Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 20 '19 rus>eng Особая экономическая зона промышленно-производственного типа Special industrial and production economic zone pro just_closed no
- Jan 15 '17 rus>eng инновационная личность специалиста Developing the key personality attributes for successful innovation pro closed no
4 Nov 23 '16 rus>eng на долю которого приходятся and [now] accounts for a significant volume ... pro closed no
4 Apr 4 '16 rus>eng Продажа прав требования процентов на сумму The bank has sold the debt and the right to any future interest pro closed ok
4 Jun 19 '15 rus>eng углубление негативной динамики ВВП aggravating the downward trend in GDP pro closed ok
4 Feb 3 '13 rus>eng сдатчик supplier pro closed ok
- Nov 6 '12 rus>eng "нормативный показатель северности" Northern hardship allowance pro closed ok
4 Oct 17 '12 rus>eng сократить расходы более чем в четыре раза cut the costs by more than 75% pro closed ok
4 Aug 10 '12 rus>eng Но стимулы для такого расширения должен дать... In addition, however, the C. of M. itself has to provide incentives for such expansion pro closed ok
- Jul 30 '12 rus>eng ориентировочный уровень стоимости денег base level of the cost of money pro closed no
4 Jul 4 '12 rus>eng пораздельно или в суммарном годовом объеме by individual type or by total annual production pro closed no
4 Jan 27 '12 rus>eng При любых раскладах in any event pro closed ok
4 Jan 27 '12 rus>eng дело может дойти до the property may be affected pro closed ok
4 Jan 26 '12 rus>eng в части взыскания only resorts to debt collection pro closed ok
4 Jan 26 '12 rus>eng под ударом under threat pro closed ok
4 Nov 26 '10 rus>eng техническое перевооружение оборотного капитала restructuring of working capital pro closed ok
4 Feb 7 '10 rus>eng субъект приватизации the buyer [of the state asset] pro closed no
4 Aug 19 '09 rus>eng "паровоз вперед лети" going full steam ahead pro closed ok
4 Mar 24 '09 rus>eng Государственная доля — всего The State share amounts to pro closed no
- Feb 9 '09 rus>eng эмиссия мирового долларового финансового оборотного капитала world-wide issuing of dollar-denominated finance pro closed no
4 Dec 21 '08 rus>eng модельное снижение объема производства и реализации reduction in the volume of production and sales for the model pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '08 rus>eng цены и расценки prices and values pro closed no
- Oct 24 '08 rus>eng Снижение цены реализации авиакеросина обусловлено ... The price of aviation kerosene has fallen more sharply [than wholesale prices] pro closed no
4 Mar 26 '08 rus>eng определение величины расчетного резерва и начисление резерва provision for doubtful debt shall be calculated ... pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '08 rus>eng в сторону понижения. with "corrections" in stock prices leading to sharp downturns pro closed no
- Jan 31 '08 rus>eng Эксплуатация объектов социальной сферы charges for the use of local facilities and services pro closed no
4 Jun 20 '07 rus>eng химлесхоз wood chemical industry pro closed ok
4 Apr 23 '07 eng>eng rootedness basing, connectedness pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '06 rus>eng мы намерены качественно выполнить инициативы государственных органов we are intent on providing a quality service to State bodies in Russia pro closed no
- Dec 10 '06 rus>eng В процессе подготовки к размещению и допуску к обращению дополнительной In the process of preparing for distribution and permission to make a follow-on share offering ... pro closed no
4 Dec 10 '06 rus>eng Учитывая важность масштабного привлечения инвестиций компаниями отрасли Considering the importance of attracting large-scale investment in the industry pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '06 rus>eng отрасль электроэнергетики России вступила в важнейшую стадию реформирования: 2002 marked the start of the most important stage of reform in the Russian electricity industry pro closed no
- Oct 10 '06 rus>eng объявлен конкурсный отбор announces vacancies for credit experts, to be chosen by competition pro closed ok
4 Aug 30 '06 rus>eng разметка объекта по отношению к первичным точкам, линиям и уровням site layout with respect to bench marks, reference lines and levels pro closed no
- May 28 '06 ces>eng prostá návratnost The new system would pay for itself over five years pro closed ok
4 Mar 26 '06 rus>eng транспортные коммуникации были модернизированы transport links were modernised pro closed ok
3 Jan 23 '06 rus>eng пассивная часть основных средств вынесенных из уставного капитала The liabilities in the fixed assets are/should be deducted from the charter capital pro closed no
4 Nov 5 '05 rus>eng отчет о выполнении поручения project completion report pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '05 eng>eng three and four per cent growth growth between three percent and four percent pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '05 rus>eng зачитываются в счет shall be taken into account pro closed no
4 Jan 30 '05 rus>eng Акт об оказании посреднических услуг. The provision of mediation services pro closed no
4 Dec 12 '04 rus>eng доходит до 3,2 раза There is a ratio of almost 3.2 between the minimum and the maximum prices. pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '04 rus>eng Перекрестная эластичность спроса по цене cross elasticity of demand by price pro closed no
4 Nov 22 '04 rus>eng Оукен Okun pro closed no
4 Nov 13 '04 rus>eng налоги, включаемый в стоимость продукции taxes included in the cost of production pro closed no
- Dec 11 '03 rus>eng уровень цен приведен в таблице The range of prices is shown in the table easy closed ok
- Jul 8 '03 rus>eng Phrase - question to native speakers Try this - similar to Jack's but arrived at independently! pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered