Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 21 '09 rus>eng Договор о депозитном вкладе с юридическим лицом 2) pro closed no
- Jan 21 '09 rus>eng Заместитель директора по сопровождению операций Deputy Director for Transactions Management pro closed no
- Jan 13 '09 rus>eng большиe возможности considerable potential pro closed no
4 Dec 23 '08 rus>eng would We would have transferred the money to your account had the banks not been closed at the time. pro closed no
- Dec 1 '08 rus>eng С этой целью предлагаю способствовать ОАО For this purpose, I propose that I assist XXX resolve the following matters pro closed no
4 Nov 13 '08 rus>eng подход оправдан с точки зрения, что This approach is justified because pro closed no
- Nov 12 '08 rus>eng улучшенная планировка improve the layout pro closed no
4 Aug 10 '08 rus>eng продаваемый ассортимент products on sale pro closed no
4 Jun 9 '08 rus>eng войти в пятёрку крупнейших по капитализации банков became one of the five largest/top banks in terms of capitalization pro closed no
- May 12 '08 rus>eng диспансерный учет no longer requiring regular medical checkups pro closed no
- May 7 '08 rus>eng в добровольном порядке is willing to pro closed ok
- Apr 23 '08 rus>eng свидетельствует Вам свое почтение ...respectfully asks you to consider... pro closed no
- Apr 17 '08 rus>eng Основы документационного обеспечения управления Basics of Document Control pro closed ok
4 Apr 17 '08 rus>eng родители или лица, которые их заменяют parents or legal guardians pro closed no
- Jan 31 '08 rus>eng нецелесообразност оказания услуг It would be inappropriate to provide him with educational services. pro closed no
- Jan 19 '08 rus>eng срок товарных кредитов/срок товарного кредитования terms of consumer loans pro closed ok
- May 21 '07 rus>eng ротироваться to be on radio playlists pro closed ok
- May 19 '07 rus>eng проходить практику 'work experience' or 'work placement' pro closed no
4 May 8 '07 rus>eng tariffs or rates rates, fares or prices pro closed no
- Apr 13 '07 rus>eng гражданин loyal citizen pro closed no
- Mar 18 '07 rus>eng справка об операциях по лицевому счету bank statement pro closed ok
- Feb 1 '05 rus>eng профессия востребована на рынке труда There is a shortage of 'X" pro closed ok
4 Jan 13 '05 rus>eng ломка withdrawal easy closed no
- Jan 7 '05 rus>eng некорректность inappropriate easy closed ok
- Dec 20 '04 rus>eng поле деятельности компании reach of the campaign pro closed ok
- Nov 28 '04 rus>eng торговое предствительство could be a 'branch" pro closed ok
- Sep 24 '04 rus>eng привлечь иностранные инвестиции в отрасль to encourage foreign investment in this sector pro closed no
- Sep 24 '04 rus>eng собрала на своей площадке More than 200 X companies from 31 regions exhibited this year. pro closed no
- Jul 11 '04 rus>eng многофункциональность, многофункциональный able to multitask pro closed no
- Jul 11 '04 rus>eng работа на радио worked on radio/worked on the radio pro closed ok
4 Jun 30 '04 rus>eng табельное оружие standard issue weapons pro closed no
- Jun 23 '04 rus>eng общак need more info pro closed ok
- Jun 22 '04 rus>eng алкоголь booze easy closed no
- Jun 22 '04 rus>eng день города Not an answer easy closed ok
- Jun 12 '04 rus>eng в разрезе broken down by easy closed ok
4 May 27 '04 rus>eng не содействовал к утверждению did not contribute to the establishment of civil liberties and political freedom pro closed ok
- May 27 '04 rus>eng принцип внешней политики is fundamental to the foreign policy of the United States. OR is a fundamental principle etc.. easy closed ok
4 May 14 '04 rus>eng главное управление внутренних дел Main Directorate of Internal Affairs pro closed no
- Apr 13 '04 rus>eng сделано 90% от всей работы 90% of all the work has been completed. easy closed no
- Apr 13 '04 rus>eng я рад, что мое предложение вас заинтересовало I am pleased that you are interested in my proposal. easy closed no
- Apr 13 '04 rus>eng хищение чужого имущества в особо крупных размерах large-scale embezzlement of property easy closed ok
- Apr 1 '04 rus>eng Как понять, новых или чего? Just a comment easy closed ok
- Mar 29 '04 rus>eng Убирается в общий баян , всё это вытягивается, потом уже делят по баянам I am only commenting on your incidental question easy closed no
- Mar 23 '04 rus>eng Во время Первой мировой войны в ней проживали высшие офицерские чины High ranking officers stayed there during World War One. pro closed ok
4 Mar 17 '04 rus>eng Постановление вступает в законную силу ..и обжалованию не подлежит The decision / order enters into force ...and may not be appealed. OR is not subject to appeal. pro closed no
4 Mar 17 '04 rus>eng Не согласившись с решением суда disagreeing with the court ruling OR with the court's decision pro closed no
- Feb 28 '04 rus>eng токовать (о глухарях) perform courtship rituals easy closed ok
- Feb 23 '04 rus>eng График учитывает необходимость одинакового количества дневных и ночных смен The rota takes into account the need for an equal number of day and night shifts easy closed no
- Feb 20 '04 rus>eng расти не по дням, а по часам 'grow before one's very eyes' OR simply, 'grow very rapidly' easy closed ok
- Feb 18 '04 rus>eng кандидат наук и кандидат филологических наук Candidate of Science Degree and Candidate of Philology Degree (both roughly correspond to PHDs pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered