Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 19 '12 eng>rus and something other than what we think we are, не похоже на то, чем мы, по нашему мнению, являемся pro closed ok
- Aug 7 '12 rus>eng наводить морок blind into an illusion pro closed ok
4 Jun 27 '12 eng>rus Why we get back what we give out что посеешь, то и пожнешь pro closed no
- Nov 6 '11 eng>rus Bring the energy впустите энергию pro closed ok
- Nov 7 '11 eng>rus energize распространять энергию pro closed no
- Nov 5 '11 eng>rus child born for all the wrong reasons родившийся вопреки желаниям pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '11 eng>rus everything is to be held обо всем позаботятся pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered