Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 3 '19 eng>pol reality-based vaccine educator nauczyciel/edukator faktów o szczepieniach/szczepionkach pro closed no
4 Apr 28 '19 eng>pol pick up/put down a quarrel wszcząć / uśmierzyć, załagodzić kłótnię, sprzeczkę pro closed no
- Apr 5 '19 pol>eng kręcić kilometry banging out the miles / kilometers (on a bike) pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '18 deu>eng 1582 heiratet er die acht Jahre ältere Anne Hathaway, He marries Anne Hathaway, who is eight year older then him. easy closed no
- Dec 21 '17 pol>eng zawrócić w głowie fall head over heels (in love) with.. pro closed no
- Dec 10 '17 pol>eng treść subject matter/topic pro closed no
- Jun 30 '17 eng>pol oxidant red czerwień oksydowana pro open no
- Jun 4 '17 eng>pol front matter czworka tytyłowa (książki) pro closed no
4 May 29 '17 pol>eng problem w zadaniu (matematycznym) the gist / essence / substance / challenge of the math problem pro closed ok
- May 27 '17 eng>eng our culture and communication style our culture and style of communication / our culture of communication and the style thereof easy closed no
- May 26 '17 pol>eng ugięcie się acquiescence / accedence pro closed no
- May 26 '17 pol>eng nadawanie znaczeń giving meaning / conferring significance pro closed no
- May 23 '17 pol>eng poemat vs. wiersz epic / ballad / verse novel / long poem vs. poem pro closed no
- May 21 '17 pol>eng przeniesienie retargetting of the lobbying efforts pro closed no
- May 21 '17 pol>eng samodzielnie formułowany autonomously defined priorities pro closed no
- May 20 '17 pol>eng srebra rodowe crown jewels / family heirlooms pro closed no
- May 19 '17 pol>eng odwojnić "un-war" pro closed no
4 May 19 '17 pol>eng Równie dobrze można sobie You might just as well save yourself the effort... pro closed ok
- May 18 '17 pol>eng mieć propozycję współpracy do you have a joint project/venture in mind? / Would you like to partner/join forces with us? pro closed no
4 May 13 '17 eng>eng at a time at the point in time before... pro closed no
4 Apr 27 '17 eng>eng Pizza nights spending evening by going out to eat pizza or ordering it in easy closed ok
4 Apr 27 '17 eng>eng video nights movie nights, film watching events easy closed ok
- Apr 10 '17 eng>eng as a layer on top of an existing website as a software that can be easily added to existing website pro closed no
4 Apr 10 '17 eng>eng delivered via data rather than SMS messaging delivered using internet connection instead of SMS communications easy closed ok
4 Apr 7 '17 eng>eng me "me" as any customer dealing with customer support easy closed ok
- Apr 6 '17 eng>pol deep inquiries (przeprowadza) szczegółowe dochodzenie / badanie / rozpoznanie pro closed no
- Mar 29 '17 pol>eng daje perspektywy which lends us the rights to compare with / potential to become pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '17 eng>pol mandatory reconsideration notice powiadomienie o decyzji w sprawie obligatoryjnego ponownego rozpatrzenia pro closed ok
- Mar 14 '17 eng>eng general meaning of the sentence The person trying to resolve this issue before me tried but failed and left this up to me to address pro closed ok
- Feb 24 '17 eng>eng This isn’t just a circumstance that’s true It isn't just a coincidence that this holds true for... pro closed no
- Feb 24 '17 eng>pol snap gwałtowny ruch pro closed ok
- Feb 15 '17 eng>eng cultural alignment ability to adapt to a different culture pro closed ok
- Oct 5 '15 pol>eng nieprzygotowanie (brak stroju) unpreparedness pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '15 eng>pol fun venture przynoszące satysfakcję/ciekawe przedsięwzięcie pro closed no
- Feb 8 '15 eng>pol a blood-bath of a week battling (mają za sobą) tydzień krwawych walk z wielkim biznesem pro closed no
- Feb 6 '15 pol>eng przychodzić z pomocą are coming/come to the rescue pro closed no
- Feb 6 '15 eng>pol with Wonga-style interest rates ze stopami oprocentowania podobnymi do/w stylu (pożyczek chwilowych) pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '15 pol>eng Komunkat dyrektora director's communiqué/advisory pro closed no
4 Feb 5 '15 eng>pol charging them for prominent shelf space naliczając prowizję/obciązając ich opłatami za najbardziej eksponowane miejsca na półkach sklepowych pro closed ok
- Feb 5 '15 pol>eng mają służyć przede wszystkim im samym ought to, first and foremost, serve them, as well as their teachers pro closed ok
- Feb 5 '15 pol>eng jaki osiągną, zanim przystąpią (level of) knowledge/skills achieved by them by the time of may exams pro closed no
- Feb 5 '15 pol>eng jaki został przez daną szkołę uznany that each school considered the most favourable/gainful/beneficial for... pro closed no
- Feb 4 '15 pol>eng Witam [jako nagłówek maila business-casual] Hi,/ Hello, everyone / Greetings, everyone/y'all/folks pro closed no
- Feb 3 '15 pol>eng w zakresie kreacji przestrzeni in interior design (space) creation pro closed no
- Feb 3 '15 pol>eng kilkunastometrowa rezydencja residence/mansion/manor/stately home measuring several/couple hundred square meters pro closed no
4 Feb 1 '15 pol>eng poparte bagażem kilkunastoletnich doświadczeń backed by almost 20 years/more then 10 years of experience pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '15 eng>eng See will prepare a section...of the autobahn... for testing autonomous vehicles easy closed ok
- Jan 28 '15 pol>eng domena wygasła zanim zapłaciłem internet domain (registration) (has) expired before I made the payment pro closed no
- Jan 28 '15 pol>eng Pierwsza i ostatnia zasada: the only rule pro closed ok
- Jan 26 '15 pol>eng legitymacja służbowa workplace/employe ID card/badge pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered