Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 25 '09 eng>rus “off the scale” ниже их стандартов pro closed no
4 May 22 '09 eng>rus come to me quickly, my love Приходи ко мне скорее, любовь моя pro closed no
- May 22 '09 eng>rus i miss you so much Очень скучаю по тебе. easy closed no
- Apr 26 '09 eng>rus Jack London, Martin Eden Юноша, одержимый любовью, мог умереть за поцелуй, но не за тридцать тысяч долларов в год! pro closed no
- Feb 23 '09 eng>rus a been-there-done-that приедается; при повторении теряется интерес к предмету pro closed no
- Oct 26 '08 eng>ukr Once whetted, her vengeance sought a new target. Вона розпалила [в собі] вогонь помсти, який тепер шукав нову жертву. pro closed no
- Sep 16 '08 eng>rus Richness lies in excellence, not in abundance. Богатство не в имуществе, а в таланте. pro closed no
- Jan 29 '08 eng>rus Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. каждый человек со временем стареет, а вот повзрослеть удается не каждому. pro closed ok
4 Dec 4 '07 ukr>eng прокол What kind of screwup are you talking about? There is no screw up at all. Everything is ok. pro closed no
4 Dec 3 '07 ukr>eng Ты що, сказився! Are you mad? (literally: Have you gone rabid?) pro closed no
4 Nov 8 '07 eng>rus our history will be what we make of it мы сами создаем свою историю pro closed ok
4 Oct 12 '07 eng>rus a break or a continuity разрыв или непрерывность pro closed no
- May 24 '06 eng>rus Liar, liar, pants on fire на воре и шапка горит pro closed no
- May 11 '06 rus>eng звучать серебряными переливами the silvering echo of Lady's voice reverberated in the fathomless ravine pro closed no
- Apr 8 '06 rus>eng заглядывал в овощные ряды passed through greengrocery pro closed ok
- Mar 31 '06 rus>eng У меня всегда так бывает That's the story of my life pro closed ok
- Mar 31 '06 eng>rus impact влияние pro closed no
- Mar 31 '06 rus>eng Фраза... If I were miraculously granted freedom, even for a minute... pro closed ok
- Mar 31 '06 rus>eng У меня всегда так бывает It happens to me all the time pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered