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Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 17 '09 eng>chi the barrister in him barrister = (在英格兰,有权在高等法院出庭辩论的)(讼务)律师 pro closed no
- Jun 7 '08 chi>eng 二月逆流 'Adverse February current'; the 'adverse February current' pro closed no
- May 27 '08 chi>eng 当可高下立判 高下立判 has been asked before pro closed no
- May 23 '08 chi>eng 穷极无聊,潦倒穷途 穷途潦倒 = crack up under the strain of poverty and sorrow;穷途 = deadend pro closed no
- May 24 '08 chi>eng 团结异已 见:“一种豪爽率真、团结"异已"的和谐精神”;“能够以善报恶,以情感人,求同存异,团结"热河"帮,” pro closed ok
- May 20 '08 chi>eng 外谥 overflow pro closed no
- May 14 '08 chi>eng 促之归,及归 及归 = when he returned pro closed no
4 May 14 '08 chi>eng 倚若长城 rely on it/depend on it as if it were the Great Wall pro closed no
4 May 12 '08 chi>eng 明成祖 aka the Yongle 永乐 Emperor easy closed no
- Mar 31 '08 eng>chi family chronicles chronicle = 编年史;年代记 easy closed ok
- Jan 28 '08 eng>chi the fabulous 50s and the swinging 60s Swinging 60s 活跃的六十年代 pro closed no
- Jan 16 '07 chi>eng 竊"符"救趙 符 = tally pro closed ok
- Sep 13 '06 chi>eng 皇宫礼仪 皇宫 = Imperial Palace pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '05 eng>chi Yuan Wu Japanese name Engo? pro closed no
- Jun 9 '05 chi>eng 照膽臺 FYI Hangzhou's Zhaodan Tai 照胆台 pro closed no
4 Dec 29 '04 chi>eng 都护府 Protectorate pro closed ok
- Nov 18 '04 chi>eng 元季 元代中后期 easy closed ok
- Nov 2 '04 eng>eng The Centre region is a natural logistics region. logistics meaning what? easy closed no
- Nov 8 '04 chi>eng 他无所不学 ( was nothing that he had not studied easy closed ok
- Sep 9 '04 chi>eng 娍暥戝宯 2 refs to 汉文大系 pro closed no
- Sep 9 '04 chi>eng 栄帊彺 2 refs to 毛诗;毛诗抄 pro closed no
- Aug 7 '04 chi>eng 回顾 (v,n) look back;review (adj,n) retrospective easy closed ok
- Jul 29 '04 eng>chi Sentence 不难解释 Plato的<>的悠久的/长期以来的迷人作用/能力 pro closed ok
- Jul 29 '04 eng>chi felt driven to lead an imperfect life some seek perfection as hermits and recluses (the eastern tradition?)但是他 pro closed ok
- Jul 29 '04 eng>chi each man has the place for which he was designed by nature has the place for which he was designed by nature = 具有适合他的位置 pro closed ok
- Jul 29 '04 eng>chi Whether ... is a question impossible to answer. * pro closed ok
4 Jul 29 '04 eng>chi Wit, Device and Initiate wit = 风趣;机智;郁剔;智性 pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '04 eng>chi the way these ideas are reduced to the daily round of conventional life how these ideas are brought down into the daily routine of everyday normal life pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '04 eng>chi enjoin positive acts enjoin (formal) = to instruct someone to do something or to behave in a particular way; 提倡 pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '04 eng>chi at the very least religious idealists who sought to go beyond the Law (they were) at the very least = 最少(可以说他们是) pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '04 eng>chi as the spearhead of good in this struggle spearhead = 先锋;先头部队 pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '04 eng>chi a social as well as a physical inheritance 1 men (旧) = people, a person 2 (这个)遗产又是人体方面的的又是社会方面的 pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '04 eng>chi Slavation rests on a life as little physical, as much spiritual, as possible. salvation 处于... pro closed ok
4 Jul 27 '04 eng>chi a pedestrian => a pedestrian formula = 一个平凡的,缺乏想象力的formula pro closed ok
- Jul 26 '04 eng>chi bits of experience of given data the inventor's idea is a combination of 堦场堦场揑experience of 朸嵄 data pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '04 eng>chi what the Athenians were up against in Socrates what they were up against = 他们面对着什么;他们所面对着是什么 pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '04 eng>chi produce (here) In Aristotle they produced = 在于Aristotle他们生产了一个... pro closed ok
4 Jul 21 '04 eng>chi sometime rather against the grain 有时候也不太容易接受,不太瘦欢迎,勉强的作 pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '04 eng>chi that is clearly not himself 明明是他本人以外的 pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '04 eng>chi generalizations from varied specific details and the problem of the like generalisations from varied specific details 是指归纳(法)... pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '04 eng>chi more concerned with the study of disease than with its cure be concerned with = 与...有关;关于 pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '04 eng>chi Here we need only sample from the range. sample from the range = 我们只需要品一品(尝一尝)其中几个 pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '04 eng>chi an almost pathological fury a fury almost like a sickness or disease (of the mind or character);一种接近有毛病,精神病的愤怒 pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '04 eng>chi in human ways (wiser) in the ways of men (= mankind) pro closed ok
- Jul 15 '04 chi>eng 椪埨晎 Lin-an pro closed no
- Jul 15 '04 chi>eng 墹埨愇擔榐 日录 = Journal(s) pro closed no
- Jun 17 '04 eng>eng evenemential or evenemental or something else? evenemental pro closed no
- Jun 1 '04 eng>chi in which Great Britian is leading 注意:标点符号问题:多了一个逗号... pro closed no
- May 31 '04 eng>chi Transubstantiation 化质说;变质说 pro closed ok
- May 31 '04 eng>chi We need not recall in detail 没有必要具体(把这件事情)回忆起来(知道了就够了);大家一知道就明白 pro closed no
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