Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 8 '23 eng>eng OK Johnson just a nickname easy closed no
- Jun 9 '23 fra>eng il est hors de question que je m'en aille I hereby declare any supposed obligation to vacate the present premises null and void. So there! easy closed no
- Jun 9 '23 fra>eng il est hors de question que je m'en aille my (x,y,z) coordinates won't vary with t - definitely easy closed no
- Jun 9 '23 fra>eng il est hors de question que je m'en aille probability (me getting out of here) = absolute zero easy closed no
4 May 14 '23 .cr>eng iznutra Being "insiders" they know the nitty-gritty of how te company works / operates easy closed no
- May 13 '23 eng>fra Make tomorrow another day and not today's sequel." Tomorrow, turn another page easy closed no
4 Apr 6 '23 fra>eng se faire entretenir has her wealthy lover take care of her upkeep easy closed no
- Feb 15 '23 fra>eng Partir en freestyle he went "freestyle" easy closed ok
- Nov 27 '22 eng>eng accepted received = in the past vs accepted = yet to be "received" easy closed no
- Oct 19 '21 fra>eng au lieu de copier instead of following/reproducing the model of other "XYZ" resorts, this "XYZ" ... easy closed ok
- Oct 12 '21 eng>eng You don't want dirt to get into the sore It's not going to do you any good if... // you need to avoid that s.t. / prevent it from happening easy closed no
- Sep 2 '21 fra>eng mère I'll make her swallow the Civil code, this woman Tardieu easy closed no
- Jun 4 '21 fra>eng pour s’identifier comme une seule et même personne (in order) to identify yourself uniquely easy closed ok
- Apr 20 '21 eng>eng end of the rope I can't do it because I've reached the limits of what I can do. easy just_closed no
- Mar 31 '21 eng>fra Stroppy little mare une petite salope d'humeur massacrante / brusque easy closed no
- Mar 30 '21 eng>eng kick holes in the wall would become very agitated, possibly literally kicking walls easy closed ok
4 Nov 8 '20 eng>fra Get to higher ground nous devons monter plus haut / dans les hauteurs easy closed ok
4 Jul 15 '20 eng>fra out of nowhere sans comment ni pourquoi easy closed ok
- Jul 6 '20 eng>eng fill my pockets full of pebbles I would rather kill myself than go to that motel - that much I don't like it. easy closed ok
4 Jul 5 '20 eng>fra agenda agenda easy closed ok
3 Jul 1 '20 fra>eng Date et heure de métropole Time and date of the capitale // Paris time and date easy closed no
4 Jun 16 '20 eng>fra hybrid hornet locust scorpion thing une espèce de chimère - un croisement de frelons, de locusts et de scorpions easy closed ok
4 Jun 16 '20 eng>fra allow your grass si vous laissez votre herbe pousser librement easy closed ok
- Jun 16 '20 eng>fra the government did the bombing c'est le gouvernement qui a planté les bombes easy closed ok
- Apr 26 '20 eng>eng haven't seen the last of Our villain will try it again / we will spot him again, and we will catch him then easy closed ok
- Mar 18 '20 fra>eng sortir de la boîte let's get out of this mould / let's get out of this Bed of Procrustes easy closed ok
- Jan 18 '20 fra>eng comme cela est usuel as it is usual / as it is usually the case easy closed ok
- Jan 3 '20 eng>fra get your equipment on the job avoir ce material prêt à servir sur votre chantier rapidement / dans les meilleurs délais easy closed ok
4 Oct 8 '19 fra>eng de façon raisonnable cependant ... (but within reason) easy closed no
4 Sep 3 '19 fra>eng abordée visited / explored / discovered / seen under different angles / in may ways easy closed no
- Aug 27 '19 eng>eng to go down the front straightaway while you are driving in the straight line in front of the main spectator stands easy closed ok
- Aug 21 '19 fra>eng en aval (this instance) to move downstream from the quotes easy closed no
- Aug 19 '19 eng>eng Pride-ish life A crap car as the "Pride" car is not for you easy closed no
- Feb 26 '19 eng>fra individuals de très bonnes suggestions individuelles easy closed ok
- Feb 2 '19 fra>eng de la protection juridique, le contenu de l'offre The rates for your digital safe and your legal protection, as well as the content of our "essential" easy just_closed no
- Jan 6 '19 fra>eng Mais qu’en est-il réellement ? But was is the reality of it? easy closed ok
- Sep 1 '18 eng>eng soaked in the couple of minutes the station wasn't far away, but the rain was so heavy that she still got soaked easy closed no
- Feb 21 '18 fra>eng été escorte denies having been previously escorted out / thrown out of the restaurant easy just_closed no
- Jan 12 '18 eng>eng Mover over the Fed get off the center stage easy closed no
- Jan 9 '18 eng>fra her mind ticking over elle examinait systématiquement tous les détails easy closed no
- Dec 17 '17 eng>fra A slight edge to her voice avec une légère appréhension dans sa voix easy closed no
- Dec 17 '17 eng>fra a handfull on regular days difficile à manier même dans ses jours calmes easy closed no
4 Nov 9 '17 eng>eng not have a point in ... tes notes sont zéro partout ... easy closed no
- Oct 16 '17 fra>eng Il n'en veut d'ailleurs plus de ce qu'il lui a affirmé. he's out of it anyway [/ he's lost interest in them], from what he said to him easy closed ok
3 Aug 11 '17 fra>eng révolu après children up to their 13th birthday (if falling up to the 6th of December of that/current year) easy closed no
4 Jul 31 '17 fra>eng aucune présomption à dire it is in no way presumptuous to affirm that easy closed ok
- Jul 30 '17 fra>eng on peut même dire de prédilection one could even say the model of choice easy closed ok
- Jun 20 '17 eng>fra which catch them unaware qui tombent du ciel easy closed ok
- Apr 30 '17 eng>fra Everyday is extraordinary l'extraordinaire est le quotidien / l'extraordinaire est de tous les jours easy closed no
- Jan 5 '17 eng>fra To make money être profitable easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered