Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 25 eng>eng closer to the norm a relative alexithymia is close to be the most usual ... however we can improve on that pro closed ok
- Mar 2 eng>eng professionally facilitated and specialty treatment providers and structures providers [offering] and structures [used for] treatment [that is] ... pro closed no
- Feb 27 fra>fra rendre objectif (de) [...] permet de disposer de critères objectifs guidant les choix collectifs [...] pro just_closed no
- Feb 11 eng>eng The court issued a brief order the court issued an order to involved party(ies) to submit additional brief(s) pro closed ok
- Jan 30 eng>eng communities of wellness organised groups of people centered on "wellness" pro closed no
- Oct 8 '23 eng>eng OK Johnson just a nickname easy closed no
4 Sep 26 '23 fra>eng on va me recevoir à coups de pompes they would/will give me a bashing for welcome pro closed no
- Aug 19 '23 eng>fra flashing at me Ça s'annonce vraiment mal! / Ça va vraiment mal tourner! / Désastre à l'horizon! pro closed ok
- Jun 9 '23 fra>eng il est hors de question que je m'en aille I hereby declare any supposed obligation to vacate the present premises null and void. So there! easy closed no
- Jun 9 '23 fra>eng il est hors de question que je m'en aille my (x,y,z) coordinates won't vary with t - definitely easy closed no
- Jun 9 '23 fra>eng il est hors de question que je m'en aille probability (me getting out of here) = absolute zero easy closed no
- Jun 3 '23 eng>fra You don't know the half of it. tu n'en sais même pas la moitié pro closed no
4 May 14 '23 .cr>eng iznutra Being "insiders" they know the nitty-gritty of how te company works / operates easy closed no
- May 13 '23 eng>fra Make tomorrow another day and not today's sequel." Tomorrow, turn another page easy closed no
- Apr 30 '23 eng>fra Marked man une cible de choix pro closed no
4 Apr 13 '23 fra>eng Je donne ma langue au chat I can't answer that question (implicitly: because I don't know)// you tell me pro closed no
- Apr 11 '23 fra>eng les années 1870-1880 the 1970s and the 1880s pro just_closed no
4 Apr 6 '23 fra>eng se faire entretenir has her wealthy lover take care of her upkeep easy closed no
- Feb 15 '23 fra>eng Partir en freestyle he went "freestyle" easy closed ok
- Feb 2 '23 eng>... To teach a pig to sing учити шепавог да трчи / мутавог да пева / слепца да препознаје боје pro closed no
- Jan 21 '23 eng>fra ask about drop-in times vous renseigner sur les heures d'accueil sans rendez-vous pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '23 fra>eng être à une atteinte près for CCC that's far from being the only personal attack against BBB pro closed no
- Dec 7 '22 eng>eng Indian chiefs Doctors, lawyers, and anyone else loaded (with money) pro closed no
- Nov 27 '22 eng>eng accepted received = in the past vs accepted = yet to be "received" easy closed no
- Sep 19 '22 fra>eng l’organisation(...) de la continuité du protocole continuity of / continued adherence to the care protocol pro closed ok
- Sep 11 '22 fra>eng Seulement pour elles, c’est bien pire (but) what is more, (regarding these pictures) there is s.t. even worse pro just_closed no
- Jun 30 '22 fra>eng public empêché individuals prevented from visiting in person pro just_closed no
- Jun 28 '22 fra>eng Circulation nationale driving in France pro closed ok
- Mar 11 '22 eng>eng iterations are endless there are no limits to how different readers will have a different perception of the same story pro closed ok
4 Jan 25 '22 fra>eng infirmières gâtées nurses spoiled for choices pro closed no
4 Dec 15 '21 fra>eng en service officiel dans le cadre de l'exercice de leurs fonctions en Libye while performing their official duties related to their mission in Libya. pro closed ok
- Nov 2 '21 eng>fra future older self dans l'avenir, votre moi plus âgé disposera des ovules de meilleur qualité de votre moi plus jeune pro closed no
- Oct 19 '21 fra>eng au lieu de copier instead of following/reproducing the model of other "XYZ" resorts, this "XYZ" ... easy closed ok
- Oct 12 '21 eng>eng You don't want dirt to get into the sore It's not going to do you any good if... // you need to avoid that s.t. / prevent it from happening easy closed no
- Oct 1 '21 fra>eng un choix délicatement accordé à sa défaite a choice (of vintage year) finely matched to his defeat pro closed no
- Sep 17 '21 fra>eng tient du merveilleux providentiel was like a miracle sent by good fate pro closed no
4 Sep 14 '21 fra>eng par éblouissements successifs with each burst of flames pro closed no
- Sep 9 '21 fra>eng conçue à l’échelle des plans d’hégémonie conceived to match the scale of Führer's intended hegemony over the Western world pro closed ok
- Sep 2 '21 fra>eng mère I'll make her swallow the Civil code, this woman Tardieu easy closed no
- Aug 18 '21 fra>eng nous y avons perdu les grondements d’une retentissante colère and so we have been deprived of the spectacle of his fuming / growling / rumbling rage pro open no
- Aug 10 '21 fra>eng faillirent entraîner un parquet sous leur poids nearly started ripping out parquet blades under their weight pro closed ok
- Jun 28 '21 eng>eng margin call time to show more commitment or get out pro just_closed no
- Jun 23 '21 eng>eng bubble of calm a kind of protective envelope, calm inside pro closed no
- Jun 4 '21 fra>eng pour s’identifier comme une seule et même personne (in order) to identify yourself uniquely easy closed ok
- May 29 '21 eng>fra leaves us discussing (de ce fait) nous en sommes réduits à argumenter pro closed ok
- Apr 20 '21 eng>eng end of the rope I can't do it because I've reached the limits of what I can do. easy just_closed no
- Mar 31 '21 eng>fra Stroppy little mare une petite salope d'humeur massacrante / brusque easy closed no
- Mar 30 '21 eng>eng kick holes in the wall would become very agitated, possibly literally kicking walls easy closed ok
- Mar 21 '21 eng>eng feathering off scanning all the instruments pro closed ok
- Mar 11 '21 eng>fra related to it eux tous la percevaient de manière similaire pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered