Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 15 '10 ita>eng protagonista (posizione) protagonist/main character easy closed ok
- Sep 5 '09 esl>eng disparar un mail shoot an email easy closed no
4 Sep 4 '09 eng>ita which at that time ran for barely a mile che, al tempo, si estendeva per quasi un miglio pro closed no
4 Aug 5 '09 eng>ita it's a sound indication that you... è un chiaro segno/indizio di/che pro closed no
- Jul 25 '09 ita>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Jul 18 '09 eng>ita Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
4 Jul 11 '09 esl>ita que tengáis café listo siempre y el mantenimiento che troviate sempre il caffè pronto/che il caffè non manchi e della manutenzione pro closed ok
- Jun 19 '09 eng>ita bloody showoff sbruffone pro closed ok
- Jan 14 '09 deu>ita ganzheitliche Kundenberatung consulenza tout-court///onnicomprensiva///ad ampio raggio/spettro pro closed no
4 Dec 8 '08 eng>ita double-choice question domanda a scelta doppia pro closed ok
- Nov 30 '08 esl>eng en mitad del túnel just halfway through the tunnel pro closed ok
- Oct 29 '08 ita>eng acquisito taking for granted you are all familiar with it. pro closed ok
- Oct 25 '08 esl>eng arrastra a los parqués europeos sweeps across European [stock] markets pro closed ok
4 Oct 25 '08 eng>ita retrieve se viene spronata a riportare qualcosa easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered