Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 15 '17 ita>eng presidi di contrasto del cybercrime (preventive) measures against cybercrime pro closed no
2 Mar 1 '17 ita>eng dal punto di vista classificativo their classification includes pro closed ok
4 Feb 16 '17 ita>eng è declinato attraverso feature pro closed no
- Jan 6 '17 ita>eng e questo e tutto il nostro sangue and all this is due to the sweat of our brows/ is the fruit of our labour pro just_closed no
- Dec 22 '16 ita>eng dando la tara Getting/putting things into perspective pro closed ok
- Dec 1 '16 ita>eng manuali a sussedio manuals aimed at helping/intended for the use of pro closed ok
- Nov 30 '16 ita>eng interdizione dall’esercizio dell’attività ban from conducting the company's business easy closed no
- Nov 30 '16 eng>ita are hardly backwater corners on the Internet non giacciono certo nei/negli recessi/angoli remoti di internet pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '16 ita>eng invitati-cavallette food-crazed guests pro closed no
- Nov 28 '16 ita>eng pratiche elusive misleading/deceptive practices pro closed ok
- Nov 28 '16 ita>eng turismo itinerante motoring/driving holidays/tours pro closed ok
- Nov 27 '16 ita>eng sse andate a Londra, non potete non mangiare fish&chips if you go to London, eating fish and chips is a must/fish and chips is a must try easy closed ok
- Nov 26 '16 ita>eng dinamizzandola giving it new/fresh/added impetus pro closed no
- Nov 24 '16 ita>eng impianto e mantenimento di specifico vincolo ventennale di alberi compliance with/fulfilment of a specific twenty-year tree planting requirement pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '16 eng>ita to be fancy Non ci vuole molto pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '16 eng>ita gather an astonishing amount of momentum diffondersi/propagarsi in maniera esponenziale pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '16 eng>ita take one's word for it Ma non credeteci sulla parola pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '16 ita>eng (Name of Company), il cammino di un'impresa (name of location - adjective) XXX, the evolution of an XXX company pro closed no
4 Nov 23 '16 ita>eng responsabile di erogazione (service) delivery manager pro closed no
- Nov 22 '16 eng>ita best of all Dulcis in fundo easy closed ok
- Nov 21 '16 ita>eng nella formulazione introdotta as provided for in (legislative decree) pro closed ok
4 Nov 18 '16 ita>eng area attrezzata motorhome aires/motorhome stopovers/camperstops pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '16 ita>eng disporre di un referimento certo unable to get his bearings in relation to (dry) land pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '16 ita>eng ora te li cucino io questi qui I'll soon sort out/fix the lot of them pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '16 ita>eng assetto delle deleghe proxy/power of attorney system pro closed no
- Nov 10 '16 ita>eng mettere in campo to encourage/foster easy closed ok
- Nov 10 '16 ita>eng organizzano revolve/centre around easy closed no
4 Nov 9 '16 ita>eng scansione cronologica expected timescale pro closed no
- Nov 9 '16 ita>eng funzionamento dell’organo amministrativo how the governing body works pro closed ok
4 Nov 9 '16 ita>eng inserimento e formazione induction/orientation and training pro closed no
4 Nov 8 '16 ita>eng che si trattenne dall'andarsene in malo modo that kept him from storming off/out pro closed no
- Nov 7 '16 ita>eng sfide della cura the challenges of urban preservation pro closed ok
- Nov 7 '16 ita>eng pondera il peso assesses/evaluates/weighs up pro closed ok
4 Nov 5 '16 ita>eng testimonianze frutto di dialoghi personal stories based on conversations pro closed no
- Nov 4 '16 ita>eng doveva essere di contribuire was to have been to help easy closed ok
- Nov 4 '16 eng>ita achieve for me trarre un beneficio personale pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '16 ita>eng I paesaggi portano i semi delle abilità umane. Landscapes allow us to develop/achieve/fulfil our human potential pro closed no
- Nov 3 '16 ita>eng in contemporanea con In tandem with easy closed ok
4 Nov 2 '16 ita>eng che si improvvisano azionisti. turned shareholders pro closed no
- Nov 1 '16 ita>eng la modalità di installazione full installation option pro closed ok
- Nov 1 '16 ita>eng breve short code pro closed ok
4 Oct 31 '16 ita>eng Metodo aggregativo compensatore Method of compensatory aggregation pro closed ok
2 Oct 27 '16 ita>eng il più importante organizzatore di eventi in proprietà the main/leading own-brand event planner pro closed no
- Oct 25 '16 ita>eng Gli Stati membri devono calibrare il loro impegno per il prossimo quinquennio Member States must prioritise/optimise their efforts over the next five years pro closed no
- Oct 21 '16 ita>eng facendo volare gli stracci causing sparks to fly pro closed no
- Oct 19 '16 eng>ita waiver of any other condition or breach rinuncia ad altre condizioni o inadempienze/violazioni pro closed ok
- Oct 18 '16 ita>eng Non creare allarmismi. Don't cause unnecessary panic/alarm pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '16 ita>eng presenze guests pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '16 ita>eng costituiscono il culmine della fortuna di are a prime example of pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '16 eng>ita Social undermining ostruzionismo pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered