Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 5 '17 eng>ara commission will be structured سوف يتم هيكلة العمولة pro closed ok
- Nov 1 '17 eng>ara Sometimes herein referred to as احيانا يشار اليه هنا ب ا pro open no
- Oct 17 '17 ara>eng تعتبر فى تطبيق in applying this law provisions, they shall be deemed smoking products. pro closed no
- Oct 17 '17 ara>eng على هيئة صورة a warning in the from a picture pro closed no
- Oct 18 '17 ara>eng العبادة وملحقاتها and annaxced places thereof pro closed no
- Oct 18 '17 ara>eng دور العلم Institutions of knowledge pro closed no
4 Oct 18 '17 ara>eng شروط هذه المواضع Conditions of these places pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '17 eng>ara home of record مكان سجلات الطرف الثاني pro closed ok
- Oct 6 '17 ara>eng أشعر الطرفان Both parties were given a notice .. pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '17 eng>ara %age نسبة مئوية عمرية pro just_closed no
- May 20 '17 eng>ara indemnified taxes ضريبة غير معوضة pro closed ok
4 May 5 '17 eng>ara hereof (باللإضافة إلى إنهائها (أي الاتفاقية) pro closed ok
- Apr 23 '17 ara>eng إفراغ الصك finalization of the instrument to the new owner. pro open no
- Apr 13 '17 eng>ara expectation of privacy ليس لدى المستشار توقعات بالخصوصية pro closed ok
- Apr 5 '17 ara>eng اثبات رضاعة proof of non own mother breastfeeding pro closed ok
- Apr 5 '17 ara>eng بنت من الرضاعة foster daughter pro closed ok
- Mar 26 '17 eng>ara recourse against award يمكن اللجوء للمحكمة ضد منح التحكيم بموجب طلب فقط pro closed ok
- Mar 25 '17 ara>eng تعديلهما التعديل الشرعي الصحيح were correctly, legalistically amended. pro open no
- Feb 15 '17 ara>eng سريان enforcement / validity pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '17 eng>ara Place and stead giving and granting to my said attorney بإسمي وفي مكاني ونيابة عني ممنوحا لوكيلي المذكور pro open no
4 Feb 6 '17 eng>ara credit and authority are due and ought to be given يجب أن يعطى المصداقية والصلاحية المستحة pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '17 ara>eng تعويض الدفعة الواحدة one batch compensation pro closed ok
- Dec 25 '16 ara>eng احمال طلبات loads of requests pro closed ok
- Nov 9 '16 eng>ara to تجاه ممنوح الامتياز pro open no
4 Oct 27 '16 ara>eng وجوب تسليما must be handed over / must be delivered pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '16 eng>ara national police board's regulations and general advice لوائح / أنطمة مجلس الشرطة الوطنية والتوجيهات العامة pro closed no
- Sep 25 '16 ara>eng في ذمة The remaining amount shall be considered receivable on the second party. pro closed no
- Sep 25 '16 ara>eng إجراء الحجز التحفظي provisional seizure. or attachment pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '16 ara>eng التنفيذ بالأمانة Beirut Municipality secretariat pro open no
- Aug 24 '16 eng>ara vicarious performance أداء المتعاقد الفرعي pro just_closed no
- Aug 23 '16 ara>eng يسيء لها ولسمعتها المعروفة عالميا to harm its legal personality and its international reputation pro closed no
- Aug 23 '16 ara>eng لم تسلك أبدا أي طريق فيه مخالفة للقانون she has never broke the law anyway pro closed no
4 Jul 25 '16 ara>eng محو قيد to cancel the company's entry from the commercial registry easy closed ok
- Jul 25 '16 ara>eng وكيل تاجر بعقد Agent Merchant Contractual Agreement easy closed no
- Jul 24 '16 ara>eng على ضوء in the light of easy closed no
- Jul 24 '16 ara>eng لجنة المناقصات المركزية central committee of tenders easy closed no
- Jul 24 '16 ara>eng الزراعة وملحقاتها agriculture with its equipment and materials easy closed ok
- Jul 24 '16 ara>eng عدد العمالة العادية number of unskilled laborers easy closed no
- Jul 24 '16 ara>eng تحمل مطالبات the authority shall not incur any claims easy closed no
4 Jul 23 '16 ara>eng ونسبة العمل work proportion easy closed ok
- Jul 18 '16 eng>ara outstanding statement كشف حساب بالمتبقى pro closed ok
- Jul 15 '16 ara>eng واعد بالبيع وموعود له بالشراء promisor of sale / selling who is given a promise of purchase pro just_closed no
- Jun 28 '16 eng>ara I am hereby held and firmly bound unto بموجب هذه الوثيقة أتعهد والتزم بشدة pro closed no
- Jun 19 '16 ara>eng يستعمل خارج القطر to be used abroad pro closed no
- Jun 13 '16 eng>ara the triptych as the invoice for settlement تبني طريقة التطابق الثلاثي كفاتورة للتسوية pro closed no
- May 29 '16 eng>ara satisfy itself as to وعلى المقاول الفرعي أن يستغنى غن غيره pro closed ok
- May 29 '16 eng>ara sub-sub contract المقاول الفرعي يمكنه التعاقد مع مقاول فرعي أخر لأي نبسة من العقد pro closed ok
- May 29 '16 eng>ara if any such liens is filed إذا ما تم تقديم أيا من تلك الامتيازات pro closed ok
- May 22 '16 eng>ara to insist upon observance or performance احترام أو أداء pro closed no
- May 16 '16 eng>ara the data of vacation possession إلى حين الحصول على بيانات الإجازة easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered