Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 16 '09 deu>eng ...genauso viel zu tun wie... has about as much to do with this as it has [to do] with easy closed no
4 Aug 20 '09 fra>eng pris isolément as an individual easy closed ok
- May 19 '09 fra>eng couronné honoured easy closed ok
2 Feb 24 '09 fra>eng on a toute envie de légèreté you are looking for / fancy something light easy closed no
- Feb 23 '09 deu>eng Wo lang? Which way do we go? easy closed ok
- Feb 16 '09 deu>eng für Ihre Lektüre empfehlen [which I] recommend [to] you to read easy just_closed no
4 Jan 31 '09 fra>eng Il y en a qui sont morts d'attendre You could die waiting [for this to happen] easy closed ok
- Jan 11 '09 fra>eng printemps continuel perpetual spring easy closed no
4 Sep 29 '08 deu>eng schön von dir zu lesen nice to hear from you easy closed ok
- Aug 28 '08 fra>eng La vision que nous partageons en commun de créer... We have a shared vision/we have a vision in common to create/produce easy closed no
4 Jul 20 '08 eng>eng € 45 p.p. per page/per person easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered