Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
NP Jul 13 '07 eng>eng johnnie very familiar - not very respectful pro closed ok
- Jul 7 '07 eng>eng soften the edges very harsh looking, unbordered square pro closed ok
- Jun 23 '07 eng>eng I've been gifted My single mystical experience was a gift. pro closed ok
- May 22 '07 eng>eng French sense assister in French means "to be present at" pro closed ok
- Apr 5 '07 eng>eng to within an inch of their lives the books are in such bad shape, they are almost dead pro closed no
NP Nov 28 '06 eng>eng Dude, I hear you've put the city on notice. I heard that you have notified the city and all its residents pro closed no
NP Nov 28 '06 eng>eng Hey man, if you're serving the punch, I'm drinkin' it. because I like you/respect you, I want to do what you do and be like you pro closed no
- Nov 13 '06 fra>eng "Une danse [...] écrite et réécrite, faite et défaite." written and rewritten/ composed and re-composed pro closed ok
4 Nov 13 '06 fra>eng Une danse à l’endroit et à l’envers, faite et refaite [...] turned inside and out pro closed no
- Sep 14 '06 eng>eng balls guts pro closed ok
4 Aug 14 '06 eng>eng heavy-set men men with large, stocky bodies pro closed no
- Aug 10 '06 eng>eng were OR was? was pro closed no
- Jun 24 '06 eng>eng See saw Margery Daw..... I was not able to find your version pro closed no
- May 4 '06 eng>eng there will be happy endings for one AND would be an improvement pro closed ok
- May 2 '06 eng>eng scootch to the end of the table move slightly pro closed ok
4 Apr 26 '06 eng>eng to put later on she put it, later on (add comma) pro closed no
- Apr 26 '06 eng>eng take someone on one's committee her committee may be her self-righteousness, snobbish attitude pro closed no
- Apr 8 '06 eng>eng conglomeration mess, bundle, grouping pro closed ok
- Mar 23 '06 eng>eng shook under their heavy feet under their heavy boots pro closed no
- Mar 12 '06 fra>eng Nous voulons nous faire complice d’une couleur, d’un bonheur latin, our goal is to present the color and joy of the Latin language pro closed no
4 Mar 6 '06 eng>eng It comes as a nightly cost... not for grading pro closed no
4 Mar 5 '06 eng>eng Pattonesque quotes pro closed no
- Feb 27 '06 eng>eng the bare-toothed muzzle of a predatory beast turned into/was transformed into that of a growling, snarling beast pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '06 eng>eng put you wise about not for grading - old expression that sounds slangy pro closed ok
4 Feb 22 '06 eng>eng for someone (here) yes, you can pro closed no
- Feb 8 '06 eng>eng for the times to come options pro closed no
- Feb 5 '06 eng>eng Ramsey Building `fiasco' more information pro closed no
- Jan 20 '06 fra>eng La palme doit revenir..... and the winner is... pro closed no
4 Jan 14 '06 eng>fra mine over matter la pensée prend le dessus (mind over matter English expression) pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '05 eng>eng if you ... are desirous to know what we are at a distance if you would like to know which flag we fly (which country we represent) pro closed no
- Dec 8 '05 fra>eng mais le temps but it's still all about time pro closed ok
- Nov 18 '05 eng>eng river and evening it pro closed ok
- Nov 8 '05 eng>fra wonderer see website pro just_closed no
- Nov 6 '05 fra>eng sous un deluge de dollars buried under a mountain/ a pile of money pro closed ok
- Aug 18 '05 eng>eng to drink alone colloquialism - all by his/her lonesome pro closed ok
- Aug 16 '05 fra>eng roulées-boulées completely wound-up in their (see options) pro just_closed no
4 Jul 25 '05 eng>fra bumps a daisy / billy-o leave "bumps a daisy" in quotes (with explanation in parentheses) pro closed no
4 Jul 19 '05 eng>fra Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun… not official pro closed no
- Jul 14 '05 fra>eng Grande Prévot of the Salles des Armes grand provost (Tonnerre -spelling) pro closed ok
- Jul 14 '05 eng>eng rejoin the colors to switch sides (again) pro closed no
- Jul 10 '05 fra>eng fausse honte pretense of shame pro closed ok
4 Jul 3 '05 eng>eng It felt like momentous news. comment pro closed no
- Jun 29 '05 eng>eng dodged them with a sideways jerk escaped, flitting sideways pro closed no
- Jun 24 '05 eng>eng rule (over) a slight nuance pro closed no
4 Jun 19 '05 eng>fra wide...gone on a diet trop était large mais depuis il a fait une regime pro closed no
- Jun 17 '05 fra>eng feu de l'attente its light shines, waiting for me pro closed ok
- Jun 14 '05 eng>eng find room to put her foot find enough room for her feet pro closed no
- Jun 10 '05 eng>eng a romantic reflection of earlier times. looking back on his/her first love and just love in general when he/she was young pro closed ok
- Jun 4 '05 eng>eng T-Bird and got ho'ed up in court for it not for grading pro closed no
4 Jun 3 '05 eng>eng ungraced by... had begun life as flour sacks literary -explanation pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered