Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 20 fra>eng déclaration de prise en charge d'avantages notification of benefits given in kind pro open no
- Jan 30 eng>... state of the art информације које су опште познате унутар струке pro closed ok
4 Sep 26 '23 eng>fra level cible de performance de base pro closed no
4 Aug 25 '23 ...>eng Prijava (submitting) a creditor claim (in bankruptcy) pro closed ok
4 Jun 22 '23 fra>eng obligations exorbitantes du droit commun obligations outside of general law pro closed ok
- May 7 '23 fra>eng faire contenant déclaration par le Bailleur request to pay or to fulfill another contractual obligation, including a notice ... pro closed no
- Feb 24 '23 eng>fra without convenience à sa discrétion / à son gré pro closed no
- Dec 14 '22 fra>eng exemplaires destinés à l'envoi des justificatifs copy to be used as proof of delivery (as "proof of execution" of the contract) pro closed no
- Nov 6 '22 eng>eng as appropriate depending on which one is competent/relevant for the specific case pro closed no
- Oct 21 '22 fra>eng NOTAIRE INSTRUMENTAIRE instrumenting notary pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '22 fra>eng Garantie contre le risque d'éviction Warranty of quiet possession pro closed no
- Oct 12 '22 eng>fra less than legal evidence déclaration (document) dont la force probante serait insuffisante pour constituer une preuve légale pro closed no
4 Mar 13 '22 eng>eng allowed this form CCDR N107 A can be used for actions under this code pro closed no
4 Nov 27 '21 eng>fra Advance parole authorisation [préalable] de revenir [aux États-Unis] pro closed ok
- Oct 29 '21 eng>fra my estate's equity in the property la valeur nette avec laquelle ce bien rentre dans la masse successorale pro open no
4 Jul 30 '21 eng>... there is authority постоје ауторитети да pro closed no
3 Jul 12 '21 eng>... Contractor Agreement Уговор о пружању услуга pro closed no
- Jul 12 '21 eng>... enforceable against да буде обавезујућa у односу на pro just_closed no
4 Jul 10 '21 eng>... reduce to practice изум доказан кроз практичну примену // доказати да је изум применљив у пракси pro closed ok
4 Jul 9 '21 eng>... vindication of dues наплата потраживања pro closed no
3 Jul 10 '21 eng>... compensating performance, плаћање накнадне надокнаде (/накнадне провизије) pro closed no
4 Mar 11 '21 eng>fra absolute date / absolute amount see translation into "plainspeak" pro closed no
4 Apr 27 '21 eng>fra defined above as part of [Accord sur la Convention de base] défini ci-dessus comme faisant partie, .., de la "La Convention" pro closed no
- Apr 24 '21 fra>eng ce comité prendrait ses décisions à 75% des voix this committee will take its decisions by at least 75% of votes pro closed ok
4 Mar 24 '21 eng>... collective management да наметне обавезу колективног управљања (тим правима) pro closed no
- Mar 4 '21 eng>eng (defend against) legal or contractual actions to be able [in the future] to fend off any claims based on laws or the contract pro closed no
- Feb 8 '21 fra>eng Faire recruter seeking / attempting to have them (the other company's employees) recruited (for themselves) pro closed no
- Jan 8 '21 eng>fra Award agreement accord d'attribution pro just_closed no
4 Jan 7 '21 eng>fra Client Indemnitee les Personnes indemnisables du Client / les Indemnisées du Client pro closed no
4 Dec 19 '20 eng>... Application Примењивост (уговорних) одредби pro closed ok
4 Dec 19 '20 eng>... Reconciliation report Извештај / Записник о извршеним обавезама pro closed ok
4 Dec 8 '20 .cr>eng nuzgredica ancillary costs / charges pro closed no
3 Jul 28 '20 fra>eng à défaut pour as otherwise it would not be possible for XYZ (to ...) pro closed no
4 Jul 3 '20 fra>eng faire la loi entre elles [...] which will be the law between them (/ the parties to the contract) pro closed ok
- Jun 28 '20 eng>eng take a credit against Seller may credit Buyer's client account with interest given for making payment in advance pro open no
4 Jun 18 '20 fra>eng qu’en vue et lors [...] will apply only at the time of and for the purpose of entering into the initial contract pro closed no
4 Jun 11 '20 eng>... indentured labour рад за отплату дуга pro closed no
4 May 18 '20 fra>... actes conservatoires правне радње у циљу очувања права и имовине pro closed no
- Mar 14 '20 fra>eng principe certain de créance certainty of existence of a debt pro closed ok
4 Feb 24 '20 eng>fra Outstanding Letter of Credi (L/C) Engagements de crédit (sur) Lettres de crédit documentaire pro closed no
4 Jan 22 '20 eng>... MAY BE ENTERED INTO ANY COURT - SMISAO [арбитражна одлука] може бити поднета / предата (ради извршења) [било ком надлежном суду] pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '19 fra>eng dont la loi conserve le rang whose ranking is preserved / guaranteed / assured by the law pro closed ok
3 Nov 29 '19 fra>eng par defaut de cause [terminating a contract] for being / becoming without a purpose / void of purpose pro closed no
- Nov 9 '19 eng>fra commissioning sous-traitance / donner en sous-traitance le traitement des données personnelles pro closed no
- Aug 30 '19 eng>fra net profits is defined as all of the gross amounts le bénéfice net est défini comme la différence entre ..[A].. et ..[B].. pro closed no
- Aug 16 '19 fra>eng recueil des signalements means / procedures for receiving alerts / notification of alerts pro just_closed no
- Jul 9 '19 fra>eng les commandes acquises newly taken contracts / contracts taken since submitting the technical bid pro closed ok
- Jul 7 '19 fra>eng Collectivité des actionnaires. body of shareholders pro closed no
- Jun 4 '19 fra>eng entrepreneur procédé/ contrat procédé chosen contractor / agreed contract (the one with the selected bidder) pro just_closed no
- May 27 '19 fra>eng de son fait personnel due to its own actions / within the limits of what is caused by its own (Seller's) actions pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered