Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 1 '20 ita>eng esecutiva applies to/is applicable to pro closed no
- Apr 7 '20 fra>eng mise en œuvre des droits Safeguarding clients' rights pro closed ok
4 Mar 2 '20 ita>eng Atto estero foreign document pro closed no
- Feb 17 '20 ita>eng G.R. Giudice Regionale pro closed no
4 Feb 14 '20 ita>eng e che in mancanza, insufficienza o idoneità della dichiarazione and which in case of failure, inadequacy or inappropriateness of statement pro closed no
- Jan 14 '20 fra>eng Ne peut être utilisée comme pièce de procédure cannot be used as procedural documents pro closed ok
4 Jan 14 '20 fra>eng Copie délivrée à titre de simple renseignement copy issued for information purposes only easy closed no
- Aug 26 '19 ita>eng misure di garanzia (Data) protection measures pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '18 ita>eng est. Consigliere reporting judge pro closed no
4 Dec 3 '18 ita>eng a diverso titolo in whatever capacity pro closed no
- Oct 17 '18 ita>eng Affinchè in suo nome, vece e conto, acquisti in his name and on his behalf, you sell/purchase/obtain/acquire pro closed ok
- Aug 29 '18 ita>eng rinuncia tolleranza inadempimento any possible waiver, by us, of any breach on your part, shall not constitute a waiver of any pro closed no
4 Aug 27 '18 ita>eng Pur in pendenza di even in case of Force Majeure events pro closed no
4 Apr 14 '18 ita>eng su istanza di following a request by/on the initiative of pro closed ok
4 Mar 9 '18 ita>eng LL.MO The Honourable/Right Honourable pro closed ok
4 Mar 7 '18 ita>eng con espressa facoltà di eleggere domicili; absolute power to elect address for service pro closed no
- Feb 13 '18 fra>eng Acte d'opposition à la saisie exécution Objection certificate to the writ of sequestration pro closed ok
4 Feb 8 '18 ita>eng in relazione alle proprie sostanze e alla propria capacità each, depending on their means and ability pro closed no
- Aug 3 '17 ita>eng dipendente da reato in violation of the law pro closed ok
4 Apr 28 '17 ita>eng comparsa di costituzione entry of appearance pro closed no
4 Feb 20 '17 ita>eng di renderci le prestazioni provide consultancy services pro closed ok
4 Feb 14 '17 ita>eng anche di pertinenza di terzi also if relevant to third parties pro closed no
- Sep 15 '16 ita>eng brevetto notarile patents/registered trade marks pro just_closed no
- May 30 '16 fra>eng hors contentieux excluding litigation pro closed no
- Mar 17 '16 fra>eng chambre de surveillance Supervisory authority/body pro just_closed no
- Sep 3 '15 ita>eng può fare emergere nor does this lead to pro closed ok
- May 13 '15 ita>eng non sono compensabili reimbursed pro closed ok
4 May 13 '15 ita>eng vengano aggrediti take advantage of/capitalise on pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '14 fra>eng couvert(e) overlooked pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '14 ita>eng evidenziata l'acquisizione delle seguenti fonti di prova Having provided/presented these sources as proof pro open no
- Nov 20 '14 ita>eng credito azionato con atto di precetto debt claimed by writ of enforcement/execution pro closed no
- Oct 30 '14 ita>eng difesa e domiciliata defended and elected domicile pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '14 ita>eng in caso di aggiudicazione della procedura in case contract is awarded pro closed no
- Oct 13 '14 fra>eng hors part successorale gift beyond successional share pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '14 ita>eng Ritenuta l'evidenza della prova Considering the evidence pro closed ok
- Oct 11 '14 ita>eng messa alla prova put on (juvenile) probation pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '14 ita>eng irrilevanza del fatto irrelevance of the evidence/issue/fact pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '14 ita>eng a loro credito (the interest) due to the clients pro closed ok
- Jul 29 '14 fra>eng production d'une décision hands down the decision pro closed ok
- Jul 28 '14 fra>eng recours total right to full compensation pro closed ok
- Jul 28 '14 ita>eng incrocio sharing (of info/data) pro closed no
- Jul 26 '14 ita>eng acquisti a spese generali overheads/operating costs pro closed ok
4 Jul 23 '14 ita>eng valutazione collegiale peer review pro closed ok
4 Jul 23 '14 ita>eng fondatezza della denunzia the legitimacy of the charge/accusation pro closed ok
4 Jul 23 '14 ita>eng esecuzione dei recuperi collection and recovery of pro closed ok
4 Jul 22 '14 ita>eng sistema truffaldino fraudulent system pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '14 ita>eng procure penali criminal proceedings pro closed ok
4 Jul 21 '14 ita>eng acquisire d’ufficio requisition the office pro closed ok
4 Jul 22 '14 ita>eng sollevato challenge (the regulation) pro closed ok
- Jul 9 '14 ita>eng prescrizione prescription period pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered