Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 16 '07 fra>eng méconnaître misdiagnose pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '07 fra>eng creme de teint compacte compact foundation pro closed ok
4 Dec 14 '06 eng>eng terminated (here) ended (not removed, not completed) pro closed no
4 Nov 11 '06 eng>eng tender or nurturing genle, soft, softhearted OR encouraging, nourishing, providing care for pro closed no
- Jul 25 '06 fra>eng gardes lourdes et formatrices very busy on-call periods providing training opportunities pro closed no
- May 17 '06 eng>eng be up-to-date with if this is directed at the patient: have followed guidelines for screenings which are recommended pro closed ok
- Apr 20 '06 fra>eng apprentissage not for grading pro closed no
4 Mar 3 '06 eng>fra Ecstasy Ecsta pro closed no
- Mar 1 '06 eng>eng Add Formula Intake amount of artificial milk preparation ingested pro just_closed no
- Feb 3 '06 eng>eng to claim the life of 1 in 3 women clarification of phrasing pro closed no
4 Nov 28 '05 eng>eng shade in an area with no direct sunlight pro closed no
- Nov 7 '05 fra>eng vestiaire chaud (radioactive laboratory ) dressing room pro closed ok
- Nov 7 '05 fra>eng centres hopitalo-universitaires university hospitals pro closed ok
4 Oct 27 '05 eng>fra duplex scanning l'échographie duplex pro closed ok
- Oct 12 '05 eng>fra follow-up acquisition possibilités pro closed no
4 Oct 11 '05 eng>fra Scan positioning positionnement du malade/patient sur la table du CT pro closed no
4 Sep 25 '05 eng>fra soft diet Régime de consistance molle pro closed ok
- Sep 22 '05 eng>fra attendant Aide soignant pro closed ok
- Sep 18 '05 eng>eng the minimal redness of the same size see glossary pro closed no
- Sep 3 '05 eng>fra powered English only pro closed no
- Sep 1 '05 eng>eng stages options pro closed ok
3 Aug 31 '05 eng>eng "formulated" or "stipulated", instructions were given pro closed no
- Aug 30 '05 eng>eng Tense past, not present progressive pro closed ok
- Aug 29 '05 fra>eng repasser go over the "crow's feet" area again while making a cross with the two pro closed ok
4 Aug 23 '05 eng>fra CT-scan scanner CT pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '05 fra>eng la prise Time the medication was administered. pro closed no
2 Aug 18 '05 fra>eng No. séjour / séjour UF department (unité fonctionnelle ) pro closed no
4 Jul 30 '05 eng>eng PDL (Patency Data Link) Handpiece see link pro closed no
- Jun 27 '05 eng>eng mentally retarded not for grading pro closed no
- Jun 21 '05 eng>fra Country Study Manager directeur/gérant/chargé de l'étude du pays pro closed ok
4 Jun 21 '05 eng>eng 1 day postoperative. 24 hours (up to 48 hours) after the operation pro closed no
4 Jun 19 '05 eng>fra gives rise to developing structures in the fetus. couche qui se développe (donne lieu à) pro closed no
- Jun 19 '05 eng>eng hardening (in the following sense) Plaque may be hard and stable, leading to narrow and hardened arteries pro closed no
- Jun 18 '05 eng>fra Augmented labor travail provoqué pro closed no
- Jun 17 '05 eng>eng informed will continue to receive the results of clinical trials/ will receive ongoing information pro closed ok
- Jun 9 '05 eng>eng phenomena that shrimp can act as an allergen and result in urticaria and other allergic symptoms pro closed no
- Jun 9 '05 fra>eng sens aigu du diagnostic he has a keen sense for making diagnoses pro closed ok
4 May 27 '05 eng>eng Minority access to medical care racial and ethnica minorities pro closed no
4 May 12 '05 fra>eng maigreur underweight/emaciated (depends on the severity) pro closed ok
- May 10 '05 eng>fra office affiliation not all drs have hospital "rights" pro closed ok
4 May 9 '05 eng>eng shake leg experience expression in Singapore (not used in the U.S.) pro closed no
- May 5 '05 eng>fra time-in time-out English only pro closed ok
- Apr 26 '05 fra>eng libéral unaffiliated pro closed ok
4 Apr 7 '05 eng>eng was was removed from a magnetic holder pro closed no
- Apr 7 '05 eng>eng helped to they helped put the antenna ? array? on the patient pro closed no
- Mar 31 '05 eng>fra e.b. Executive budget? pro closed no
4 Mar 16 '05 fra>eng sort de sa pratique quotidienne car intra-veineuse dr cannot really comment because it's not part of his services pro closed no
- Feb 23 '05 eng>fra purchase manager responsable des achats pro closed no
4 Jan 16 '05 fra>eng myofibrilles myofibril pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '05 eng>eng tenaciously held notion of doubt/ being completely convinced pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered