Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Dec 7 '15 ita>eng nutrire nelle sue capacità terapeutiche the faith he had/showed in his medical prowess pro closed no
4 Dec 5 '15 ita>eng per valutare la convenienza di to see/work out if he could make money (or a profit)importing them pro closed no
4 Nov 27 '15 ita>eng prot. Reference number easy closed no
- Nov 17 '15 ita>eng delle quali sembra stesse sperimentado per primo le proprietà whose properties/effects he seemed to be trying out on himself first pro open no
4 Nov 13 '15 ita>eng aveva anch'esso finito da un pezzo di intiepidire even the large brazier no longer warmed the room pro closed no
4 Nov 12 '15 ita>eng un italiano nullatenente e scalcagnato a shabby and penniless italian pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '15 ita>eng l’ammontare dei soldi che io devo dare indietro (here) the total amount (of money) that I should repay easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered