Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 25 '22 por>eng corpo-incarnado material/temporal body pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '20 eng>esl In the eye of the storm en el corazón de la tormenta pro closed ok
- May 14 '20 fra>eng ll ne faut pas tout craindre, mais il faut tout préparer One/People should not be completely overpowered by fear, but should be prepared for anything pro closed no
- Nov 8 '18 fra>eng il n'y a pas cet intervalle étanche que postulent le positivisme there is no clear-cut separation that is postulated by positivism pro closed ok
- Sep 2 '17 por>eng lente apurada from the point of view of philosophy, which makes all of those things come into sharper focus pro closed no
- Aug 29 '16 eng>esl Cynicism esceptismo/desengaño pro just_closed no
- Jun 18 '15 fra>eng l’être-homme human essence/the essence of being pro closed no
- Jun 15 '15 por>eng Desamor antipathy pro closed ok
- Nov 3 '14 fra>eng ontologiquement engageante which is involving, ontologically speaking pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '11 eng>esl holding firm esta idea se ha mantenido firme desde pro open no
- Jul 31 '11 esl>eng arrojar makes manifest/results in the manifestation of pro closed ok
- Jul 31 '11 esl>eng adyace approximates pro closed ok
4 Jun 19 '11 ita>eng diffondersi enlarges upon pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '09 ita>eng un eroismo dell’io privato personal heroism pro closed no
- Aug 14 '09 ita>eng retorica monumentale monumental/imposing/grand rhetoric pro closed no
- Feb 11 '09 esl>eng título de grado degree pro closed ok
- Dec 6 '08 esl>eng se hayan ocupado de have taken a look at pro closed ok
- Aug 31 '08 eng>esl ideas-cluster enjambre de ideas pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered