Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 26 '23 pol>eng Sejm uderzył w zbiórki publiczne Polish Sejm targets fundraising pro closed ok
- Feb 20 '23 pol>eng w których dyspozycji są przedmioty wchodzące w skład spadku who are in charge of the items included in the estate pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '23 pol>eng zapewnienie komuś wszelkich praw to make sure his rights are protected pro closed no
- Feb 9 '23 pol>eng charakter ewidencyjny for evidence only pro closed no
- Feb 7 '23 pol>eng w tym do składania the authority to file pro closed no
- Jan 31 '23 rus>eng лица подпадающие под ограничения persons precluded pro closed ok
- Jan 29 '23 pol>eng Rew. Rewizor pro closed ok
- Jan 29 '23 pol>eng Rew. referendarz pro closed ok
- Jan 26 '23 pol>eng zorganizowanie zatrudnienia w ramach refundacji arranging employment as a part of the refund pro closed no
4 Jan 3 '23 rus>eng Справка об уголовном расследовании Report of Criminal Investigation, Investigative Report pro closed no
- Sep 4 '17 pol>eng Wydział Cywilny Rodzinny Odwoławczy (Sąd Okręgowy w Warszawie) Distrit Court in Warsaw the Appellate Division of Family Court pro closed ok
- Aug 2 '17 rus>eng передача на государственное хранение transfer to the State for safekeeping pro closed ok
- Jul 29 '17 rus>eng «прогиб» судей под «телефонное право» bending the law under duress pro closed ok
4 Jul 30 '17 rus>eng Негласное объявление...персонами non grata unofficially declaring X and Y as personae non gratae pro closed no
- Jul 30 '17 rus>eng Это неписаная практика...как реакция It's become a common practice as a response to pro closed no
- Jul 19 '17 rus>eng исковые требования...оставлены без рассмотрения some claims included in the complaint were not considered pro closed no
- Jul 17 '17 rus>eng когдла начал закрываться when they started closing the project pro closed no
4 Jul 16 '17 rus>eng только в части, если only if pro closed no
4 Jul 16 '17 rus>eng Ну да, типа там «профешнл» там... professional liability pro closed no
- Jul 16 '17 rus>eng это вообще полный «алес» they are completely dysfunctional, do not have any power pro closed ok
- Jul 15 '17 rus>eng - Что я говорю, да, как ты мог... What am I saying pro closed no
- Jul 14 '17 rus>eng и делается какая-то юридическая система гарантии and a legal assurance system is created pro closed ok
- Jul 1 '17 rus>eng подвисание alleged cases, cases in which someone was a suspect pro just_closed no
- Jul 1 '17 rus>eng подвисание pending cases pro just_closed no
- Jul 1 '17 rus>eng род type pro closed ok
4 Jul 3 '17 rus>eng объекта займа loan pro closed no
2 Jul 3 '17 rus>eng изъятие предмета залога из гражданского оборота (money) being taken out of circulation pro closed no
- Jun 28 '17 pol>eng względne z zachowanym prawem or pro closed ok
- Jun 27 '17 sve>eng advokatbyråer and juristfirmor Law firms and legal counselors pro open no
4 Jun 28 '17 rus>eng обеспечения обществ different financing for ship building contracts, maritime contracts pro closed no
- Jun 19 '17 pol>eng milicja obywatelska Police, the Polish name , (citizens's militia) pro closed ok
- Jun 19 '17 pol>eng terror kryminalny criminal violence or terrorism pro closed ok
- Jun 13 '17 rus>eng Блок Sector pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '17 pol>eng okazać się present pro just_closed no
- Nov 28 '16 rus>eng В дело to be put in the archive, archive file pro closed no
NP Nov 24 '16 pol>eng Ustawa o wychowaniu w trzeźwości i przeciwdziałaniu alkoholizmowi. Anti-Alcohol-Addiction Resolution pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '16 pol>eng uprawdopodobnione okolicznościami the ruling or decision was based on the above mentioned facts, circumstances pro closed no
4 Sep 19 '16 pol>eng umowa o pracę Employment Agreement pro closed ok
4 Aug 21 '16 rus>eng В практике...были сформулированы The Constitutional Court has set, formulated, certain standards which have to be complied with pro closed no
- Aug 21 '16 rus>eng соблюдение которых необходимо для признания... additional conditions which have to be satisfied prior to X scheme being granted in accordance with pro closed no
- Aug 11 '16 sve>eng Samma regler som för part gäller The same rules apply both to a party (to lawsuit) and to the non-party. pro closed ok
- Aug 2 '16 pol>eng orzekać o potrzebie indywidualnego nauczania it decides whether an individual mode of instruction is needed pro closed ok
- Jul 18 '16 pol>eng dowód uiszczenia kaucji receipt of deposit payment pro closed ok
- Jul 7 '16 rus>eng журнал учета лиц, доставленных в отдел внутренних дел catalog of names of the people detained by the police precinct pro closed no
- Jun 28 '16 rus>eng только при выполнении которых допускается... only under those conditions X shall be allowed pro closed ok
- Jun 28 '16 rus>eng с момента его оглашения from the moment it is issued, made public pro closed no
- Jun 27 '16 sve>eng det är utan but not unless…, under the condition that pro closed ok
- May 23 '16 pol>eng wolny od tytułów egzekucyjnych free of liens and collection orders, or and encumbrances pro just_closed no
- May 21 '16 pol>eng niewydolny wychowawczo dysfunctional, which cannot cope with bringing up children pro closed ok
3 May 21 '16 pol>eng wyłączenie polemiczne of purely demagogic nature pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered