Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 2 '06 eng>eng why do they say "it" for the "weather" Inanimated things such as weather is expressed by "it" easy closed no
- Jun 1 '05 jpn>eng もらう For you reference easy closed no
- May 2 '05 jpn>eng -aguneru at his wits' end easy closed ok
4 May 2 '05 jpn>eng 城壁が完成したが最後 Once it's been done easy closed ok
- Mar 3 '05 jpn>eng 分かるような、分からないように Unclear, quite puzzling, doesn' t make much sense to me easy closed ok
- Jan 24 '05 eng>jpn The Beatles toured Japan and the Philipines in nineteen sixty six (1966). ビートルズは1966年、日本とフィリピンに公演旅行をした。 easy closed no
- Nov 7 '04 jpn>eng 俺はいかん。 I'm not good. easy closed no
- Sep 28 '04 eng>jpn what is your sign (あなたは)何座生まれ(ですか)? easy closed no
4 Sep 18 '04 jpn>eng Goszaimashita It was as though ...... easy closed no
- Sep 1 '04 eng>jpn peace, war, life,death 平和、戦争、命、死 easy closed no
- Apr 9 '04 eng>jpn honour 栄誉、光栄、名誉 easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered