Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Sep 29 '08 fra>eng "la poule faisait la chasse aux poules the police were going after the prostitutes pro closed no
- Mar 6 '08 fra>eng muguet young man pro closed no
4 Oct 10 '07 fra>eng bord cadre(meaning) edge of the picture/photo/frame easy closed no
- Sep 25 '07 fra>eng Car le ramage est aussi beau que le plumage As the reality really does live up to the hype pro closed no
- Jul 9 '07 fra>eng Chacun à son métier doit toujours s'attacher "I am rightly served, for why did I attempt the art of healing, when my father only taught me the tr pro closed ok
- Jun 12 '07 fra>eng HELP! (Paul d'Aigremont?) un peu plus d'infos easy closed no
4 May 30 '07 fra>eng à preuve les deux francs-bourgeois bit more info pro closed no
- May 29 '07 fra>eng gigasse tall pro closed ok
- May 24 '07 fra>eng à l'échapade steal pro closed ok
4 May 21 '07 fra>eng la foire aux bestiaux est ouverte(meaning) the meat market is open easy closed no
4 May 17 '07 fra>eng de ces profondeurs pétillantes que plus rien n’existe of these sparkling underworlds nothing more remains pro closed no
NP May 15 '07 fra>eng fret stiff breeze pro closed ok
NP May 14 '07 fra>eng affin que cette feste ne fut troublé d'aucuns cottés whereby the wedding company might not suffer trouble from any quarter pro closed ok
- May 14 '07 fra>eng Landerneau stink pro closed no
NP Jan 10 '07 fra>eng perdait ses à-coups gradually stopped racing pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered