Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 16 '07 eng>eng Please help in rephrasing use both software and program pro closed no
- May 11 '07 fra>eng moniteurs service service representatives pro closed no
- Jan 22 '07 fra>eng rayonnement a hub that branches out pro just_closed no
- Nov 22 '06 fra>eng matière consistency/(raw) ingredient pro closed no
4 Nov 15 '06 eng>eng tend to agree/tend to disagree you are leaning toward (not 100% sure) pro closed no
- Sep 18 '06 eng>eng cell maid cell = small hotel room? pro closed no
- Aug 10 '06 fra>eng composant made with materials that handle perspiration/sweat pro closed ok
- Jun 29 '06 fra>eng chinés picked up/collected- usually at 2nd hand flea markets/garage sales pro closed ok
- May 11 '06 eng>fra how low can you go ? English only pro closed ok
4 Apr 10 '06 eng>eng bad-to-the-bone very cool - as cool as it gets pro closed ok
4 Mar 31 '06 eng>fra one-table dining spot pièce privée/salle privée/ ou aire privée (si c'est dehors) pro closed no
4 Mar 27 '06 eng>fra Spin doctor English only pro closed no
2 Mar 17 '06 eng>fra badly imitated as bologna or baloney I think you can omit it pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '06 fra>eng Bac plonge plat soaking container/basin for plates pro closed no
- Mar 17 '06 eng>fra an aged-old master craft la tradition artisanale/dans la tradition des maîtres pro closed ok
3 Mar 1 '06 eng>fra Union Avoidance Index indice de non-syndicalisation pro closed no
- Feb 7 '06 eng>fra around a killer pitch ils peuvent essayer les "grips" (prises?) pro closed ok
4 Jan 25 '06 eng>eng the hotel, campground, guest house etc has X **places** a capacity of 30; can hold 30 persons; has 30 beds pro closed ok
- Jan 25 '06 eng>eng export hit popular/common (I would not use product but concept/philosophy) pro closed no
- Jan 22 '06 eng>eng Men who are not very young or very old 25-40 year group pro closed no
4 Dec 17 '05 fra>eng ...d’autant plus élevé que cette délégation est par essence difficile letting others care for our children is in itself a difficult thing pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '05 eng>fra Sayable Checking Expiry - Sayable Account prononçable pro open no
- Dec 4 '05 fra>eng grille de délais (detailed) schedule pro closed ok
4 Nov 29 '05 fra>eng engendrer les plus nobles associations let our traditional culinary know-how/expertise create the most noble pairings pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '05 fra>eng Partageons le charme de la haute gastronomie transalpine "Italian Alpine" or gastronomy in the Italian Alps pro closed no
- Nov 29 '05 fra>eng selectif for the selective shopper pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '05 eng>fra spending breakpoints seuil de prix pro closed no
- Nov 26 '05 eng>fra all-day casual pool grill restaurant grill décontracté à la piscine pro closed no
4 Nov 23 '05 fra>eng chauffeur tp driver, public works/construction pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '05 eng>fra Hot top commercial restaurant equipment pro closed ok
- Nov 21 '05 fra>eng grisez-vous de vitesse get high on sailing pro closed ok
- Nov 21 '05 eng>fra What you see is what you get! fait sur mesure pour vous pro closed no
- Nov 19 '05 eng>fra sexy photographic collateral English only (marketing glossary) pro closed ok
- Oct 22 '05 fra>eng toile micro fibre/micro polyester pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '05 eng>fra the big five les Grands Cinq pro closed no
- Oct 18 '05 fra>eng une attention toute particulière a special request, if need be, for pro closed no
- Oct 17 '05 fra>eng contenant (more figurative) content block pro closed no
- Oct 17 '05 fra>eng Vos rides, cette crème va leur faire la peau. Terminator cream, to terminate your wrinkles! pro closed no
- Oct 16 '05 fra>eng lignes en longueur length is one dimension x width? pro closed no
4 Oct 15 '05 eng>fra brushed metal ghilly eyestays oeillets en métal brossé pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '05 fra>eng maison bourgeoise mansion (bourgeois mansion) pro closed no
- Oct 12 '05 eng>fra get your copy signed off by your editor approuvé-approbation pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '05 eng>eng beauty spot(s) beautiful not beauty pro closed no
- Oct 10 '05 eng>fra easel poster affiche sur chevalet (support) pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '05 eng>fra personal shopper assistant(e) des courses (is is used in French but the meaning is different) pro closed no
4 Oct 7 '05 fra>eng Les intervalles de vidange et de révision s'agrandissent time elapsed between oil changes and tune-ups is longer pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '05 fra>eng sucreries et bonbons sweets (general term) and candies (more specific) pro closed ok
4 Sep 27 '05 fra>eng je ne vois pas le rapport avec la choucroute what's that got to do with it? pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '05 eng>eng bed-and-breakfast without the breakfast a room in someone's house pro closed ok
- Sep 12 '05 fra>eng TA/TP Administrative Court /Tribunal administratif/Le Tribunal de Police (TP) pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered