rus>eng пишет подделки под paints forgeries in the style of well-known Impressionists pro closed no
- May 13 '13 rus>eng и многом другом and plenty more besides pro closed ok
- May 12 '13 fra>eng défilement de verbatims scrollable list of exact matches pro closed no
4 May 8 '13 fra>eng qu'il résulte des pièces that the following can be inferred from the documents which... easy closed ok
- May 8 '13 rus>eng инвалид vs. человек с ограниченными возможностями person with a disability pro just_closed no
- May 3 '13 fra>eng rideau législatif protecteur a protective layer of legislation pro closed ok
- May 3 '13 rus>eng Новое время — новые песни We mustn't forget to change with the times pro closed no
- May 2 '13 fra>eng doit faire ses preuves à l'examen must prove himself / herself in the exams pro closed ok
- May 1 '13 rus>eng продирающее от мозга до костей ...that special something that makes the hairs stand up on the backs of their necks pro closed no
- Mar 23 '09 fra>eng signature opposable enforceable in a court of law pro closed ok
- Feb 5 '09 fra>eng entre ciel et terre between the heavenly ether above you and the solid earth beneath your feet pro closed no
- Jan 14 '09 rus>eng всюду все свои they are all on our side / they are all on board pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered