Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 6 eng>fra crunching the numbers on your answers analyser vos reponses à entre 15 et 500 questions ... pro open no
- Jan 30 eng>eng communities of wellness organised groups of people centered on "wellness" pro closed no
- Jan 11 eng>eng speak into The church was told to influence culture by spreading its prophecies pro open no
4 Dec 9 '23 eng>eng Stayed lean didn't start creating a bloated administrative structure pro closed no
4 Nov 18 '23 eng>eng swinging guardrail to guardrail swinging wildly between different strategies / with no consistent course of action pro closed ok
4 Sep 26 '23 fra>eng on va me recevoir à coups de pompes they would/will give me a bashing for welcome pro closed no
- Aug 19 '23 eng>fra flashing at me Ça s'annonce vraiment mal! / Ça va vraiment mal tourner! / Désastre à l'horizon! pro closed ok
4 Aug 12 '23 eng>fra Power Dressing 2.0 les habits (image) de pouvoir version 2.0 / nouvelle génération pro closed ok
- Jul 20 '23 fra>eng carte d'assermentation warrant card pro closed ok
4 Jul 20 '23 fra>eng rupture de période d'essai avec dispense d'exécution du préavis termination of trial period with no obligation to work the notice period pro closed ok
- Jul 7 '23 eng>eng Ur-Slavic A great expert in Proto-Slavic pro closed no
4 Jun 22 '23 fra>eng obligations exorbitantes du droit commun obligations outside of general law pro closed ok
- Jun 8 '23 eng>... dally узимати олако pro closed ok
4 Jun 8 '23 ...>eng Okoštao sclerosed system pro closed ok
- Jun 3 '23 eng>fra You don't know the half of it. tu n'en sais même pas la moitié pro closed no
4 May 24 '23 fra>eng plafonné the counting stops at a threshold defined depending on ... pro closed no
4 May 16 '23 fra>eng rapport de couverture .. recently exposed in the media for acting on behalf of British Gas ... pro closed no
4 Apr 13 '23 fra>eng Je donne ma langue au chat I can't answer that question (implicitly: because I don't know)// you tell me pro closed no
- Apr 11 '23 fra>eng les années 1870-1880 the 1970s and the 1880s pro just_closed no
- Mar 29 '23 fra>eng DRT&ENJX.MDE CONTEMP Law and Global Challenges of the Modern World pro closed no
- Mar 17 '23 eng>eng he has the Terminex people out a question of viewpoint pro closed no
4 Mar 15 '23 eng>fra grease valve stem guide—fully open and close—return to original position and loc graissez le guide-tige de la vanne - ouvrez et fermez complètement - revenez à la position d'origine pro closed no
4 Feb 24 '23 eng>... trenched [подлога је била] натопљенa pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '23 eng>eng represent firms are a (hopefully representative] sample from firms pro closed no
- Feb 4 '23 fra>eng Indemnité différentielle au SMIC top-up to SMIC (payment) // complement to SMIC (payment) pro closed no
- Jan 15 '23 eng>eng BE AN EXERCISE = BE AN EXERCISE IN FUTILITY? the investigation will be done without any intention of getting any substantial result. pro open no
4 Jan 12 '23 eng>fra exercised Appareil(s) en option d'achat ... exercée par l'Acheteur pro closed no
- Jan 8 '23 ...>eng Zameriti se nekome don't want to antagonise them pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '23 fra>eng être à une atteinte près for CCC that's far from being the only personal attack against BBB pro closed no
- Dec 30 '22 eng>fra Government impositions règles imposées par le gouvernement pro closed no
4 Dec 16 '22 eng>eng drop the rope of your struggle stop fighting against reality (/imagining you will change the world) pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '22 eng>eng Indian chiefs Doctors, lawyers, and anyone else loaded (with money) pro closed no
- Nov 24 '22 .cr>eng Rad na normu demanding performance targets pro closed no
- Nov 17 '22 eng>fra hand-to-pocket accounting comptabilité au pifomètre / pifométrique pro closed ok
- Nov 14 '22 eng>eng moving and still defending from opposite team. see explanation pro closed no
4 Oct 16 '22 eng>eng Label "quality marks" / "seals of approval" / "credentials" / "badges of honour" are created and .. pro closed no
- Sep 29 '22 eng>fra spoofing of communications protection des communications contre le leurrage pro closed ok
- Sep 11 '22 fra>eng Seulement pour elles, c’est bien pire (but) what is more, (regarding these pictures) there is s.t. even worse pro just_closed no
- Sep 3 '22 eng>fra Ride to the bottom (déclancher) la dégringolade (des salaires) vers le fond / faire couler les salaires jusqu'au fond pro closed no
- Aug 22 '22 fra>eng Attestation particulière Customised cerficate - requirements (for Diploma award) satisfied pro closed ok
- Aug 23 '22 fra>eng biais horaire clock bias pro open no
- Jul 28 '22 fra>eng hebdo a use-by date of 60 days end of week of production pro closed no
- Jun 28 '22 fra>eng Circulation nationale driving in France pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '22 eng>eng effort at task I have to make some more effort than usual to do any task pro closed no
- Jun 4 '22 eng>eng Out of nicks, into nacks! let's get changed! pro closed ok
4 Jun 1 '22 eng>eng University of Montana we've seen a trial recently... pro closed no
- May 30 '22 eng>eng to trip off [...] was triggering (/ causing) the recording of cases with specific ICD codes pro closed no
3 Apr 30 '22 fra>fra informations miaraka disclose your personal information to just anyone / following any random query pro closed no
4 Apr 22 '22 fra>eng le site est passé au bleu Site No Longer Maintained pro closed no
- Mar 29 '22 fra>eng sans merci why then having no mercy for the Virginia deer pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered